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Pest Control Horticulture Supplies For Sale In Bakersfield

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IQ Standard Replacement Glueboards
Prices start at : 47.86 USD / Each

Product code: 3530 Replacment glue boards utilize an advanced insect pheromone- Triconzene z-9 for improved insect attractiveness, making them more effective than competitor's insect traps.
B&G NG-146 Nylon Gasket
Prices start at : 3.88 USD / Each

Keep extra lid gaskets on hand for emergencies. If you go through a lot of these lid gaskets, consider the B&G Heavy Duty Lid Gasket Replace as needed to keep a tight seal and good pressure.
Catchmaster 72MB Glue Board
Prices start at : 0.4 USD / Each

After use, dispose of the trap and captured rodent or insects in the trash. Avoid placing traps in corners indoors. To do this, first fold around the fold lines, remove the protective paper, and then slide the tab into the slit, creating a box for pests...
Phantom Aerosol
Prices start at : 27.89 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Chlorfenapyr 0.5% Phantom is a very popular insecticide aerosol spray developed by BASF. Phantom Pressurized Insecticide is the only liquid non-repellent. Do not reapply treated area more than every four weeks.
Mantis 1X2 Flying Insect Light Trap (220v)
Prices start at : 257.27 USD / Each

Mount horizontally. F Position 3 to 6 feet from floor. Can also be mounted on a table top using the freestanding bracket accessory (sold separately). Attractive, ultra slim, wall mounted unit (freestanding bracket available) compact and unintrusive.
Genus Spectra Compact Flylight
Prices start at : 130.15 USD / Each

Of continuous space Utilizes Brandenburg Universal Glue Board In areas with limited space, the sleekly designed Genus Spectra Compact provides the perfect solution for flying insect control.
  •  Faster catch rate with 36 Watt UVa bulb
  •  Electronic ballast for reduced energy cost
  •  Available with sleeved bulbs for safety or standard bulbs
  •  Designed to fit in areas with limited space
SP 1/4\
Prices start at : 14.73 USD / Each

Both of these great systems feature digital timers that are simple to set up and conveniently easy to operate. You can be up and running with your misting system in a few short hours.
Cynoff EC Insecticide
Prices start at : 62.99 USD / 32 Ounce

You can also give us a phone call at 800-479-6583 or online via live chat. All outdoor applications should be spot or crack-and-crevice treatments except for the following uses on soil or vegetation around structures; applications to lawns, turf, and...
Kaput Mole Gel Bait
Prices start at : 14.08 USD / 3 Ounce

To do this you will need to search for freshly dug dirt mounds and the tunnels systems beneath them. Inject half an ounce of bait (one-sixth of the contents of one syringe) through probe or shoveled open hole at each bait placement location.
  •  Determine layout of active burrow systems and locate main runways.
  •  Twist dosing ring to set proper dosage. Inject 1/2 oz bait per placement into tunnel, making up to 6 placements per burrow system.
Mantis 4X4 EX
Prices start at : 1978.33 USD / Each

Of trapping area. Suspended from the ceiling the system has four high powered 40-watt Quantum BL shatterproof lamps coated with a fluoropolymer (160-watts) backed by Reflectobakt sleeves to heighten the attractiveness to flies and insects alike while...
Wilco Ground Squirrel Bait
Prices start at : 48.61 USD / 4 Pound

Registered for sale in the following states ONLY AZ, CA, ID, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA Ground Squirrels Only around buildings including yards and flower gardens in secured tamper-resistant bait stations Use secure bait stations like the Wilco Ground Squirrel...
Halo Nitrile Gloves
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / Large

The gloves are 4 mil in thickness. Tip of fingers to wrist Made in the finest manufacturing facility offering high quality and consistency in every box. Micro-textured in the fingers for an enhanced grip in all situations.
Granomax 5 Spreader
Prices start at : 51.98 USD / Each

The sophisticated design of the spread head allows even spreading in any situation. The Granomax 5 has a clever carrying system and the 5 stage control is ideal for accurate granule flow rate.
  •  Easy lateral movements allow for coverage widths up to 6.5 feet
  •  Adjustable carrying strap
  •  Transparent connection funnel to see granule flow
  •  Granules up to 4mm particle size
Kaput Combo Prairie Dog Bait (Oat)
Prices start at : 188.31 USD / 30 Pound Bag

This product may only be used as an underground application. It comes in two sizes, a 30-pound bag, and a 50-pound bag that should prove to be more than enough for any rangeland. After initial application make a second bait application approximately 6...
Solutions Shurflo Spray Rig
Prices start at : 1030.56 USD / Each

This rig is perfect for every pest control truck and offers the quality you are looking for at a price that cannot be beat. It is a 25 gallon low profile space saving rig with a shurflo pump, full cox hose reel and 150' of 3/8" hose.
  •  Greene Garde Spray Gun
  •  Inline Strainer
  •  Shurflow Pump
  •  Lightweight Aluminum Frame
B&G 24\
Prices start at : 39.83 USD / Each

For use with the 24" Wands on the B&G Sprayers Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. The B&G item can take 5-7 business day for shipping. The 24" Valve Cable is for the 24" wands for the B&G Sprayers.
JT Eaton Strongbox
Prices start at : 22.8 USD / Rat Station

Since the Strongbox is an enclosed system, it deters consumption by pets or children. Mice and rats Indoor and Outdoor Commercial or Residential Use Place station near baseboards, corners, along walls, or in spaces where rodents are likely to travel 9.75"...
Heritage G Fungicide
Prices start at : 89.99 USD / 30 Pound Bag

This easily dispersed carrier virtually eliminates problems with granular products like ash-away, excess residue or pickup into mower clipping baskets. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. It may be absorbed through the leaf blade or stem and may be taken up by the root...
SeClear Aquatic Algaecide
Prices start at : 67.7 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Water treated with SeClear may be used for Swimming, fishing, drinking, irrigated crops, and watering livestock. SeClear is the first to be both an Aquatic Algaecide and a water quality enhancer in one.
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait
Prices start at : 25.74 USD / Pack (4x30gm)

Indoxacarb 0.6% Roaches in your home, especially if you're living in the southern states where it is more hot and humid, is pretty much an unavoidable reality. When used in combination with cockroach taps Advion will exterminate all cockroach infestation.
  •  Give it a day or so and you will see bodies upon bodies of dead roaches and a significant reduction in roach activity.
  •  Place the dots of bait behind your refrigerator, along your baseboards, in cracks and crevices and along corners and anywhere else you have seen those little buggers scurrying about.
  •  Prior to applying Advion Cockroach Gel Bait, you have to clean up and sanitize the area perfectly to ensure you do not have any leftover food, grease or crumbs around. Once all food sources are cleared and dried off, the bait is ready to be applied.
MistAway Drum Cover - Gen 1.3
Prices start at : 72.51 USD / Each

So it's practically a no-brainer that Solutions Pest & Lawn not only carry such a product but offer it with our highest recommendations to anyone who wants to have a summer free of mosquito bites.
Dicamba Plus 2,4-D Herbicide
Prices start at : 112.47 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Dicamba + 2,4-D Herbicide (generic Weedmaster) by Alligare LLC is a selective post-emergent herbicide used for controlling a wide spectrum of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush in grass forages and selected row crops.
Bac-A-Zap Odor Killer
Prices start at : 19.37 USD / 1 Gallon

BAC-AZAP first uses an odor encapsulation technology similar to popular consumer odor eliminators, but instead of simply encapsulating the odor, BAC-AZAP's powerful combination of bacteria and enzymes begin to consume the organic matter causing the odor.
  •  Stops odors in wall voids and crawl spaces
  •  Best drain treatment product
  •  Add-on sale to virtually all stops
Alligare 90 Wetting Agent
Prices start at : 19.38 USD / 1 Gallon

Nonionic Surfactant Wetting Agents 90.0% ALLIGARE 90 is a general purpose nonionic surfactant, used to enhance spreading and coverage of sprays. Surfactants act like a glue for most insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides helping the chemicals stick...
Maxforce Granular Fly Bait
Prices start at : 46.56 USD / 5 Pound

Let stand for 15 minutes until a paste consistency suitable for painting has formed. Maxforce Granular Fly Bait kills flies in 60 seconds! This bait lures them to their death with four powerful attractants: an irresistible aroma, seductive pheromone,...
  •  Bonanza Fly Bait is available in 0.5 lb., 4 lb, and 38 lb containers
  •  Both fly baits have a low toxicity in non-target animals
  •  Maxforce granular fly bait kills flies for up to 30 days for consistent fly control.
  •  Maxforce fly bait is labeled for use around the outside of structures and partially enclosed or protected areas, including commercial and agricultural production facilities.
Tandem Pro 2000CV Window Cleaner
Prices start at : 89 USD / Each

Window Cleaner attachment for the Tandem Pro 2000CV cleans glass and windows for a streak-free shine. For use with the Tandem Pro 2000CV Steam Cleaning Unit
DeltaGard G Granular Insecticide
Prices start at : 40.67 USD / 20 Pound

DeltaGard G kills and controls Annual Bluegrass Weevils Ants Armyworms Bermundagrass Mites Billbugs Black Turfgrass Ataenius Boxelder Bugs Centipedes Chiggers Chinchbugs Clover Mites Cockroaches Crickets Cutworms Darkling Ground Beetles Digger Wasps Essex...