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Pest Control Farm Supplies For Sale In Bakersfield

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Eraser AQ Aquatic 53.8% Glyphosate
Prices start at : 31.44 USD / 1 Gallon

Description: Aquatic herbicide for use around lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and other listed uses. Is to be used on emerged weeds and is safe for livestock. 53.8% Glyphosate To be effective you'll need to have a good part of the plant above the water...
Certainty Turf Herbicide
Prices start at : 92.13 USD / 1.25 Ounce

Certainty is an excellent selective, post-emergent herbicide containing 75% Sulfosulfuron. Weeds stressed by drought are less susceptible to this product. Using spot treatments or broadcast application, Certainty provides excellent control of dallisgrass...
  •  Offers flexibility to control difficult weeds in newly seeded turf, native grasses and established ornamentalsIdeal choice for spring transition to Bermudagrass turf from overseeded ryegrass
  •  Controls sedges, grass and broadleaf weeds including purple and yellow nutsedge, Kyllinga species, along with globe and annual sedgeUse selectively on a wide range of warm-season turfgrass species
  •  1 gallon of Certainty Turf Herbicide solution will treat 1,000 square feet.
Hypro 6500C-R Roller Pump
Prices start at : 126.06 USD / Each

FEATURES MATERIALS Herbicide users: Get up to 10 times longer pump life! United States Features: The Hypro 6500C-R Roller Pumps are a cast iron pump and ideally suited to spraying large volumes of product.
  •  Counter-clockwise shaft rotation is available for PTO adaption
  •  Super Rollers (standard) provide premium wear and life with Poly and PTFE options available for superior chemical resistance
  •  5/8" solid stainless steel shaft resists corrosion
  •  Viton seals offer the best overall chemical resistance
  •  Silver Series XL pumps ran over 1000 hours and still met new pump specs!
InTice Gelanimo Ant Gel Bait
Prices start at : 39.99 USD / 5 Pack

This is ready to use products that require no further mixing. To apply indoors apply small amounts to ant bait stations, if you do not have a bait station you can apply it to pieces of cardboard, foil, or paper.
(I) Gen 2 - Tubing Element for Dosing Pump
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / Each

With the help of a remote control transmitter, you can set up and schedule when you want the mosquito misting system to operate. (I) Gen 2 - Tubing Element for Dosing Pump Product Number 10660 Mosquitoes Mistaway Mosquito Misting Systems Mosquito misting...
Maxforce Granular Fly Bait
Prices start at : 46.56 USD / 5 Pound

Keep them off of treated surfaces until dry. Maxforce Granular Fly Bait contains two powerful attractants combined with imidacloprid, a non-repellent active ingredient which works rapidly — even against flies resistant to OP and carbamate insecticides.
  •  Maxforce granular fly bait kills flies for up to 30 days for consistent fly control.
  •  Both fly baits have a low toxicity in non-target animals
  •  Maxforce Fly Bait is available in 5-lb. and 40-lb containters
  •  Bonanza Fly Bait is available in 0.5 lb., 4 lb, and 38 lb containers
MistAway Controller - Gen III Replacement
Prices start at : 316.83 USD / Each

• If using an oil-based insecticide, follow the instructions in the Annual Maintenance Requirements with each refill Second generation tankless unit (succeeding Gen II), entirely enclosed in taupe colored metal housing.
Permethrin SFR 36.8%
Prices start at : 22.52 USD / 1.25 Gallon

Permethrin SFR can be used indoors as a broadcast insecticide on flooring, furniture and cracks and crevices. Do not use in aircraft cabins. Make sure you stay protected when handling chemicals with the help of our homeowner safety kit .
Earthway Hand Spreader 3400
Prices start at : 21.22 USD / Each

With its front scoop design, you are able to scoop the product up without having to touch it, and can hold up to 1.8 litres, which make this product ideal for spot spreading. You can use this spreader to apply fertilizer and seeds to flower beds, lawns,...
Dog & Cat Stopper Repellent
Prices start at : 19.09 USD / each

Works by smell, taste, and feel. Can apply every 30 days regardless of weather or watering. Deter dogs and cats safely and naturally! Safe repellent made from all-natural ingredients of putrescent egg solids and mint oils.


    • Active ingredient: Geraniol.4.50%. Castor oil.2.66%. Peppermint oil.0.38%: Specs
    • Available in 2 & 1/2 lb jar or 5 lb container: Specs
    Musca-Cide Fly Bait Spray
    Prices start at : 22.16 USD / 12 Ounce

    Musca-Cide Fly Bait Spray will kill house flies withing minutes. Paint On 2oz to 3 oz of water treating 250 sqft 3oz to 5 oz of water treating 375 sqft Spray on 2 oz to 16 oz of water treating 250 sqft 3 oz to 24 oz of water treating 375 sq ft Dinotefuran...
    Kaput-D Ground Squirrel Bait
    Prices start at : 109.14 USD / 25 Pound Bag

    With its incredible formulation, the product should eliminate ground squirrels and their fleas in about 4 to 5 days after application. Diphacinone .0025% This Item is a RUP( Restricted Use Product) Use Restrictions: This product may only be used to control...
    Adonis 2F Insecticide
    Prices start at : 29.09 USD / 1 Gallon

    Turf Protection: Equil Adonis moves laterally in the soil and provides excellent control of white grubs in turf with very low use rates. You should mix 0.6 fl. Termites: Each 27.5 oz bottle will yield 50 gallons of finished solution treating 120 linear...
    Coastal Mosquito 45 Degree Copper Riser (Risers Only)
    Prices start at : 26.99 USD / Each

    MistAway Riset Kit 15" - 10 pk 45° kit 10 15" copper risers Mosquito Misting System
    CuPro 5000 DF
    Prices start at : 41.2 USD / 3 Pound

    Greenhouses Shadehouses Outdoor Nurseries Outdoor Landscape Plantings and Christmas Tree Plantings Apply CuPro 5000 as a thorough coverage spray. Begin application at first sign of disease and repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals or as needed; use the higher...
    Flying Venus Fly Light 2002-GT
    Prices start at : 179.99 USD / Each

    D (slopes to 1.44 in. For best results replace Bulbs one time a year, and replace adhesive boards every 1 to 2 months. Flies Mosquitoes and other flying insects This unit is designed for indoor use such as: School Offices Restaurants Supermarkets and...
    Malathion 57% Insecticide
    Prices start at : 22.19 USD / 1 Gallon

    Divide that by 45 to get the per gallon rate. Refer to label above for more detailed information. Malathion 57% is for use in christmas tree plantations fence rows hedge rows ornamental trees ornamental shade trees ornamental non-flowering plants pine...
    Martins Viper Insecticide Concentrate
    Prices start at : 11.85 USD / 1 Ounce

    Each 16oz bottle of Viper will make 12 gallons of mixture and cover 12,000 square feet. Outdoors Viper may be applied to all areas as a broadcast spray. Make sure you have the right sprayer for this product: We suggest a Hose End Sprayer or a 1 Gallon...
    JT Eaton Kills Bedbugs II Spray
    Prices start at : 16.97 USD / 1 Gallon

    Bedbugs Fleas Ticks Spiders and insects listed on the label A variety of bedbug harborage areas including wall-ceiling joints baseboards behind and underneath furniture etc. You can repeat the process every 14 days for up to six weeks to finish your bed...
    Coxreels Manual Hose Reel (1125-4-325)- Blue
    Prices start at : 204.36 USD / Each

    • CNC SPUN DISCS - Heavy duty CNC robotically spun and ribbed discs with rolled edges for greater strength, durability, hose protection, and operator safety. • Made in the U.S.A. - Sold & Supported Worldwide.
    MistAway 1/4\
    Prices start at : 66.99 USD / Each

    We have the industry expertise and training about the various misting insecticides and concentrates that can be used for mosquito misting systems and can determine which product can be the best for your situation.
    American Brand Permethrin Granules
    Prices start at : 23.27 USD / 25 Pound Bag

    Kills Grubs Fleas Ants Crickets Brown Dog Ticks Fire Ants Chinch Bugs Armyworms Billbugs Cutworms Earwigs Mole Crickets Sod Webworms and other insects Lawns and around homes commercial and industrial buildings.
    AquaBac Granular Mosquito Bait
    Prices start at : 142.73 USD / 40 Pound Bag

    The coverage area of AquaBac Granular Mosquito Bait is 2.5 - 10.0 lbs/acre. And is recommended that there is an interval of 7-14 days between applications. This product can be used in many places such as tree wells tires downspout puddles rain barrels...
    BoraCare Termite Treatment
    Prices start at : 78.5 USD / 1 Gallon

    A BORA-CARE treatment is designed to protect the wood for the life of the structure. This unique product carries with it a wide range of application options to control most wood destroying pests; however, only the control of drywood termites is dealt...
    •  Subterranean Termites, Drywood Termites, Formosan Termites, Carpenter Ants, Wood Destroying Beetles and Decay Fungi
    •  5-year residential pretreatment product warranty available through professional applicators
    •  Over nine years of proven efficacy
    •  Special Glycol based material allows for easy penetration into the wood
    •  Just spray or brush or roll on the surface of the wood
    •  For both interior and exterior use
    Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Nozzle with Brass Tip
    Prices start at : 25 USD / Each

    Our standard black steam nozzle is equipped with the added feature of a brass tip so the steam is dryer and hotter. For use with the Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Cleaner
    1 Gallon Professional Sprayer- 18\
    Prices start at : 248.62 USD / Each

    Solutions Pest & Lawn also has exceptional customer service and are available to assist you whether on location at any of our local storefronts around the country or via phone at 800-479-6583.
    Talpirid Mole Trap
    Prices start at : 26.46 USD / Each

    Do not over-force trap into soil. Talpirid Mole Trap must be placed at the surface of active mole tunnels. See product video for more helpful directions. Talpirid Mole Trap is a powerful mole trap made of heavy-duty nylon material with the latest trap...