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Pest Control Horticulture Supplies For Sale In Miami

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Plantskydd Water-Soluble Deer, Rabbit and Elk Repellent Spray
Prices start at : 35.99 USD / each

It lasts 3-4 months in summer and up to 6 months in winter! Plus, it's a foliar fertillizer, too! This all-natural deer repellent lasts up to 3-4 months during the growing season, AND up to 6 months over winter.
  • Size: 1 lb (treats 180 - 270 seedlings)
Brio 500CC Extension Tubes (2pk)
Prices start at : 20 USD / Each

Reach high and hard to get places with these extension tubes. For use with the Brio 500CC Steam Cleaning System.
B&G Packing Nut With O-Ring
Prices start at : 18.43 USD / Each

The B&G Packing Nut with O-Ring is a part of the handle of the spray wand for the B&G Sprayers. Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. The B&G item can take 5-7 business day for shipping.
Mistaway Wind Sensor
Prices start at : 387.73 USD / Each

Part Number 10931 Prevents unit from executing a scheduled mist if windspeed is above preset value. No matter the windspeed, the unit will still respond to a MIST command from a remote transmitter.
Shatter Termite Bait
Prices start at : 27.11 USD / Each

It is an environmentally sensible solution with a minimal amount of bait and requires no drilling in floors or trenching around the home. Low impact on human health and low potential for groundwater contamination.
MistAway Slimline Ball And Spring (100pk)
Prices start at : 68.99 USD / Each

Part Number 10197 Mosquitoes Mistaway Mosquito Misting Systems Product code: 2250 Used to rebuild nozzle tip. If you have a few nozzles with excessive drip after a misting, unscrew them and change out the Ball & Spring valves.
Bifen IT Insecticide
Prices start at : 14.93 USD / 1 Gallon

Bifen I/T works against over 75 different types of pests Bifen IT should be mixed at a rate of 1oz per gallon of water for most pests and can be used indoors as a crack and crevice treatment and outdoors as a perimeter application or broadcast.
Nylon Clamp 3/8\
Prices start at : 9.46 USD / Each

You can be up and running with your misting system in a few short hours. The second is the MistAway Mosquito Misting System by MistAway Systems, also located in Houston, Texas. The setup to install either of these items are also very easily and do not...
Mojave 70 EG Herbicide
Prices start at : 60.65 USD / 25 Pound Bag

Once sprayed no vegetation will grow for up to 1 year. Mojave 70 EG Herbicide can control grasses such as bluegrass bahiagrass barnyardgrass bermudagrass cattail crabgrass dallisgrass fescue goosegrass itchgrass johnsongrass lovegrass kentucky bluegrass...
Barricade 4FL Herbicide
Prices start at : 164.99 USD / 1 Gallon

The maximum application rate for Fine Fescue is 10 to 24 ounces of the product per acre or .23 to .55 ounces of the product per 1,000 square feet. • The powerful formulation of this product will provide long-lasting control of targeted weeds with a...
Rabbit Scram Professional
Prices start at : 114.78 USD / 25 Pound Bag

Rabbits, for example, can slowly destroy and create havoc in most home gardens, and flower beds, and if not properly treated they can multiply rapidly and turn your pristine garden into an unsightly mess of damage vegetables and plants.
3M Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator 7800S-M
Prices start at : 37.99 USD / Each

Cartridges are not included Available in air purifying respirator (APR), supplied air and powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) Compatible with attachable welding shield, Compatible with certain first responder cartridges, Compatible with certain powered...
  •  Can be used with a passive or electronic clip-on welding lens
  •  Double-flange faceseal and 6 adjustable straps help provide a secure fit
Deer Scram Professional 25 Lbs
Prices start at : 95.99 USD / 25 Pound Bag

Deer Plots Garden Beds Rows of Trees Shrubs Flowers or other edibles at risk for deer browsing damage Starting 15 inches from the edge of the landscaped area, apply a 20 inch wide band around the perimeter of the bed Find where the deer are entering the...
Orthene 97 Soluble Insecticide
Prices start at : 16.28 USD / 12 Ounce

Acephate, the active ingredient, gives ORTHENE 97 its powerful one-two punch of contact and systemic activity. Orthene 97 may be applied using aerial, ground and air blast or air assisted equipment.
SilenTrap Replacement Glue Boards 2pk
Prices start at : 23.01 USD / Each

CatchMaster 906 SilenTrap Fly Light 1-12pk of replacement glue boards for your CatchMaster 906 SilenTrap Fly Light Trap CatchMaster Adhesive Replace glue boards in your SilenTrap as needed with these CatchMaster glue boards made specifically for the intended...
Prices start at : 400.35 USD / Each

*Purge fluid remaining in nozzle circuit with compressed air. Lift drum lid (with mounted assembly) from drum and rotate/reposition so that pump intake line (and agitation j-tube, if equipped) is submerged inside 5 gallon bucket.
Talus 70DF IGR
Prices start at : 423.2 USD / 3 Pound

Without the ability to synthesize chitin, molting is incomplete, resulting in malformed pests that soon die Talus 70DF highly anticipated and exciting chemistry offers several benefits for the ornamental producer including a unique IGR mode of action,...
Bedlam Aerosol
Prices start at : 16.44 USD / 18 Ounce Can

On mattresses concentrate on tufts, folds, and seams. Bedlam Insecticide is a low odor formula great for bed bugs, lice, and fleas. Then spot treat only areas that may harbor pests.
  •  : Spray Bedlam in an inconspicuous area to test for possible staining or discoloration. Inspect again after drying, and then proceed to spray entire area to be treated. Hold container upright with nozzle away from you. Depress valve and spray from a distance of 8 to 10 inches. Spray each square foot for 5 seconds or until damp. Spray only those garments, parts of bedding, including mattresses and furniture that cannot be either laundered or dry-cleaned. Allow sprayed articles to dry thoroughly before use.
  •  : First thoroughly vacuum entire room concentrating on areas where mites congregate: such as mattresses, box springs, headboards, walls, floors, carpeting, and baseboards. Then spray Bedlam on surfaces until damp. On mattresses allow spray to dry thoroughly before replacing bedding.
NP-277 Polypropylene Cup (22029000)
Prices start at : 5.66 USD / Each

NP-277 Polypropylene Cup (22029000) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G sprayers. Description: replacement polypropylene cup for B&G sprayers Material/Construction: Polypropylene Used For: repairing loss...
Captain XTR
Prices start at : 117.53 USD / 2.5 Gallon

In hot weather or when fish are stressed treat the pond in sections at a time. Lyngbya Oscillatoria Microcystis Pithophora Rhizoclonium Filamentous Starry Stonewart Waters treated with Captain XTR Aquatic Algaecide may be used for swimming fishing watering...
Fly Pod Fly Trap
Prices start at : 80 USD / Each

Fly Pod Fly Trap is a contemporary insect control for homes and businesses incorporating patented glue board removal to ensure the user doesn't come close to the sticky glue boards or dead flies.
Deer & Rabbit Repellent Garlic Clips, Pack of 25
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

Placing the clips sideways prevents water from blocking the odor. Humans cannot detect this highly-concentrated oil. Safely and naturally deter deer and rabbits for up to 8 months! These Deer & Rabbit Repellent Garlic Clips contain organic, food-grade...

Product Benefits

    Product Features

      • Shelf life of 1+ years if seal is left unbroken: Product Benefits
      • Undetectable by humans: Product Benefits
      • Contain food-grade garlic oil: Product Features
      • Biodegradable plastic shell: Product Features
      • Clips per package: Varies: Specs
      Onyx Pro Tree Insecticide
      Prices start at : 129.99 USD / 32 Ounce

      Purchase Onyx Pro Tree Insecticide Today and Get Free Shipping! Labeled to treat more than 78+ species of insect pests. Thankfully, at Solutions Pest and Lawn we offer a wide selection of all the professional-grade products you will ever need to keep...
      Tri-Jet Fogger Commercial
      Prices start at : 279.99 USD / Each

      Tri-Jet Foggers can kill a wide variety of flies quickly and keeps fly populations down in animal stalls and barns. Simply pour in water and the fogging concentrate for the dilution rate recommended on the label, close the lid and you're ready to fog.
      Honda GX-160 Engine
      Prices start at : 349 USD / Each

      If your skid sprayer is in need of replacement, the Honda GX-160 engine can get your skid sprayer back and better than ever with it's unmatched power and performance. Common application: cement mixers.
      •  Precision camshaft design offers precise valve timing and optimal valve overlap for better fuel efficency
      •  Ergonomic, easy to grip recoil rope design
      •  Easily accessible spark plug
      •  Large automotive type fuel cap
      •  Heavy duty recoil starter
      •  Large fuel tanks
      Permethrin 13.3%
      Prices start at : 19.21 USD / 32 Ounce

      Permethrin 13.3% is a phenomenal insecticide with broad label. Spiders: Spray directly on these pests and to the webbing and all cracks and crevices which harbor spiders. Containing 13.3% permethrin, this product can be mixed with an insect growth regular...
      Protecta Rat Bait Station
      Prices start at : 14.38 USD / Each

      Measures 11 1/2" x 12" x 6 1/2" (approx. For the control of rats, place stations approximately 25' apart. A Trapper T-Rex rat trap can also be placed inside your Protecta Bait Station to enable quick removal of dead rodents.