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Pest Control Horticulture Supplies For Sale In Columbus

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New! Rodent Rocktm Bait Station
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

This bait station holds most types of rodent baits as well as traps. A spring-lock key system protects non-target mammals, pets, and children from accessing the bait. The Rodent Rock Bait Station provides a discreet rodent control solution for your garden.

Product Features

    • Material: Plastic: Specs
    • Tamper-resistant with spring-lock key system: Product Features
    • Removable insert tray allows for easy cleaning bait replacement: Product Features
    • Blends in with surrounding landscape: Product Features
    Cymex Natural Bed Bug Spray
    Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 32 Ounce

    Cymex is also labeled for fleas, dust mites, carpet beetles and household fungus. DOT maximizes the solubility, the rate of dissolution and the boric oxide content to give a borate active ingredient far superior to traditional boric acid or borax.
    Halo 45 Fly Light
    Prices start at : 250 USD / Each

    Halo 45 Fly Light covers 1300 sq ft Specifications Voltage 110V 45W Dimensions 23.2" x 15.9" x 4.6" Weight 14.3 lbs The glue boards can be easily changed from either side of the unit.
    BirdXPeller PRO Audio Bird Deterrent
    Prices start at : 294.42 USD / Each

    Version 1: Pigeons Starlings Sparrows Gulls and Robins. Adjust the volume to LOW before turning the unit on for the first time, then adjust the volume to the desired level. The unit must be installed in such a way as to prevent water or snow from contacting...
    Martin\'s Flea, Tick And Mange Dip
    Prices start at : 17.46 USD / 16 Ounce

    Fresh bedding should be placed after application. For here you can do a number of things, you could use the product to dip (a small kiddie pool should suffice), sponge or spray your dog with the product.
    Kaput-D Burrow Bldr Pocket Gopher Bait (Milo)
    Prices start at : 188.31 USD / 30 Pound Bag

    Remember to always collect and dispose of spilled bait responsibly where children, pets, or wildlife won't be able to come in contact with them. Construct artificial burrows at the same depth as existing gopher tunnels spaced about 20-30 feet apart.
    Weedtrine D Aquatic Herbicide
    Prices start at : 61.86 USD / 1 Gallon

    Add water to make 1 gallon of spray. Weedtrine D Aquatic Herbicide is a broad-spectrum liquid aquatic herbicide for use in and around still lakes ponds lagoons ditches non-crop or non-planted areas controlling a broad range of filamentous algae and submerged...
    Victor Tin Cat Glue Boards M309
    Prices start at : 0.79 USD / Each

    Pre-baited with a synthetic peanut butter bait, the glue board can be used inside the tin cat or as a stand-alone outside the tin cat. This glue board can be used inside the tin cat or as a stand-alone outside the tin cat.
    •  Prebaited with peanut butter scent
    •  No poisons to harm children or pets
    •  Can be tented for protection in dusty areas
    Optimate CS Insecticide
    Prices start at : 63 USD / 16 Ounce

    Optimate CS will kill and control the following insects: Ants Bed Bugs Bees Boxelder Bugs Carpenter Bees Carpet Beetles Centipedes Cigarette Beetles Clover Mites Cockroaches Confused Flour Beetles Crickets Earwigs Firebrats Fleas Flies Lesser Grain Borers...
    TrueTech 1000 Foamer 1 Gallon (TT1000)
    Prices start at : 379.99 USD / Each

    Termites ants small flies and other insects. The TrueTech 1000 compressed air sprayer has been designed to provide the pest control industry with maximum flexibility and effective application and treatment options.
    •  Foam helps in removing grease and dirt.
    •  Two liquid tips
    •  Three foam tips
    •  ProFoam Platinum has been tested by all major chemical producers for compatibility.
    •  One screen-check valve for liquid
    •  Foam provides deeper penetration into surfaces by reducing surface tension.
    Brio 250CC Microfiber Sanitizing Floor Pad
    Prices start at : 7 USD / Each

    For use with the Brio 250CC Steam Cleaning System
    Prices start at : 49.67 USD / 1 Gallon

    Featuring piperonyl butoxide, PBO-8 offers a pest control resistance management solution to maintain the effectiveness of your pest management products. This insecticide synergist provides additional power and performance to your insecticide products,...
    Mistaway Gen III Plus (w/smartcap)
    Prices start at : 4603.21 USD / Each

    The Gen 3 Misting system comes with network capabilities to let your system communcate with you about maintenance and when it needs to be refilled. The ability to change the water/insecticide ratio allows you to save money by using no more insecticide...
    •  * siphon control prevents insecticide loss due to siphon action
    •  * multiple zones allow doubling of supported nozzles.
    •  * leak detection shuts down machine if a leak is detected.
    •  * wind sensor inhibits operation in high winds (user settable.)
    •  * agitation provides consistent mist strength every time.
    Hydrothol Granular Aquatic Herbicide
    Prices start at : 129.99 USD / 20 Pound

    Apply with a hand scoop or hand held spreader. It's a one-two punch that can't be beat. Hydrothol has been sucessfully eliminating aquatic weeds for 25 years. The label says it all - pondweeds, naiads, milfoils, coontail, stargrass, hydrilla, canada waterweed...
    Detex Rodent Bait Blox with Lumitrack
    Prices start at : 39.79 USD / 8.8 Pound

    Rats and mice Residential commercial or industrial buildings Rats: Use 1 Detex Blox every 30 - 50 feet Aids in the tracking of entry points, pathways and nesting areas to improve your baiting strategy Made of 16 human food-grade ingredients 1 bucket contains...
    Imazapyr 2 SL Herbicide
    Prices start at : 60.54 USD / 1 Gallon

    Imazapyr 2 SL Herbicide can control vines and brambles such as field bindweed hedge bindweed wild buckwheat honeysuckle morningglory poison ivy redvine wild rose trumpetcreeper virginia creeper and wild grape.
    P-268 KoroSeal Tank Gasket
    Prices start at : 6.86 USD / Each

    P-268 K-Seal Tank Gasket (22028000) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G sprayers. Description : replacement tank gasket for B&G sprayers Material/Construction : rubber Used For: repairing tank lid leaks...
    45° Slimline Nozzle (Bag of 10)
    Prices start at : 124.99 USD / Each

    Slimline nozzles can be concealed better behind fencing and eaves. For more information about our mosquito misting systems and how they can be a great fixture for your home, give us a call or contact us online via live chat or email.
    Sevin SL Carbaryl Insecticide
    Prices start at : 132.99 USD / 2.5 Gallon

    Reapply as needed within labeled limits. For outdoor use only do NOT use inside dwellings. Varies with the application, see product label for details. Suitable for use in/on ornamental trees and plants turfgrass brassica (Cole) leafy vegetable crops fruiting...
    Mavrik Aquaflow Insecticide
    Prices start at : 112.99 USD / 32 Ounce

    Ft Mavrik Aquaflow will begin working immediately on contact or through ingestion 0.2–0.5 fl oz (1.3– 3 teaspoons) per 5 gallons of water Tau-fluvalinate 22.3% Mavrik Aquaflow will control aphids thrips mites ticks fleas ants earwigs and many others...
    Tengard SFR Permethrin Insecticide
    Prices start at : 23.99 USD / 1.25 Gallon

    It has a low odor and will kill over 75 insects in minutes. Subterranean termites and a broad range of general and ornamental insect control. Tengard contains permethrin, a popular active ingredient commonly used in pest control product and is known for...
    Mantis 1X2 Discretion Fly Light
    Prices start at : 222.5 USD / Silver

    Flying insects There is really no absolute rule to fly light positioning but they do need to be positioned in a way that draws flies away from the sensitive areas such as the eating common areas and food prep areas rather than towards them.
    Tandem Pro 23000CV AXSS Pad
    Prices start at : 20 USD / Each

    Long-wearing microfiber pad for cleaning floors, ceilings, walls with the Tandem Pro 2000CV Commercial Stream Cleaner. For use with the Tandem Pro 2000CV Commercial steam Cleaner Mop Attachment.
    Nemesis Ultima 80
    Prices start at : 641 USD / Each

    40 watt BL Shatter Resistant lamps. Nemesis Ultima 80 Commercial flylight is ideal for large spaces like factories and warehouses, and non-food preparation areas of food manufacturing, processing, and packaging factories.
    Oxadiazon 2G Pre-Emergent Herbicide (Ronstar)
    Prices start at : 109.99 USD / 50 Pound Bag

    Oxadiazon is primarily use to control Goosegrass. Oxadiazon can be used on turf grasses woody ornamentals commercial nurseries landscape ornamentals and golf courses. Each 50lb bag of Oxadiazon 2G will treat 1/4 acre or 12,000 square feet.
    Admiral Lake Colorant Dye
    Prices start at : 59.43 USD / 1 Gallon

    DO NOT apply directly to streams or water intended for human consumption and DO NOT apply to chlorine pools, as this will degrade the chlorine. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use.
    Brio Pro 1000CC
    Prices start at : 1299 USD / Each

    From hospitals and schools to restaurants and hotels the 1000CC beats the performance and price of comparable machines in the steam-cleaning category. The new Brio Pro 1000CC takes on the most challenging cleaning and sanitizing jobs with ease.
    •  1750W heating element
    •  250º F tip temperature (distance 0.8”)
    •  Higher body for efficient air-flow reduces internal heat
    •  15'4 power cord