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Pest Control Farm Supplies For Sale In New Orleans

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Blindside Herbicide Post Emergent
Prices start at : 112.99 USD / 8 Ounce

(3.25 - 6.5 oz. Blindside is also approved for use on Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue turfgrass, providing transition zone flexibility. Dual-action Blindside herbicide works through both foliar and root uptake to deliver faster control of over 70 broadleaf...
New Orleans
Atrazine 4L Herbicide
Prices start at : 119.99 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Hose-end type sprayers are not recommended because of difficulty with precise calibration and application. Atrazine 4L is both a pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide BERMUDAGRASS, CENTIPEDEGRASS, ST.
  •  Contains 4 pounds of Atrazine per gallon
  •  Atrazine is a
  •  Application timing flexibility: Pre-plant surface and incorporated and post-emergent uses
New Orleans
Brio 500CC 60mm Nylon Brush
Prices start at : 8 USD / Each

The 60 mm nylon brush is for scrubbing and cleaning a wider area on finer surfaces. For use with the Brio 500CC Steam Cleaning System
New Orleans
Cy-Kick CS Aerosol
Prices start at : 23.03 USD / 20 Ounce Can

Cyfluthrin targets the central nervous system of insects that come into contact with the direct spray or dried residual of Cy-Kick Aerosol. Use with the supplied straw or other aerosol equipment.
New Orleans
Tandem Insecticide
Prices start at : 115.99 USD / 32 Ounce

Our easy to use and convenient Solutions 1 Gallon Pump Sprayer with lifetime warranty would be ideal ( you can buy it here ) for smaller applications or you can browse our professional tank and backpack sprayers.
New Orleans
Cyanarox Fly Bait
Prices start at : 72.99 USD / 25 lb Pail

The Cyanarox insecticidal bait can be broadcasted or scattered using proper granular spreader equipment or from the container directly. It is advised avoid placing fly bait granules in piles and to scatter bait as equally as possible over surfaces.
New Orleans
Brio 500CC Drain Cleaner
Prices start at : 10 USD / Each

Easily Cland your drains. For use with the Brio 500CC Steam Cleaning System
New Orleans
Kaput-D Pocket Gopher Bait
Prices start at : 34.41 USD / 10 Pound

The lever opens a door in the tip of the applicator. Manufactured by Kaput , whose beginnings started in the 1980's developing rodenticide products, this company has grown to become a leading manufacturer of vertebrate pest control products and published...
New Orleans
Bird X Bird Stop Repellent Spray
Prices start at : 99.99 USD / 1 Gallon

To use this product to protect berries apply at a rate of 1.3 to 2.6 ounces of this product into 1 to 2 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet. Specs: Liquid can be painted or sprayed onto surfaces such as grass, turf, crops, & structures Active ingredient...
  •  Birds are irritated by the scent
  •  Birds are unable to habituate to the taste
  •  Product cannot be sold in or shipped to California due to registration restrictions Features:Liquid can be painted or sprayed on surfaces
New Orleans
MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait
Prices start at : 31.28 USD / 4 Pound

Since this active ingredient targets the insect's metabolism, pests can't develop resistance, making it particularly well suited for ants, cockroaches, crickets and silverfish and other occasional invaders.
New Orleans
Medallion WDG Fungicide
Prices start at : 272.99 USD / 8 Ounce

Application Through Irrigation Systems Only apply this product through the following systems Lack of effectiveness, Crop injury, or illigal pestiside residues can result from non-uniform distribution of treated water.
  •  Hand Moveable Irrigation Systems
  •  Drip
  •  Lateral Move
  •  Spray Brooms on fails
  •  Side(wheel) row
  •  Big Gun
New Orleans
Kaput DOOM
Prices start at : 99.43 USD / 18 Pound

Remember to never leave food supplies on the floor where rodents may get to them, and remember to limit their food sources as much as possible before baiting; by maintaining good hygiene and emptying every single garbage can and getting rid of garbage...
New Orleans
Gopher Scram Professional 25 Lbs
Prices start at : 115.99 USD / 22 Pound

Per Pound (22 lbs. The dual action of Gopher Scram includes bad taste and strong odor (although the smell is very mild to people). Shake about 3 oz. Open plugged mounds to access the tunnels and fill the open mounds with Gopher Scram Professional.
New Orleans
Prices start at : 21.23 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Derived from plant oils, the active ingredient, 2-Phenethyl Propionate combined with naturally occurring pyrethrins. ECO PCO AR-X is unscented, non-staining and does not contain CFC's which are harmful to the environment.
New Orleans
ULD BP-100
Prices start at : 69.99 USD / 1 Gallon

ULD BP-100 is pet and child safe once dry. Can use full strength or dilute solutions. The product should be safe for children and pets after it has dried. This product should never be used on household pets, such as dogs and cats.
New Orleans
D-50 Hose Unit 48\' (22030100)
Prices start at : 20.84 USD / Each

D-50 Hose Unit 48' (22030100) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G sprayers. Description: replacement D-50 hose unit for B&G sprayers Material/Construction: Brass/Polyurethane Used For : N/A Features: Sold...
New Orleans
Suspend SC
Prices start at : 41.22 USD / 1 Gallon

Suspend SC does not come ready to use and must be diluted in water and applied with a pump sprayer. When this occurs, the target insect's nerve cells become excited, causing paralysis and eventual death.
New Orleans
CB PCO Insect Fogger
Prices start at : 9.65 USD / 4 Ounce

Open all doors and windows and allow to air for 30 minutes. Shake Well Before Use. Point valve opening away from face when releasing. Or smaller; instead, allow fog to enter from other rooms.
New Orleans
Catchmaster Rat Glue Boards - Glue Tray 48R
Prices start at : 14.66 USD / 2 Pack

Glue traps, like Trapper Mouse and Trapper Rat Glue Board Traps are easy to use. When disposing of dead rodent carcasses, always wear rubber gloves to prevent any chance of disease, and place the carcass in a plastic bag for disposal.
  •  Rodents die on the Catchmaster Rat Glue Boards, rather than wandering off and dying in an unknown location where they can cause odors and safety hazards after they start to decompose.
  •  Catchmaster Rat Glue Boards are simple and easy to use..
  •  Catchmaster Rat Glue Boards are inexpensive.
New Orleans
Prices start at : 66.4 USD / 32 Ounce

Apply Renovate when emersed/submersed weeds appear TRICLOPYR 44.4% Apply directly to area or by a sprayer. Aquatic sites: lakes reservoirs ponds ditches that have little or no outflow irrigation canals marshes and wetlands that includes broadleaf and...
New Orleans
Kaput-D Burrow Bldr Pocket Gopher Bait (wheat)
Prices start at : 101.82 USD / 30 Pound Bag

Before beginning to place this bait remember to first identify active gopher tunnels. Of bait per acre. Either way you look at it, pocket gophers will always create havoc in large rangelands and croplands that might be too big for small controlled manual...
New Orleans
Vector Plasma Fly Light Trap (Screened)
Prices start at : 262.31 USD / Each

Replacement bulbs and glue boards are available. The Vector Plasma Fly Light is a wall-mounted professional light trap that utilizes two powerful 36-watt UV lights and one glue board for attracting and killing nuisance flies.
New Orleans
Trimec 922 Herbicide
Prices start at : 139.85 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Per 0.125 - 5 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. Dandelion Clover Chickweed Plantain Spurge and many other broadleaf weeds Warm - and cool-season grasses including bermudagrass zoysiagrass St. Augustinegrass Kentucky bluegrass fescue and perennial ryegrass...
New Orleans
Cow Life Cattle Rub
Prices start at : 25.99 USD

  •  Model # 11
  •  10 ft rub is 9 ft 4 in with 3.5 in rope on ends
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
  •  Lasts for the entire fly season
  •  Proven on millions of cattle
  •  Easy, effective & economical insect & fly control
New Orleans
Gardner WS-85 Replacement Bulb
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / Each

Gardner WS-85 Replacement Bulb 15 W x 18" T8
New Orleans
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / 30 Pound Bag

Snakes Homes garages trailers barns tents stables wood piles tool sheds flower beds trash cans playgrounds lawns kennels anywhere snakes are or might be a danger to people pets or property.
New Orleans
Mistaway EFA Float Switch
Prices start at : 78.08 USD / Each

Kit that replaces the existing rigid, multi-float level sensor on a Gen 1 with a single bulb-style float attached to the suction tube, aka Gen 1.2 Product Number 10921 Mosquitoes Mistaway Mosquito Misting System Float Switch Assembly (pre-attached to...
New Orleans