We recommend feeding your Heuchera Fire Alarm in the very early spring and again in mid summer after all new growth has hardened off and it begins to set flower buds. Cut back Heuchera Fire Alarm to within 6 inches of the ground after it has finished...
Sum and Substance does best in part to full shade. It does not like to stay or sit in water or get too dry. This plant will tolerate some drought, but must be established. These gregarious plants bring vibrant, lively color to any shade garden.
Fall pruning, especially in warmer climates, can result in a quick flush of new growth that prevents dormancy and makes winter freezes potentially deadly. Bio-tone is a gardener's best friend and can help guarantee your success.
A winter compost mulch applied after the ground freezes will help prevent root heaving. Plants range in size from dwarf alpine plants with flower spikes rising to only 5” tall to much larger woodland plants with flower spikes towering to 36” tall.
Its variety name, Autumn Brilliance fern , refers to the lustrous orange color of the new growth. It may be massed in woodland areas as a ground cover. In spring, the new leaves of this evergreen start out a coppery pink, then in summer turn green, and...
Hybrid hellebores are often grown from seed (some come true and some don't), but plants will take two years to bloom when grown from seed. Large variety of color combinations and patterns.
Feeding your plants is probably the single most forgotten part of growing healthy long lasting plants. Follow this up with another early summer application of , this will again provide the necessary nutrients to promote a flush of beautiful flowers.
Deadheading is tedious and probably unnecessary since plants usually do not repeat bloom. To perform best wild geranium prefers partial shade to shade. Foliage may decline after flowering in hot summer climates, at which point it may be lightly sheared...
Prune the central stems of the yarrow if they begin to die back. A 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch.
Provides masses of color and good contrast for the rock garden or small border front. Best grown with regular and consistent moisture during the growing season. Plants may die out in the center, however, if drainage is not superior.
Good fresh cut or dried flower. Each flower (to 3-4″ diameter) features downward-arching, overlapping, deep rose-purple rays which encircle a large orange-brown center cone. Narrow-ovate leaves (to 6” long) are medium green.
Be careful with products such as miracle-grow as these products can burn newly planted plants when not used at the recommended rates. Any type of mulch will do but cypress or hardwood mulch will be of a higher quality and provide better nutrition overall...
Its better to leave a one inch gap of space between the mulch and the stem or base of the plant. Remove the brown stems and leaves to give your plant a healthier and more attractive appearance.
Remove spent flower spikes to help extend the bloom period. If plants flop or otherwise depreciate in summer to the point where they look unsightly, consider cutting them back to the basal foliage.
The best mulch for the plant is pea stone or gravel, which helps keep the plant clean and suppresses weeds without holding extra water. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional bloom.
Flowers are extremely showy, and foliage remains attractive throughout the growing season, either alone or as a frame or backdrop for other flowering perennials. Cut foliage to the ground and remove from the garden in fall after frost.
Feeding your plants is probably the single most forgotten part of growing healthy long lasting plants. Branches hold up extremely well once cut, and berries retain their bright color.
A 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch. Deadheading also prevents Hibiscus Luna Rose from spreading through your yard, as it can be an effective self-seeder when the...
Hibiscus Tie Dye' is suitable for planting en masse in the back of the border or planted singly as a late summer focal point. Immune to the heat and humidity of the deep South. Individual flowers last only 1-2 days, but new flowers open each day in rapid...
Small disk flowers (rays absent) ranging in color from pale pink to dark purple bloom in corymbiform, dome-shaped clusters (4-7” across) from July to September. Easily grown in abundantly moist, fertile, humusy soils in full sun to part shade.
Fall pruning, especially in colder climates, can result in a quick flush of new growth that prevents dormancy and makes winter freezes potentially deadly. Remove the brown stems and leaves to give your plant a healthier and more attractive appearance.
Remove spent flowers to promote continued bloom. This hybrid tolerates heat and humidity (as well as some drought) better than most species of dianthus. Moderate to fast grower. Prefers slightly alkaline soils.
Meaning injures/destroys in reference to the plant's toxic leaves, stems and roots which are poisonous to humans if ingested. Features large, cup-shaped, rose-like, usually nodding flowers (3-4″ diameter) with center crowns of conspicuously contrasting...
Water this grass regularly, mainly during the season when they are blooming, as you need to have well developed roots so that the grass can absorb enough nutrition from the soil. It will hold up to wind and snow.
Achillea Strawberry Seduction is a reliable addition to perennial borders or containers and will hold its bold red color well as a fresh or dried cut flower. Achillea Strawberry Seduction reliably blooms on the seasons new growth, so prune to the ground...
Hellebore Ivory Prince was selected in 1995 in Sussex, England from a controlled breeding program designed to produce new helleborus plants that exhibited vigorous growth, upright form and flatness of flowers.