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Pest Control Farm Supplies For Sale In Raleigh

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Contrac Meal Bulk Rodent Bait
Prices start at : 93.55 USD / 25 Pound Bag

Contrac Meal Bulk can be used indoors and outdoors. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for at least 15 days or until signs of rodent activity cease. Follow up: Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately.
North Carolina
Nature\'s Defense: All-Purpose Animal Repellent
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / 22 Ounce

Whether you have an averagely sized animal infestation or severe, to maintain proper maintenance control, you should re-apply once per week to prevent the animals from coming back.
North Carolina
Curtis Dyna-Fog Golden Eagle 2610 Fogger
Prices start at : 1599.99 USD / Each

Any 12 V DC vehicle battery (connect to cigarette lighter receptacle with auxiliary start battery cable) supplied with machine. Width: 9.5 in or 24.1 cm Height: 14.5 in or 36.8 cm Fog Particle size: 0.5 - 50 microns
North Carolina
Mistaway Union Coupling 3/8 inch
Prices start at : 7.36 USD / Each

A tubing release tool comes with all of our Mistaway Mosquito Misting Systems and they are also sold separately. In order to Release the part, Press couple in TOWARD and INTO the fitting to collapse collar.
North Carolina
BoraCare Termite Treatment
Prices start at : 78.5 USD / 1 Gallon

This Natural Termite Control product comes from Nisus - The World's Leader in Borate Technology. Once applied, Bora-Care penetrates the wood and kills and prevents: Decay fungi (wet and dry rot) Algae Subterranean Termites Formosan Termites Drywood Termites...
  •  No more scheduling hassles - No need to leave home during termite control treatments
  •  Just spray or brush or roll on the surface of the wood
  •  For both interior and exterior use
  •  Subterranean Termites, Drywood Termites, Formosan Termites, Carpenter Ants, Wood Destroying Beetles and Decay Fungi
  •  5-year residential pretreatment product warranty available through professional applicators
  •  Kills termites and any existing infestation in wood
North Carolina
X-lure Beetle Floor Trap
Prices start at : 13.53 USD / Each

The oil also coats the insect's spiracles that induces messy glue used! f 4,8- dimethyl decanal; 7-Hydroxy-4,6- dimethylnona In conclusion, the new X-LUREtm Multi Species Insect Trap offers PMPs: Once the beetles fall on this surface, however,...
North Carolina
Advance Monitor Spider Access Tool
Prices start at : 25.23 USD / Each

Order this helpful tool today and get it shipped to you free! The Spider is designed to hold the cap and only release it once the cap is reinstalled. Place the Spider Access Tool on top of the Quick-Lock Cap to open or close the station.
North Carolina
MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait
Prices start at : 31.28 USD / 4 Pound

• This versatile product can be used both as a perimeter barrier outside the home and as crack and crevice treatment inside the home using a duster applicator. Especially if the structure is located close to wooded areas, or is surrounded by a beautiful...
North Carolina
B&G NG-146 Nylon Gasket
Prices start at : 3.88 USD / Each

Keep extra lid gaskets on hand for emergencies. B&G replacement part NG-146, nylong gasket. If you go through a lot of these lid gaskets, consider the B&G Heavy Duty Lid Gasket Replace as needed to keep a tight seal and good pressure.
North Carolina
VT-621A Valve Seat Gasket
Prices start at : 3.81 USD / Each

Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. Holds the valve rod on the Versatool Valve. VT-621A Valve Seat Gasket by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G Versatool Valve.
North Carolina
Drive XLR8 Crabgrass Killer
Prices start at : 66.44 USD / 64 Ounce

Drive XLR8 may be tank-mixed with other pre- and postemergent grass herbicides, along with postemergent broadleaf herbicides. For better results, we recommend using a surfactant to enhance the effectiveness of the product.
North Carolina
Flint Fungicide
Prices start at : 293.34 USD / 20 Ounce

With the agitator running, add the Flint Fungicide to the tank. Maintain maximum agitation throughout the spraying operation. Long-lasting Control – Provides disease control for up to 21 days.
  • It is a proven foundational material for powdery mildew control in grapes.Flint provides 21 days of powdery mildew protection in grapes, and preserves more of your yield potential and results in overall higher crop quality and fruit marketability.: Bull
North Carolina
Sepro Blue Colorant
Prices start at : 951.67 USD / Case

SePRO Blue is non-toxic to turfgrass birds mammals reptiles fish and other aquatic species For easy application, simply remove the outer packaging and toss the water-soluble packets into the water.
North Carolina
Altosid 30 Day Briquets
Prices start at : 167.98 USD / Each

Inspect areas of water flow to determine appropriate retreatment intervals. Release of ALTOSID Insect Growth Regulator is effected by dissolution of the ALTOSID Briquet. For application sites connected by a water system i.e. storm drains or catch basins...
  •  The active ingredient (S)-methoprene
  •  Hand application by operators on foot or in moving vehicles
North Carolina
CuPro 5000 DF
Prices start at : 41.2 USD / 3 Pound

Greenhouses Shadehouses Outdoor Nurseries Outdoor Landscape Plantings and Christmas Tree Plantings Apply CuPro 5000 as a thorough coverage spray. CuPro 5000 DF will control black spot leaf spot powdery mildew fungus leaf spots and baterial diseases on...
North Carolina
JT Eaton Top Loader Bait Station
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / Each

Bait stations such as the JT Eaton Top Loader bait station is ideal for settings where pets and children reside because they can securely lock, hold the bait blocks firmly in place and are sealed to lessen the chance of pets or small children from moving...
North Carolina
FBS-1 Fly Bait Station
Prices start at : 12.56 USD / Each

It locks closed, making it extremely safe for children and pets. H locks with a key, comes with two removable bait trays for easy filling and cleaning, can be easily mounted to most surfaces using zip ties, screws or liquid nails Clear plastic with a...
North Carolina
Kaput Mole Gel Bait
Prices start at : 14.08 USD / 3 Ounce

In case of accidental ingestion by children or pets, Vitamin K1 is a readily available antidote, unlike worm-like baits. Be sure to leave the tunnel way clear so the mole can pass through.
  •  Determine layout of active burrow systems and locate main runways.
  •  Twist dosing ring to set proper dosage. Inject 1/2 oz bait per placement into tunnel, making up to 6 placements per burrow system.
North Carolina
Vector Plasma Fly Light Trap (Grill)
Prices start at : 279.99 USD / Each

Of continuous space 21" x 12.5" x 2.5" House flies gnats phorid flies nuisance flying insects Ideal for use in food processing commercial kitchens restaurants (back of house) warehouses and schools Position 3 to 6 ft.
North Carolina
TrueTech 1000 Foamer 1 Gallon (TT1000)
Prices start at : 379.99 USD / Each

Technicians can choose from Dry Foam, Wet Foam or Liquid applications. TrueTech is the most flexible and highest quality equipment available on the market today. The TrueTech 1000 compressed air sprayer has been designed to provide the pest control industry...
  •  1-gallon tank
  •  One palm gun complete with 60” connection hose
  •  Foam increases surface contact time for superior coverage and reduces liquid runoff.
  •  One screen-check valve for liquid
  •  Foam helps in removing grease and dirt.
  •  ProFoam Platinum has been tested by all major chemical producers for compatibility.
North Carolina
Aegis Anchor Rat Bait Station
Prices start at : 23.99 USD / Each

For the control of rats, place stations approximately 25' apart. They provide the most reliable method to secure the bait station. Like the Aegis RP, the Aegis Anchor can be flipped up on its side and placed flush against the wall in areas prone to flooding.
North Carolina
Curtis Dyna Mosquito Fogger Hurricane
Prices start at : 275.99 USD / Each

Intended for applications of both oil and water based chemicals including wettable powders and wet flowables. With an adjustable output of 0-5 gallons per hour, this versatile unit gives you the power to handle both large and small areas, wherever aerosol...
North Carolina
Flyweb Replacement Glueboards
Prices start at : 12.8 USD / Each

Made for use only in the FlyWeb Fly Light Fly Web Replacement Glue Cards for the Fly Web Insect Trap Product code: 1153 Flyweb Replacement Glue Boards provide long-lasting Fly Control Flies mosquitoes etc.
North Carolina
Prices start at : 78.99 USD / Each

Mosquito Misting Systems are a great form of mosquito control because they don't involve much work on the part of the owner of the system after installation. These durable and long lasting misting risers virtually blends into the landscape as the copper...
North Carolina
Cirkil CX Quart
Prices start at : 54.95 USD / 32 Ounce

For bed bug adults, nymphs, and eggs, re-apply every 1 to 2 weeks or as needed. Use approximately one (1) gallon diluted CIRKIL Cs per 200-800 square ft depending on surfaces treated.
North Carolina
Oryzalin Pre Emergent Herbicide
Prices start at : 39.97 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Summer Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds Single Application Program: Apply 2 quarts per acre of Alligare Oryzalin 4 in late winter or early spring, prior to the onset of conditions favorable for annual weed germination.
North Carolina
Black Flyweb Glue Board CS-65
Prices start at : 11.97 USD / Each

Flies and Flying Insects FlyWeb Classic & Plus Fly Lights 3” x 5” Black Adhesive Board refills for FlyWeb Classic & Plus Flyweb Replacement Glue Boards provide long-lasting Fly Control.
North Carolina