Bag will protect approx.1/4 acre lot with home. For rattlesnakes, it will take 2 - 4 lb. Use as an area repellent to clear snakes from the area. Snake-A-Way is a patented snake repellent that works effectively on both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.
Pressure cylinder with pressure control valve, allows for the sprayer to have pressure limits at 15, 30, 45, and 60 PSI. Keep Your Solo Sprayer in Working Order with a Replacement Pressure Cylinder.
If Archer Insect Growth Regulator is used at the recommended dosage rate each pint size bottle will cover an estimated 8,000 to 16,000 square feet depending on target pest. With only one application, Archer can provide up to seven months of flea and tick...
Cutless 0.33G is a systemic growth regulator for growth supression of outdoor perennial landscape ornamental plants. Perennial Landscape and container grown ornamental plants Apply Cutless 0.33G over the treatment area with a spreader Time required for...
In 1 quart of water, treating 400 linear feet with a 6-inch spray band. Indoor applications can be made to bedding, floors and base boards. Unlike Riptide insecticide Vector Ban Plus is a residual insecticide and will control spiders and other crawling...
SSL-167 Square Nut by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G sprayers. Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. Secures the tip assembly to the valve extension.
Close tunnel with soil. You'll know you have hit the tunnel when the soil resistance beneath the area where you probe gives off, and your metal probe sinks deep underground, deeper than all the areas where you have previously probed.
Cut the tip at a slight angle, leaving the lip on the spout so you can cap the partially used containers Load the cartridge in a caulking gun and break the seal. When applying repellent, press against the surface to help ensure good adhesion.
Our most powerful model features a rechargeable battery and included backpack straps so you can easily transport and use your FlowZone wherever and whenever you need to- no pumping required.
Application in late summer or in periods of dry weather when plants are not actively growing may result in unsatisfactory control. So where mixed brush and broadleaf weeds dominate, consider tank-mixing Remedy Ultra with other popular herbicides for broader-spectrum...
Replace the products when they are dusty for maximum performance. JT Eaton Stick Em Rat/Mouse Traps come with a peanut butter scent attractant that aid in luring unsuspecting mice toward the trap.
Areas than should be treated include garages,weep holes, stairways, porches, decks, and directly to the nesting areas. Cynoff Insecticide Dust can be applied outdoors as well, by hand or by duster.
The Aegis Anchor Rat Bait Station from Liphatech has proven itself to be the most effective bait station on the market today. For the control of rats, place stations approximately 25' apart.
EpestSolutions offers the best weed control products and do it yourself pest control at the right prices with the fastest delivery. Designed for use on weeds which are growing along the shoreline of ponds or lakes.
Eventual plant death usually occurs within 1 to 4 weeks after treatment. Tribute Total can also be used as a transition aid for the removal of overseeded cool season grasses from turfgrass.
The PRO's aluminium steam wand gives the user a full 46cm/18in of reach (14in nozzle plus 4in handle) with a powerful stream of steam. For use with the Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Cleaner
Curved tip is designed for treating voids behind walls and cabinets. Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. The Curved Tip comes standard on the Versafoamer HH Unit.
Onslaught Insecticide is for use indoors and outdoors in food and non-food areas homes schools warehouses office buildings apartment buildings theatres hotels industrial buildings motels kennels livestock housing food processing plants food service establishments...
Utilizes Brandenburg Universal Glue Board In areas with limited space, the sleekly designed Genus Spectra Compact provides the perfect solution for flying insect control. The sleekly designed Genus Spectra Compact is ideal for use in areas where space...
• Stand alone or wall mounted for greater flexibility
• Innovative aesthetic design
• Electronic ballast for reduced energy cost
• Available with sleeved bulbs for safety or standard bulbs
Simply slide it on to your chair or similarly sized furniture and zip it up using the patented "zipper with a Hook" to protect against both existing and future infestations. Bed bugs Dust mites Bacteria and Mold.
The Blackhawk is capable of dispersing disinfectants, deodorizers, germicides, and insecticides. The Curtis Dyna-Fog BlackHawk 2620 Fogger was designed for a wide range of jobs with maximum efficiency for handling petroleum-based products.
• Engine:44Hp; 33kW
• Automatic shut-off valve enables single-person operation by allowing operator to fog while driving
DO NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM APPLICATION RATE OF ½ A CUP PER BURROW The product should start working in treated areas in 4 to 5 days after the first bait application. This product contains two active ingredients that handle both California Ground Squirrels...
Use 24D lv6 Herbicide to protect ornamental turf crops and plants in fallow land rice fields and nonresidential lawns. See label for full list of weeds. You can also use it on or around: See label for tank mixes in both crop and non-crop areas.
When you combine this low price with it's effective killing prowess, there's no better deal than JT Eaton Kills Bed Bugs Plus. Use the spray according to the instructions and spray it over the infested area.
The B&G 3.5" Stainless Steel Injector needle fits in the B&G 4 way Cracks and Crevices tip on the B&G Sprayers and is held in place with the retainer ring. Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item.