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Pest Control Horticulture Supplies For Sale In Wichita

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Niban Granular Bait
Prices start at : 13.37 USD / 1 Pound

DO so in the evening for best results. If a nest or hollow is located apply 1 z of product directly into cavity. Niban Pesticide Granular Bait is a highly effective granular bait used against ants and other pests.
Fastrac Blox Poison Bait
Prices start at : 60.62 USD / 4 Pound

Bromethalin is the key ingredient in many rodenticides such as Fastrac blox. Fastrac Blox will quickly kill the target pests usually in 12- 48 hours after initial feeding. Containing many gnawing edges and a hole through each block, makes this product...
Tordon RTU Herbicide
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / 32 Ounce

It comes in a convenient ready to use (RTU) formulation in a handy one quart bottle with an applicator tip. Among the best methods to get rid of trees is the cut stump method and Tordon RTU (5.4% Picloram and 20.9% 2,4-d) is the best herbicide for the...
Sepro Blue Colorant
Prices start at : 951.67 USD / Case

The packets will dissolve on their own while spreading the dye for you Each packet will treat 1 acre of water at a depth of 1 foot 50 - 5.25 oz water-soluble packets SePRO Blue colorant is a non-toxic blend of environmentally friendly dyes formulated...
Dog & Cat Stopper Repellent
Prices start at : 19.09 USD / each

Keeps cats and dogs from digging, bedding down, or entering into flower beds or other landscape areas. 2.5 lbs cover 1,800 sq ft. Works by smell, taste, and feel. Deter dogs and cats safely and naturally! Safe repellent made from all-natural ingredients...
  • Weight: 2.5 Pounds
  • Available in 2 & 1/2 lb jar or 5 lb container: Specs
Solo 425 HD Backpack Sprayer 4 Gallon
Prices start at : 125.99 USD / Each

Sprayer is equipped with easy-moving pumps with large cylinder capacity for extended but comfortable operation. With its connecting rod-activated piston pump, the 425 is capable of producing a wide pressure range of up to 60 psi, and is capable of performing...
Atrix Backpack HEPA Vacuum/Blower
Prices start at : 300 USD / Each

HEPA filter bag for extended time between bag changes Converts to a blower to help clean those hard-to-reach areas Ergonomic Comfortable Powerful, 1400 Watt, 12 Amp Hepa filter reduces the risk of virus and bacteria dispersion What's included: (1) Backpack...
Avid 0.15 EC Miticide
Prices start at : 95.99 USD / 8 Ounce

For more specific treatment instructions refer to label above. Abamectin 2.0% Avid Miticide is a popular miticide product that can provide expert control of mites and learminers which you may find on your lawn or garden.
221L Residual Insecticide Aerosol
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / 20 Ounce Can

221L Residual Insecticide can be used in and around the following locations; Apartments Campgrounds food Storage Areas Homes Hospitals Hotels Meat Packing and Food Processing Plants Motels Nursing Homes Resorts Restaurants Schools Supermarkets Transportation...
Driver Cap for 30-Year Deer Fence Galvanized Steel Posts
Prices start at : 26.19 USD / each

That way, you won't bend the ground sleeves, and you'll save lot of time with installation! Note: Each driver cap will last for installing between 30-40 ground sleeves. Makes installation of those steel posts so much easier, really cuts down on installation...
  • You will need one drive cap for every 21 posts (the drive caps will begin to mushroom from constant use): Application Rates
Imazapyr 2 SL Herbicide
Prices start at : 60.54 USD / 1 Gallon

The mix rate for Imazapyr does not matter. Imazapyr 2 SL Herbicide can control vines and brambles such as field bindweed hedge bindweed wild buckwheat honeysuckle morningglory poison ivy redvine wild rose trumpetcreeper virginia creeper and wild grape.
B&G Gasket Repair Kit GD-124
Prices start at : 37.15 USD / Each

The B&G GD-124 Gasket Kit (22050100) contains the following parts for the B&G Prime Line Sprayer and Extenda Ban Wand The B&G Gasket Kit GD-124 includes the following B&G parts: Check Valve (BG-PV-266), Tank Gasket (BG-P-268), Plate Spreader (BG-NP-270),...
Captain XTR
Prices start at : 117.53 USD / 2.5 Gallon

In hot weather or when fish are stressed treat the pond in sections at a time. If your pond is 75% covered, treat only 1/2 of algae infestion, wait 10 - 14 days before treating the other side.
Suspend SC
Prices start at : 41.22 USD / 1 Gallon

Suspend SC comes with many advantages: it leaves no visible residue, has virtually no odor, and won't clog spray equipment. Suspended SC contains the high-powered deltamethrin as a active ingredient which comes in the form of pure micro-crystals.
Patch Pro Fungicide
Prices start at : 45.99 USD / 16 Ounce

Limit application to no more 16 oz per 1,000 ft per year and no more than 5.4 gals. Treats up to 32,000 sq ft 14.3% Propiconazole Properly diagnose the disease before using any fungicide, including Patch Pro.
CB-80 Insecticide Aerosol
Prices start at : 23.23 USD / 16 Ounce

When installing the straw you want to hold onto the straw almost at the very end and then force it into the hold which will be a very exact fit. CB-80 Insecticide Aerosol coverage depends on treatment area as well as target pest and infestation size.
Kaput Combo Prairie Dog Bait (Oat)
Prices start at : 188.31 USD / 30 Pound Bag

Make sure no bait is left on the soil surface. Continue visiting the site at an interval of 1 to 2 days after the first visit. Prairie Dogs and their fleas For use by licensed professionals only.
Optigard Flex Liquid Insecticide
Prices start at : 56.21 USD / 8 Ounce

Void application, applied from indoors or outdoors. Per 1 - 10 gallons of water (0.05% - 0.1%) Thiamethoxam - 21.6% Optigard Flex as a liquid: Use liquid applicators (compressed air sprayers, backpack, or power sprayers).
  •  Advanced non-repellent chemistry with low use rates that transfers throughout social insect colonies
  •  Systemic activity by the active ingredient thiamethoxam in plants helps control honeydew-producing insects found in landscape environments that serve as food source for ant pests
Halo 45 Aqua Fly Light
Prices start at : 320.27 USD / Each

The side access to the glue boards makes the task of replacing them quick and painless. This stainless steel unit offers commercial efficiency with a contemporary discreet look for a wide range of applications.
Dos Flea and Crawling
Prices start at : 19.35 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Dos Flea and Crawling Insect Spray aerosol features Dual-Spray Action (DSA) for efficient broadcast, surface, crack-and-crevice and spot control of fleas, ants, cockroaches, spiders, ticks, carpet beetles and other pests.
Sampling Filter (6 pack)
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / Each

The ATISF-U15 single-use disposable dust sampling filter has been designed and engineered to be able to be used with most vacuum cleaners as it has a hose end receptacle that is 1.24” I.D. and 1.50” O.D. The utensil end measures 1.07” I.D. and 1.21”...
Gentrol Complete Aerosol
Prices start at : 26.32 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Insert extension tube into actuator and spray directly into cracks, crevices, holes and other small openings. For crack and crevice treatment, use extension tube, if available, to apply product.
Diuron 80df Herbicide
Prices start at : 41.51 USD / 5 Pound

See label for more specific applications on crop sites. Diuron 80 DF Herbicide is for use in certain crops and in non-crop sites. Diuron 80 DF is an effective general herbicide for the control of many annual and perennial grasses and herbaceous weeds...
Malathion Liquid Concentrate
Prices start at : 113.31 USD / 1 Gallon

Follow spray schedule given in spray chart. This formulation features long-lasting residual action, making it a cost effective option. For fruits and vegetables, follow days to harvest instructions according to label.
Dicamba Plus 2,4-D Herbicide
Prices start at : 112.47 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Do not make spot treatments in addition to broadcast or band treatments. Dicamba + 2,4-D Herbicide (generic Weedmaster) by Alligare LLC is a selective post-emergent herbicide used for controlling a wide spectrum of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf...
Bugstop Hot House Furniture Bag
Prices start at : 5900 USD / Each

After laying the Hothouse on the floor, infected items are placed inside on foam blocks to allow for unobstructed air flow throughout. Fast & Easy Set Up Portable Industrial Strength Heater Recirculates Hot Air Flame Resistant Proven Lab & Field Tested...
Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Nozzle with Brass Tip
Prices start at : 25 USD / Each

For use with the Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Cleaner Our standard black steam nozzle is equipped with the added feature of a brass tip so the steam is dryer and hotter.