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Perennials For Shade Perennials For Sale In New Hampshire

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Autumn Brilliance Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 Gal

They thrive in open or dappled shade. Soils must not be allowed to dry out. The 24″ upright fronds take on an autumn color again in the fall. Reddish frond color often returns in autumn after first fall frost.
United States
New Hampshire
Heuchera Citronelle
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Gal

Mass as in a group as a ground cover . This Heucheralle is a vigorous, clump-forming, compact coral bells cultivar. The chartreuse foliage will stand out in any shady garden, be it in a pot, garden bed, or as a mass planting.
United States
New Hampshire
Iris Moonlight Waves (Japanese Iris)
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

Japanese iris grows surprisingly well in garden soils, albeit less vigorously, as long as it receives consistent moisture. Synonymous with Easily grown in average, medium to wet soils in full sun to part shade.
United States
New Hampshire
Astilbe Snowdrift
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 GAL

The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep. They can be cut and brought into the house and used in arrangements. Gorgeous in mass plantings but will not tolerate long periods of drought.
United States
New Hampshire
Hosta Patriot
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Gal

This variety features a mound of large, variegated, oval, which have deep green centers and wide irregular white margins. They can be used as an edging plant or en mass for a showy ground cover.
United States
New Hampshire
Hellebore Royal Heritage
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 Gal

Flowers appear at the tips of branched stems clad with evergreen dark green leaves which are divided into glossy, leathery, deeply-lobed, often toothed, lanceolate to elliptic segments.
United States
New Hampshire
Dead Nettle ‘Purple Dragon\'
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 1 Gal

Clusters of deep magenta-purple flowers are larger than all other varieties, appearing in spring then continuing off and on until fall. Clusters of purple flowers appear and spring and continue off and on through fall.
United States
New Hampshire
Hibiscus Luna Red
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 Gal

Our ideal fertilizer schedule for you to use is as follows. Depending on the quality of your existing soil you may need to add a locally sourced compost or topsoil to the back-fill soil.
United States
New Hampshire
Heuchera Autumn Bride
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

For example a one gallon pot would be watered until you count to 5 a three gallon pot would be 15 and so on. The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep.
United States
New Hampshire
Peony Shirley Temple
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 2 GAL

The spreading clumps form hedges. Excellent cut flower. This pure-white double Peony is named for the famous child star of Hollywood in the 1940s and is a big favorite among peony-lovers.
United States
New Hampshire
Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1 Gal

A North American native in the Daisy family, Echinacea produce big, bright flowers from late June until frost. Showy daisy-like purple coneflowers (to 5″ diameter) bloom throughout summer atop stiff stems clad with coarse, ovate to broad-lanceolate,...
United States
New Hampshire
Achillea Strawberry Seduction
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 1 Gal

After back filling and lightly compacting the 50/50 mix of existing soil and compost give the Achillea Strawberry Seduction a good deep watering. Great addition to the butterfly garden.
United States
New Hampshire
Amsonia hubrichtii
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 1 Gal

This is not to be rushed. We recommend feeding your Amsonia hubrichtii in the very early spring and again in mid summer after all new growth has hardened off and it begins to set flower buds.
United States
New Hampshire
Iris Caesars Brother
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 GAL

In comparison to bearded varieties, Siberian irises have smaller beardless flowers, narrower grass-like leaves and an absence of thick fleshy rhizomes. Avoid soils that are too wet or too dry.
United States
New Hampshire
Nepeta Walkers Low
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 Gal

Adding compost or topsoil will help the young feeder roots to spread through the loose, nutrient rich soil, much easier than if you used solely the existing soil which more times than not will be hard and compacted.
United States
New Hampshire
Brilliance Autumn Fern
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

Almost every garden has a spot for a Brilliance Autumn Fern. As the frosts of autumn approach, your Brilliance Fern will give a last gasp of color, returning to its red-toned brilliance to spice up the fading landscape.
  • Foliage: Orange then Green
  • Botanical Name: Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Sun Exposure: Full Shade, Partial Sun
  • Mature Height: 16 - 24 inches
United States
New Hampshire
Hellebore Pine Knot Series
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 Gal

Evergreen perennial with cup-shaped nodding blooms in colors ranging from cream, pink to red in late winter. Flowers bloom in a large variety of colors, including various shades and tints of white, pink, red, purple, and yellow, and sometimes have inside...
United States
New Hampshire
Hibiscus Luna Rose
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 Gal

Starter fertilizer is the best product to use at the time of planting. We suggest when planting your newly purchased Hibiscus Luna Rose plants that you dig a hole twice as wide as the root system but not deeper.
United States
New Hampshire
Dianthus Firewitch
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 Gal.

Attracts butterflies! Very suitable for gardens in the South. The best mulch for the plant is pea stone or gravel, which helps keep the plant clean and suppresses weeds without holding extra water.
United States
New Hampshire
Lilac, Bloomerang Dark Purple PPAF
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Plant

Deer-resistant, easily managed shrubs prefer sunny locations with moist, well-drained soil. Exceptionally hardy reblooming lilac, arrayed with large, rounded, rich-purple inflorescences, makes the perfect landscape plant, attracting frequent butterfly...

48-72 inches

    • Zone: 3-7
    • Spread: 48-72 inches
    • Height: 48-72 inches
    • Bloom Season: Spring, Summer
    • Genus: Syringa
    • Resistant To: Deer
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Iris Ensata Variegata
    Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

    The perfect plant in moist borders, at the edge of ponds or streams, or even in pots plunged halfway to the rim in water gardens. However in winter, it is intolerant of both standing water and boggy soils where rhizomes may rot.
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Peony Felix Crousse
    Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 2 GAL

    Color is brilliant and of even tone with a silky luster. Excellent cut flower. Flowers are extremely showy, and foliage remains attractive throughout the growing season, either alone or as a frame or backdrop for other flowering perennials.
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Heuchera Fire Alarm
    Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

    For example a one gallon pot would be watered until you count to 5 a three gallon pot would be 15 and so on. The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep.
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Lily of the Valley
    Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 1 Bag ( 10 pips)

    They are lovely, have a slight scent and are deer resistant. They will thrive in shady and moist areas where they can be combined with hellebores, dicentras and Jack-in-the-Pulpits for continuous color.
    • Life Cycle: Perennial
    • Zone: 3-9
    • Bloom Season: Spring
    • Resistant To: Deer, Rabbit
    • Height: 6-8 inches
    • Sun: Full Shade, Part Sun
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Rudbeckia Goldstrum Black-eyed Susan
    Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 1 Gal

    Beautiful and versatile, outstanding in mass plantings as well as perennial borders, meadows and prairie gardens. Is garden classic with bold texture and upright habit. Provides seeds in the winter for birds and nectar for butterflies.
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Tassel Fern
    Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 GAL

    (row or file) in reference to the rows of sori located along the midveins of the pinnules. Consider planting rhizome at an angle to help combat potential crown rot problems which most often occur in poorly drained soils.
    United States
    New Hampshire
    Echinacea Pow Wow White (Coneflower)
    Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

    Plants usually rebloom without deadheading, however prompt removal of spent flowers improves general appearance. Showy daisy-like purple coneflowers (to 5″ diameter) bloom throughout summer atop stiff stems clad with coarse, ovate to broad-lanceolate,...
    United States
    New Hampshire