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Persimmon Tree Not Fruiting: Reasons A Persimmon Tree Has No Flowers Or Fruit
Sometimes it takes many years for the tree to recover from damage of any kind, if at all. Grafted trees bloom within two to three years. If this is the final answer and you want a fruiting plant, it might be a good idea to dig it out and replant.
Persimmon Tree Diseases: Troubleshooting Diseases In Persimmon Trees
Be careful with the weed whacker around the tree, and prune when the tree is dormant.Diseases in persimmon trees also include anthracnose. You may also see black sunken spots on leaf stalks and lesions on the persimmon bark.Anthracnose disease is not...
Japanese Persimmon Planting: Tips For Growing Kaki Japanese Persimmons
Water the young tree frequently to establish a deep root system and thereafter once a week unless an extended dry period occurs in which case, add additional irrigation.Fertilize with a general all-purpose fertilizer once a year in the spring prior to...
When Are Persimmons Ripe: Learn How To Harvest Persimmons
They are ripe and ready to eat at harvest unlike astringent persimmons. However, due to the wildlife competition and the fact that fully ripe fruit bruised easily, wild persimmons are usually harvested early and allowed to ripen off the tree.Cut the fruit...
The American and Asian Persimmons - Pucker Up for the Fruit of the Gods
The flowers grow on one year old wood near the branch tips and are dioecious, either male or female. They are a good source of carotnoids and dietary fiber, very low in cholesterol and sodium.
El Segundo
Through the Years, We All Will Be Together
The story and the subsequent response are an example of love and kindness and indicative of the people that belong to the Dave's Garden community. There is a bit of something for everyone.
El Segundo
Breaking Bread and Swapping Plants: The First Ever Dave\'s Garden Roundup
Oh, sure… we swapped plants by mail but that was about all the personal interaction there was. And every year newcomers to our site come across a reference to a ?Roundup? Then our belovedRoadrunner, Jo, posted that she was coming from Arizona in the...
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Coffee and conversation: the evolution of an e-community
The Pet forum has its "How was your day?" threads, and even the "daily blooms"threads in some of the plant forums get chatty at times. However, there are times when another DGer may have just the right "been there, done that" insight to offer.
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Persimmons and Mimosas
My dad told me that he could not make me a slide either, so I would have to find something to slide down all by myself. With every slide it became stickier, and more bees flocked to the sweetened mess.
El Segundo
Growing Persimmons
Persimmon trees can take up to five years to bear fruit, so planting one is more investment strategy than gratification game. Regardless of variety, a ripe persimmon fruit is a valuable addition to any kitchen.
Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
He Iowa Roundup, now in its sixth year, continues to be the most popular and well-attended one in the U.S.Attendance at this year's May 3 event equaled that of the previous year.Two members flew in from Texas (without knowing the other was coming) and...
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Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
It was "Dave's Garden" [DG]. So Internet too arrived home. Naturally, I signed up almost automatically and instantly in one of my first 'hits' itself! It did not take long to realize that I was amongst a knowledgeable, helpful, reliable and magnificent...
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Its a Small World After All
Their tragedies were sympathized with and eased by the concern and empathy of others…and it grew.Suddenly, yet quietly, a balcony gardener in New Jersey was sharing information with a farmer in New Zealand.
El Segundo
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
Today is the day that folks celebrate Mother's Day and it's the first one where we're not quite sure if she will remember us. Hope y'all don't mind that I print all the stanzas.The hand pictured is of my sweet, sweet Mother in law, Clare.
El Segundo
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
Sometimes I have to use a farm tractor to lift them in the air. Enjoy the following pictures of some of his work.people wonder how the birdhouses are mounted. This is just a spotlight on one of the many wonderful members here.Thank you for reading this...
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The Love Garden: A lasting gift for your Valentine
Instead of giving cut flowers and chocolates that will be gone within two weeks, bring home a plant for the yard or patio that will last for many years to come.language of flowers lists.
El Segundo
Have You Tasted A Persimmon?
Nutrition data calculated by Diana Wind, RD using USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 25.The American and Asian Persimmons - Pucker Up for the Fruit of the GodsA Persimmon A Day Could Be Better For Your Heart Than An Apple
El Segundo
I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
Click this link to read afrom the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, and to explore related topics.In researching the health benefits of gardening, I found a lovely site by the British charitable organization Thrive.
El Segundo
Woody Perennials Bring the Fall Border to Life
Next fall, you can sit back and bask in the glory of it all.Thanks to Flicker for her image of Salvia madrensis. For a while all is well, and the gardeners puff up, sit back, and look around in a self-satisfied manner, completely convinced that their...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
No matter where you are located, you'll be welcome. Many of us take note of the species that visit our feeders and share information with our friends. They celebrate the spotting of each ‘lifer' and have active threads for posting reports of daily bird...
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A Dozen Tips to Make Your Gardening a Little Easier
This makes them easy to spot when you lie them down in the garden. Several applications may be needed to ensure the job is done.Plant your pole beans between rows of corn. To eliminate any moisture that might cause mold, place 1 tablespoon of nonfat dry...
El Segundo
Limbaugh\'s Legacy: My Favorite Heirloom Tomato, \
He gets more requests each year and hates to think there might not be enough seeds to go around. His daughter is also keeping the strain going. The abundant foliage of potato leafed plants may help protect fruits from sun scald.With fruit production starting...
El Segundo
Don\'t Try This at Home
So the reason why you shouldn't use this home canning method isn't because of low temperature. Also, the canning jars can explode inside the microwave, and when they are taken out.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Of course, my daughter asked, 'What about your daylilies, mommy?' We also have 3 cats and 2 dogs. Although we don't know each other physically, I feel that you all are friends and I appreciate your comments more than you can know.
El Segundo
Home and Garden Shows; A Spot of Green for Weary Gardeners
Orchids hung from pergolas and moss-covered fountains bubbled as we took in the displays.There was a table manned by folks from the Forestry Service handing out free tree seedlings, so we took advantage of the offer and selectedon our way to the lecture...
El Segundo
Making Apple Juice and Applesauce with a Mehu-Liisa
I filled my sink full and started cutting them into the top section of the Mehu-Liisa. Chances are, your family will gobble it up anyway. If you make just a little jelly (this recipe made 32 oz of jelly) you can just keep it in the refrigerator.
El Segundo
Meet Dave\'s Gardeners in Your Area: Throw a Plant Party!
Host a Plant Party!Do you have tips and suggestions for hosting a DG gathering? If I'm feeling formal, I'll get out a stack of cake plates and platters so food doesn't have to be set out in plastic containers.
El Segundo