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Pest Control Horticulture Supplies For Sale In Alabama

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Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent Spray
Prices start at : 38.89 USD / each

Repels with a safe, natural egg and garlic base that will not harm plants or animals. 100% money-back guarantee, and a great value! Lasts through up to 4 inches of rainfall for a full month! Keep deer and rabbits away with Liquid Fence.


    Product Features

      • Ship Weight: 3 lbs
      • Long lasting and rain resistant: Product Features
      • Other ingredients: Water, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Benzoate, Citric Acid, and Xanthun Gum, 84.95%: Specs
      • One available in one quart and one gallon containers: Specs
      • Member tested and recommended by the National Home Gardening Club: Product Features
      • One gallon makes 10 gallons of spray: Specs
      United States
      New! Advion Ant Bait Gel, 4-Pack
      Prices start at : 41.99 USD / each

      This eventually eliminates the entire colony. They take the sweet substance back to their colony to share with the other ants and their queen. Avoiding placing the gel directly on their trail or they may avoid the bait entirely.

      Product Features

        • Effective in ant bait stations to weatherproof bait: Product Features
        • Use as spot placement or lines close to foraging trails, nest sites or known active areas: Product Features
        United States
        Large Gripples, 8 Gauge, 25 Pack
        Prices start at : 62.99 USD / each

        Can be re-tensioned year after year. Gripple Plus is a wire joiner and tensioner used for all types of wire including monofilament. It's most often used in fencing, trellising, and greenhouse applications.


          • For 8 gauge monofilament wire: Specs
          • 25 per pack: Specs
          United States
          Wasp Wand
          Prices start at : 20.29 USD / each

          Handle extends from 5' to over 8-1/2'. Stay back and stay safe with this lightweight, durable and easy-to-use tool! No need for ladders! It keeps you at a distance from the wasps and their nest.


            Product Benefits

              • Triggering the actuator with 3 to 4 lbs of finger pressure dispenses 9 to 12 lbs of nozzle pressure: Specs
              • Avoid accidental inhalation of toxins: Product Benefits
              • Fiberglass pole: Specs
              • Avoid wind drift and over-use of your pesticide: Product Benefits
              • Extends from 5 ft to 8 & 1/2 ft total: Specs
              United States
              Wasp Freeze Aerosol
              Prices start at : 17 USD / 18 Ounce Can

              Wasp Freeze has an effective reach of up to 5 meters further than almost any competing product available. Would be best used with a Handheld Pesticide Duster. Wasp-Freeze is a specially formulated spray designed to knock down wasps and hornets so quickly...
              United States
              20 Watt 24in. Replacement Bulb
              Prices start at : 20.99 USD / Each

              Light insect traps might be one of the better-known control methods to control fly and moth populations. However, it can also be used for any light trapping system that needs a 20 watt 24 inch light bulb replacement.
              United States
              Protecta Mouse Bait Station
              Prices start at : 6.74 USD / Each

              Protecta Mouse is a simple servicing bait station for capturing or baiting mice. Bait blocks along the interior walls. Mouse entry holes line up with the wall. It locks when closed and unlocks with the PROTECTA 2-prong key.
              United States
              B&G Bulb Duster 1150
              Prices start at : 23.54 USD / Each

              The B&G 1150 Bulb Duster comes with a variety of different attachments which come in different lengths and allow you to get into different types of cracks and crevices. The B&G Bulb Duster is also great to apply in areas where there is plumbing.
              United States
              Quali-Pro TM 4.5 Flowable Fungicide
              Prices start at : 169.99 USD / 2.5 Gallon

              For a foliar application using TM 4.5 mix at a rate of 7.25 to 20 fluid ounces per 100 gallons of water. For turf application using TM 4.5 depending on target mix at a rate of 2 to 5.3 ounces per 1,000 square feet per application using sufficient enough...
              United States
              B&G Lo Line Insect Trap
              Prices start at : 14.75 USD / Each

              It has a specially-formulated food-based attractant that works on all species of roaches as well as a wide variety of other insects. Lo Line Insect Monitors is ready to use out of the box in just a few simple steps.
              United States
              Vector Classic Shatterproof Bulb 15 Watt 18\
              Prices start at : 19.99 USD / Each

              Shatterproof sleeved bulbs offer added protection in commercial environments. 15 Watt 18-inch Shatterproof Bulb Lasts up to 12 months. For : Vector Classic Plasma One Mantis 1 x 2 2 x 2 Luralite Pro Gilbert Gardner GT-180 Slimline Garnder WS85 Wall Sconce...
              United States
              Captan 50% WP Fungicide for Ornamentals and Fruit
              Prices start at : 13.53 USD / 5 Pound

              If you are a farmer or a homeowner, looking to control both your garden and/or orchard from possible fungicide diseases a good place to start would be by buying a WP fungicide. 50.0% OTHER INGREDIENTS.
              United States
              Liqui-Cop Copper Fungicide
              Prices start at : 25.66 USD / 32 Ounce

              A replacement for lime sulfur. Liquid copper fungicide spray for disease prevention on fruit trees, nut crops, citrus, vegetables and ornamentals. Can be mixed with oils such as Saf-T-Side, for use as a dormant spray on fruit trees.
              United States
              Heritage G Fungicide
              Prices start at : 89.99 USD / 30 Pound Bag

              It may be absorbed through the leaf blade or stem and may be taken up by the root system. Heritage G works to control over 21 common turf diseases for up to 28 days. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
              United States
              Snake Stopper Repellent, 4lb
              Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

              Drives snakes away from yards, gardens, patios, sheds, wood piles and other places where snakes are a problem. Can not ship to AK. It does not harm snakes, it simply triggers escape or avoidance behavior.


                • Biodegradeable and will not harm lawns, gardens, flowerbeds, etc. HOWEVER, do not apply it directly to crops being grown for food or feed: Product Features
                • 4 lb jug: Specs
                • Active ingredients: Cedarwood oil.3.1%, Cinnamon oil.0.6%, Clove oil.0.3%.: Specs
                United States
                Aquashade Aquatic Herbicide
                Prices start at : 52.1 USD / 1 Gallon

                Dyes disperse within several hours by natural water movement. The UV filtering properties of Aquashade are beneficial for limiting algae growth. For use in: Natural and Manmade contained lakes and ponds (ornamental recreational fi sh rearing or fi sh...
                United States
                Pyrocide 300 Fogging Insecticide
                Prices start at : 130.99 USD / 1 Gallon

                Pyrocide 300 is for use in homes apartments food and non-food areas of: food processing plants warehouses office buildings hotels motels schools theaters hospitals and many other listed areas.
                United States
                Microcare Insecticide Aerosol
                Prices start at : 22.08 USD / 20 Ounce Can

                Microcare Provides can be used in sensitive accounts such as food handling areas, and due to its repellency, it can be used as a barrier around windows, doors and other pest entry points Angoumois Grain Moths Ants Bees Beetles Centipedes Chiggers Cigarette...
                United States
                MistAway Straight Nozzle Hago 45 Degree
                Prices start at : 240 USD / Each

                However, at Solutions Pest & Lawn we are quite partial to the slimline nozzles over the Hago nozzles because they are smaller and more subtle and shoot their mist out with better flow.
                United States
                Heritage Action Fungicide
                Prices start at : 600 USD / 1 Pound

                Heritage Action stimulates the production of five plant proteins that help turf combat disease and stress through the following: Target Fungi include but is not limited to: Heritage action can be used on Golf courses Athletic fields Sod farms and much...
                •  Pathogen defense
                •  Leaf Spot
                •  Energy production
                •  Red Tread
                •  Heat tolerance
                •  Typhula Blight
                United States
                APEX Steam APX390
                Prices start at : 695.47 USD / Each

                If you have purchased any of the following steam cleaner models “VaporBlitz”, “VBII”, or “Steamax” from AmeriVap Systems, or any other company, and need Replacement Parts, Service, Technical Support or a New Steam Cleaner we are happy to help.
                United States
                (C) EFA - PCB Board w/ Spade Connectors
                Prices start at : 169.99 USD / Each

                (C) EFA - PCB Board w/ Spade Connectors Product Number 10940 Mosquitoes Mistaway Mosquito Misting Systems Mosquito misting systems are primarily comprised of a reservoir for insecticide concentrates, a motor and pump assembly, a timer which comes with...
                United States
                Mantis 1X2 Discretion Fly Light
                Prices start at : 222.5 USD / Silver

                This unit can be mounted on a wall or placed upright on a tabletop (freestanding bracket sold separately). If the glue board is not replaced and covered in insects and or dirt and dust then no flies will get stuck no matter how good the attractant and...
                United States
                15WX12 T5 Shatter Resistant Bulb
                Prices start at : 12 USD / Each

                When installed in the Titan Alpha Fly Light it can control flies for approximately 2,200 sq. Once a year or as needed change bulbs, this is a four prong bulb that is easy to install, simply unsnap bulb from light and dispose of properly, them snap in...
                United States
                Alpine PT Insecticide Aerosol
                Prices start at : 24.25 USD / 18 Ounce Can

                For light infestations, move injection tip along cracks while treating at the rate of 3 ft/sec. Alpine PT Insecticide Aerosol is a reduced risk nonrepellent aerosol, so it should be considered effective as a contact spray only.
                United States
                PV-266 (22027200)
                Prices start at : 4.12 USD / Each

                Description: replacement check valve for B&G pump cylinders Material/Construction: Rubber Used For: replacement check valve for repairing a loss of pressure Features : Sold by the individual part
                United States
                Komeen Aquatic Herbicide Algaecide
                Prices start at : 58.57 USD / 1 Gallon

                Komeen Herbicide can be used around ornamentals and turf grasses. It is effective in hard water and has a quality liquid formulation for longer shelf life. Komeen Aquatic Herbicide has a faster uptake than other copper herbicides and treated weeds sink...
                United States