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Pest Control Farm Supplies For Sale In Henderson

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B&G Versa-Fogger
Prices start at : 863.25 USD / Each

Some of the features include: The ULV spray has a particle size range for proper insect control. It provides good penetration into foliage along with a far reaching flog plume to treat remote areas.
  •  Fully Adjustable Flow Rate
  •  Honda 4 Stroke motor - No mixing oil with gas
  •  Lightweight - Less than 27 lbs (dry weight)
  •  Quiet 4 Stroke Operation .
Merit 75 WP
Prices start at : 85.99 USD / 4x1.6 Ounce

Optimum control will be achieved when applications are made prior to egg hatch of the target pest, followed by sufficient irrigation or rainfall to move the active ingredient through the thatch.
Kaput-D Big Boy Gopher Bait Applicator
Prices start at : 196.97 USD / Each

Also, gopher mounds tend to be plugged with soil to keep intruders out. Constructed from heavy-duty steel, this gopher bait applicator should last a lifetime of gopher bait applications and treatments.
Basagran T & O
Prices start at : 137.04 USD / 1 Gallon

Sodium Salt of Bentazon 44% Yellow Nutsedge Annual Sedges Common Purslane Burweed Thistle and others listed on the label Commercial Residential Turf-grass and Ornamentals Basagran T & O Herbicide needs to be combined with a crop oil concentrate (cOc)...
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate
Prices start at : 49.09 USD / 1 Gallon

For example, on and around baseboards, floorboards, millwork, bed frames, headboards, wall hangings, furniture, door and window frames, walls, closets, window treatments, and beneath floor coverings.
Halo Nitrile Gloves
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / Large

Use Halo Nitrile Gloves when dealing with chemicals and rodent poison. Made in the finest manufacturing facility offering high quality and consistency in every box. Designed to give you a "Super Soft" natural rubber-like feel for comfort no other synthetic...
Adonis 2F Insecticide
Prices start at : 29.09 USD / 1 Gallon

Adonis 2F is a non-repellant insecticide so termites/pests cannot detect this product and spread it to their colonies. Please see product label for specific application instructions.
Safari 20SG Insecticide Dinotefuran
Prices start at : 155.42 USD / 12 Ounce

Application to Ornamental plants: Safari 20 SG Insecticide can be applied as a foliar spray, a broadcast spray, a soil drench, soil injection and via chemigation for insect control in ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and...
Fuse Foam
Prices start at : 26.71 USD / 20 Ounce

Fuse Foam is the latest addition to the Control Solutions Inc family of products for managing termites and other would destroying pests. Fuse Foam Ready To Use Termiticide Insecticide - 20 Oz is the only dual non repellent foam with active ingredients...
Subdue GR Granular Fungicide
Prices start at : 162.5 USD / 25 Pound Bag

Depending on plants being treated. Depending on the trageted disease Mefenoxam 1% Turf: Between 12.5 - 25 oz. Subdue GR Granular Fungicide can be used for the control of certain diseases in ornamentals, turf, nonbearing citrus, conifers, and non-bearing...
Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Nozzle with Brass Tip
Prices start at : 25 USD / Each

For use with the Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Cleaner Our standard black steam nozzle is equipped with the added feature of a brass tip so the steam is dryer and hotter.
Solutions Shurflo Spray Rig
Prices start at : 1030.56 USD / Each

This spray rig can be used for lawn and turf applications requiring low pressure and low volume. Compare this to any oldham or stinger sprayer and you will know we have something special here.
  •  Shurflow Pump
  •  Lightweight Aluminum Frame
  •  Greene Garde Spray Gun
  •  Inline Strainer
High Pressure Chemical Spray Hose (PVC)
Prices start at : 0.3 USD / 1/2 Inch ID

The Kuri Tec K413 series also features a pin pricked cover to vent vapor and prevent ballooning. Excellent quality spray hose made with premium quality PVC compounds, ideally-suited for lawn and ornamental spray applications using wettable powder chemicals.
  •  Longitudinal reinforcing yarns enhance coupling retention and reduce elongation under pressure
  •  Pin-pricked cover vents vapor, helps prevent ballooning
  •  Silicone-free
  •  One-piece lengths
Brio Pro 1000CC 46cm High Pressure Wand
Prices start at : 59 USD / Each

For use with the Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Cleaner The PRO's aluminium steam wand gives the user a full 46cm/18in of reach (14in nozzle plus 4in handle) with a powerful stream of steam.
B&G Gasket Repair Kit GD-124
Prices start at : 37.15 USD / Each

Designed for rebuilding ONE Sprayer. The GD-124 Gasket Kit has the most commonly needed parts for keeping your B&G Sprayer working like new. The B&G GD-124 Gasket Kit (22050100) contains the following parts for the B&G Prime Line Sprayer and Extenda Ban...
Quick Dry Spill Absorbing Granules
Prices start at : 35.99 USD / 40 Pound Bag

Quick Dry is an absorbent gradual clay that reduces cleaning time, accidents, tracking, odors, moisture as well as fire hazards. Quick Dry keeps surfaces dry, clean and safe. Quick Dry can be used in but not limited to Industrial Plants Service Stations...
Cirkil RTU Quart
Prices start at : 27.99 USD / 32 Ounce

For Indirect Residual Treatment: Apply Cirkil RTU to surfaces and fabrics to kill or prevent bed bug infestations. Cirkil RTU is labeled to kill: cellar spiders smoky brown cockroaches house crickets firebrats silverfish moisture ants ravida field ants...
Solo Sprayer Repair Kit (LCS Series)
Prices start at : 6.6 USD / Each

Solo 430 and LCS Sprayers. This Solo Sprayer Repair Kit is compatible for Solo 430 and LCS Sprayers. Replace parts as needed to keep your sprayer working like new.
Precor 2000 Plus Flea Spray
Prices start at : 20.5 USD / 16 Ounce

Remove pets from the treatment area and cover/remove exposed food. Vacuum all floors including hardwood and tile. Once dry vacuum all surfaces every 2-3 days for 2 weeks. Apply lightly and uniformly to surfaces.
JT Eaton Kills Bedbugs Spray
Prices start at : 55.77 USD / 1 Gallon

Take beds apart and spray in all joints. Repeat as needed. Kills Bed Bugs Brown Dog Ticks and Fleas Homes Hotels Motels Hospitals Schools Simply spray on the infected area and the bedbugs will begin to die off Ready to use, no mixing required Pyrethrin...
Premise Foam
Prices start at : 20.85 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Make sure you stay protected when handling chemicals with the help of our homeowner safety kit . Apply Premise Foam in the areas where termites are active and have created tunnels, the termites will continue to do their usual activities without being...
5850 Tip Assembly (22049451)
Prices start at : 38.68 USD / Each

Material/Construction: Brass Used For: Repairing used equipment. 5850 Tip Assembly (22049451) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G products.
Tempo WP Insecticide
Prices start at : 67.41 USD / 1 Pound

(See Label for specific application depending on type of pest) Outdoors: Perimeter Treatment, General surface, spot, mist or crack & crevice application. This product delivers consistent results with fast knockdown and long residual.
  •  Keep Tempo WP out of direct sunlight and away from extreme temperatures to maximize it's shelf life of over 3 years.
  •  Tempo Ultra WP should not be applied with oil.
  •  Make only as much of a solution of Tempo WP with water as needed for a single application. Do not have extra left over to sit in storage.
Bird Flite Bird Control Spikes
Prices start at : 2.98 USD / Foot

Increases property aesthetics and value Decreases aesthetic and materials damage to ledging, fencing, vehicles. Eliminating pest birds with Bird Spikes reduces health and liability risks.
Martin\'s Flea, Tick And Mange Dip
Prices start at : 17.46 USD / 16 Ounce

First, you'll want to bathe your dog. Of product to 1 gallon of water. Waking up to your precious pet scratching furiously and getting no relief can worry anyone. After application allow the product to dry in your dog's fur without rinsing or toweling,...
Mantis Uplight Max 36 Dual Voltage
Prices start at : 167.19 USD / Each

Flying insects All Max 36's, come with a NEMA 5-15P (American 3-hole style) plug. Dimensions H: 8¾" W: 18½" D:8¼" Weight 8lb Finish Gray Mounting Wall-mounted 3-YEAR WARRANTY Same body style and glue board as the standard Uplight, however this system...
AG-661 Bug Light Bulb
Prices start at : 13.64 USD / Each

48 inches long bulb Fits Gardener AG-661 Flying Insect Electrocutor & Glue type fly light and the following models: AG-241, AG-661, AG-970, RG-1002 and various non-Gardner models. Gardner AG-661 Flying Insect Electrocutor