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American Brand Permethrin Granules
Prices start at : 23.27 USD / 25 Pound Bag

Use 3.2 ounces for each 100 sq. Permethrin Granules kills on contact and protects your home from invading ants. It's a two part granule that have both a dry and wet activated ingredient.
PAK 27
Prices start at : 118.52 USD / 50 Pound Bag

PAK 27 is an effective and environmental compatible algaecide that can be used as both a selective and broad-spectrum algae control solution Blue-green algae in lakes ponds drinking water reservoirs irrigation drainage and conveyance ditches canals laterals...
PV-266 (22027200)
Prices start at : 4.12 USD / Each

PV-266 (22027200) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G sprayers. Description: replacement check valve for B&G pump cylinders Material/Construction: Rubber Used For: replacement check valve for repairing a...
JT Eaton Apple Bait Blocks
Prices start at : 39.99 USD / 9 Pound

Comes with a 1-year limited warranty to protect against defects in material and workmanship. It is perfect for garages or basements to keep those rodents away. The active ingredient is Diphacinone which efficiently eliminates smaller rodents and pests...
Prices start at : 151.7 USD / 6 Pound

Ft Mancozeb 15% Copper hydroxide 46.1% 48 x 2 oz WSP Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as needed. Apply as a thorough cover spray 2 - 4 oz per 1,000 sq. Algae Brown Patch Dollar Spot Leaf Rust Stem Rust Stripe Rust Copper Spot and many more Greenhouse Nursery...
Brio 500CC Triangular Brush
Prices start at : 25 USD / Each

Triangular Brush for multi-purpose use with the Brio 500CC Steam Cleaning System. Fore use with the Brio 500CC Steam Cleaning System
Cutless MEC TGR
Prices start at : 826.87 USD / 1 Gallon

Cutless has no adverse effects on turfgrass root systems and helps encourage more tillers and stolons, with the net effect of increasing turf density. The smaller leaf area results in less water loss due to transpiration.
Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide (Spike)
Prices start at : 47.52 USD / 25 Pound Bag

It comes in two sizes a 4-pound bag effective for smaller jobs, and a 25-pound bag for more industrial jobs that cover more territory. Areas getting less than 20 inches of rainfall per year do not apply more than 10 pounds per acre per year.
Pyranha Bug Armor Mosquito Misting Concentrate
Prices start at : 74.27 USD / 64 Ounce

Controls stable flies, horse flies, horn flies, house flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, gnats, lice, fleas, ticks, mites, crickets, cockroaches, silverfish and spiders. Spray can also be used in horse and livestock barns, milk rooms, dairies and kennels.
NyGuard Plus Flea & Tick Aerosol
Prices start at : 21.77 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Cockroaches dust mites carpet beetles and lice. After years in the pest control market and working alongside Entomologists, we have developed a 100% Guaranteed Flea Control Kit that has been tested and proven to work on fleas and tick, or we will refund...
Cyper WP Insecticide
Prices start at : 8.66 USD / (4x9.5) Packet

Cyper WSP is the best insecticide to kill scorpions, black widows and other spiders because it is a larger crystallized formulation. It comes in an envelope with 4 water soluble packets or a 1lb container with 48 water soluble packets .
VC-152 Valve Cable 8\' (22045300)
Prices start at : 23.85 USD / Each

Features: Sold by the individual part Material/Construction: Stainless Steel Used For: Repairing used equipment. VC-152 Valve Cable 8' (22045300) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G products.
MistAway Straight Nozzle Hago 45 Degree
Prices start at : 240 USD / Each

Use on continuous runs of tubing. However, at Solutions Pest & Lawn we are quite partial to the slimline nozzles over the Hago nozzles because they are smaller and more subtle and shoot their mist out with better flow.
Black Out Pest Control Foam
Prices start at : 11.18 USD / 22 Ounce

(1342 M) 3/8" (9.5 mm) BEAD = 1957 ft. (336 m) Polyurethane Foam Each Can Yields: 1/4" (6.3 mm) BEAD = 4403 ft. Black Out Expanding Foam Applicator Gun is required for the use of this product.
Mistaway Gen III Plus (w/smartcap)
Prices start at : 4603.21 USD / Each

Mistaway mosquito misting systems provide instant kill and relief from spiders, mosquitoes, flies, gnats, and other flying insects. Connect Nozzle Circuit to Misting Unit To 1/4" bulkhead fitting at right rear corner of unit.
  •  * digital dosing with amazing accuracy.
  •  * siphon control prevents insecticide loss due to siphon action
  •  * multiple zones allow doubling of supported nozzles.
  •  * In contrast to Gen III (and Gen II), where the controller read data from a RFID tag on bottle's PRO-CAP to control dosing, this information is stored in the controller's memory. The Gen III+ Plus Cap does not contain any RFID technology.
  •  * Bellows pump used to dose insecticide concentrate.
Mural Fungicide
Prices start at : 345.45 USD / 1 Pound

Mural Fungicide is used on ornamentals vegetable plants and more. This fungicide can be applied as a foliar spray, direct spray to stem, or drenched. Please refer to the product label attached for a full list.
Prices start at : 1361.98 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Pyronyl 525 targets flies and other flying insects in livestock quarters corrals feedlots and meat and poultry plants Pyronyl 525 Oil can be applied as an indoor space spray contact spray surface spray or thermal fogging application When flies and other...
Mistaway 15\
Prices start at : 314 USD / Each

Free-standing risers are used in flower and/or mulch beds. Misting insecticide is toxic to fish. Riser Nozzle can be mounted on most anything solid such as fencing, trees, structures like the house, garage, shed, pool house, etc.
Regulate Select
Prices start at : 399.99 USD / 1 Gallon

Regulate Select works both through contact action with the root system, as well as systemic movement through the entire plant. Can be used on turf and ornamentals. Prepare no more spray mixture than is required for the immediate operation.
MistAway Slimline Nozzle Tip
Prices start at : 9.65 USD / Each

MistAway Slimline Replacement Nozzle Tip comes complete with the spring, ball and filter. Insert the new MistAway Slimline Nozzle Tip and twist the tip back together. It could be in need of a new nozzle The MistAway Slimline Replacement Nozzle can be...
Payload Bare Ground Herbicide
Prices start at : 995.3 USD / 12 Pound

If you need a new product for your bare-ground management account, this is the way to go. • The formulation is pretty powerful exhibiting injury evidence in as little as 24 hours.
Brio 250CC Plastic Scraper
Prices start at : 4 USD / Each

The BRIO scraper is the perfect tool for those gooey, gummy messes that only a scraper will do. For use with the Brio 250CC Steam Cleaning System
Xcluder 4\
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / Each

XCLUDER can be cut to any size or shape with ordinary scissors. XCLUDERtm is permanent and "Eco-Friendly". XCLUDERtm Fill Fabric brings ease of installation and the most cost effective exclusion material to the industry.
Dyna-Fog Model 1200
Prices start at : 16999.99 USD / Each

Faster coverage saves man hours & truck time. 120 gal/hr (454 L/hour) Enables you to fog three times faster than conventional vehicle mounted foggers. An hour meter, a temperature gauge, two 120 volt AC receptacles, a heavy duty 12 volt DC battery and...
Kaput Mouse Blocks
Prices start at : 38.75 USD / 22 Pound

Use a tamper-resistant bait station when children, pets, or non-target wildlife are present. They are a health hazard to humans, and their presence could contaminate food supplies as well generate viruses that cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, that...
  •  Maintain a fresh bait supply for 10 days.
  •  Maintain a fresh bait supply for 15 days.
Talstar Granules
Prices start at : 34.92 USD / 25 Pound Bag

This unique granule is heavy and virtually dust-free, so it won't drift off target or wash away with irrigation or rainfall. Talstar Granules kill ants chinch bugs cutworms mealybugs centipedes fleas ticks imported fire ants scorpions and sow bugs.
Black Out Expanding Foam Applicator Gun
Prices start at : 33.73 USD / Each

They are Teflon coated for easier cleaning. The Ultra Gun will give you increased output with a bigger bead. The top load, all steel guns are durable and perform like more expensive models.