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Peony Bulbs In Uk

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How to grow: Daffodil (Growing Guide)
As the flowers fade in the garden, trim them off with scissors or pruning shears. Most daffodils are hardy to -25F (-32C); cold tolerance varies with species. Spacing Single Plants: 5" (15cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 3" (10cm) with 5" (15cm) row gap (minimum)...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Tulip (Growing Guide)
Frost tolerant Excellent. Notes Tulips will return for several years where winters are cold, but may rot when grown in warm, moist climates. Feeding Topdress with rich compost in spring, when new growth appears.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Colchicum (Growing Guide)
Allow unharvested flowers to remain in the garden until they set seed, if possible. Fall-blooming colchicums (C. Frost tolerant Good. Spacing Single Plants: 5" (15cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 5" (15cm) with 5" (15cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Set...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Snowdrop (Growing Guide)
Frost tolerant Excellent. Harvesting Seeds can be gathered and re-sown in early summer. Snowdrops naturalize well in light shade, and can be grown in lawns that are not mowed until late spring.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Garlic (Growing Guide)
Shake off soil, and cure whole plants dry in a warm, shady place for two weeks before trimming and storing the garlic bulbs. Crop Rotation Group Allium (Onion family) ● Soil Fertile, well-drained soil with plenty of compost added.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Scilla (Growing Guide)
Frost tolerant Excellent. Harvesting Seeds can be gathered and re-sown in early summer. Scilla is one of the best little bulbs to naturalize in grass beneath deciduous trees. Established clumps can be dug and moved in the fall, but are best left undisturbed.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Crocus (Growing Guide)
Troubleshooting Crocuses needs a period of winter chilling, and will not persist long in warm climates. Most crocuses are hardy to -25F (-32C). Crocuses combine well with scillas and early-blooming daffodils.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Daylily (Growing Guide)
Daylilies can be planted closer when you are using them to cover a slope. Spacing Single Plants: 1' 11" (60cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 1' 7" (50cm) with 1' 11" (60cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Prepare a wide planting hole dug to at least 12in (30cm)...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Allium (Ornamental) (Growing Guide)
Cover the bulbs to four times their depth with loose soil. The leaves appear before the flowering spikes. Companions Allium, Garlic and Chives. In late summer, use bushy annual flowers to hide the fading foliage of spring-blooming alliums from view.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Hyacinth (Growing Guide)
Cover the bulbs to four times their depth with loose soil. Their naturally upright posture gives them a formal demeanor. Companions Tulip, Daylily, Echinacea and Lily. Planting hyacinths behind daylilies or other summer-blooming perennials hides the fading...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Onion (Fall planted) (Growing Guide)
When bulbs form and the tops of the plants fall over, pull them and cure in a warm place for about 10 days before storing. Frost tolerant Yes. Position Full sun. Japanese bunching onions are often planted in the fall in cooler climates.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Fennel (Growing Guide)
When the bulbs reach 3 inches in diameter, pull them and store in the refrigerator. Crop Rotation Group Umbelliferae (Carrot and root family) ● Soil Rich, well drained soil generously amended with compost.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Lily (Growing Guide)
Plant lily bulbs deep, so that the tops of the bulbs are covered with 5in (12cm) of soil. Asiatic hybrids tolerate temperatures to -35F (-37C), but taller Oriental lilies and hybrids are hardy to -25F (-32C).
United Kingdom
How to grow: Shallots (Growing Guide)
If storing shallots, cure in a dry place for 10 days after pulling the plants. Crop Rotation Group Allium (Onion family) ● Soil Fertile, well drained soil with compost dug in. Frost tolerant Yes.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Bluebell (Growing Guide)
Frost tolerant Good. Harvesting Cut bluebells to use in arrangements when half the bells are open. Ferns and primroses make lovely neighbors, but bluebells are often planted in large swaths for a natural look.
United Kingdom
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
Other names for rutabaga ( Brassica napus var. Then store them in plastic bags in the refrigerator, or packed in damp sand or sawdust in a cold basement. The leaves are big and wavy, like turnips, but have a smooth surface with bluish bloom like cabbage.
United Kingdom
Wanted : Begonia Champagne pendula
Price : CALL

Advise about availablity here too. Begonia Champagne pendula or similar Non Stop etc or other basket types. Begonia Non Stop and Champagne pendula also any other tyes that you may have for sale.
United Kingdom
Wanted daffodils/narcissi
Price : CALL

Required: Mixed Daffodils also February Gold / Narcissi / Mixed Tulips and separate white tulips Also wanted: Assorted tulips - approx. 200 and approx. Required: Bulk daffodils - approximately 1000 assorted: narcissi and daffs and February Gold daffs.
United Kingdom
Begonia bulbs...hollywood ca
Price : CALL

I'm in Hollywood CA..all the nurseries in my area are sold out of begonias..anyone have a store or site that wont cost TOO much to ship Begonias are $1-3 per bulb but the sites i found want $8 per plus $9 to ship email me if you know where to go..thanks!!
United Kingdom
Crocus sativa corms
Price : CALL

Want crocus sativa corms the kind used for saffron please contact me if you have these If anyone has crocus sativa corms for sale please contact me would like to purchase some for personal use in growing saffron and any information will be helpful
United Kingdom
Wanted calla Lily Bulbs
Price : CALL

Any other white giant vareities considered Zantedeschia aethiopica. Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Hercules' spotted, and also Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Spotted White Giant' to import to Italy at trade price.
United Kingdom
Wanted:  Cyclamen Bulbs-Zone 5
Price : CALL

Variegated leaves preferred. I'm interested in fall-blooming cyclamen - preferably those whose leaves come out for a long period with long fall blooming time. I'd like to purchase cyclamen bulbs in bulk for our NE zone 5 - can you please send some prices...
United Kingdom
Snowdrop bulbs
Price : CALL

Please show me several species and their price as well as shipping fee. I'd like to buy a handful of snowdrop bulbs, say about 50 or 100. Climate in my area is well suited to grow this flower, so any species will be OK I think.
United Kingdom
Primevere Peony
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Our buying power allows us to price this beauty well below our competition. Blooms in late spring to early summer, shipped as roots, height to 36'', space 24-36'' apart, drought resistant, fragrant, deer resistant, great cut flower.
  • Genus: Paeonia lactiflora
  • Spread: 36"
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 3
United Kingdom
Yellow Tree Peony
Prices start at : 49.99 USD / each

Mature plants are 4-5' tall and 3-5' wide. Plant in any good soil where the plants will get several hours of direct sunlight every day. Prefer a neutral soil. Highly prized specimen shrubs, excellent when planted in groups.
  • Zones: 4-8
  • Spread: 3-4'
  • Genus: Paeonia suffruticosa
  • Max Height (feet): 6
United Kingdom
Charles Burgess Peony
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Charles Burgess is an absolute winner with its maroon red color and very special stamen that make the bloom look as though it is on fire. They are the perfect garden peony with sturdy stems and a compact growth habit.
  • Max Height (feet): 3
  • Genus: Paeonia lactiflora
  • Spread: 3'
  • Zones: 3-8
United Kingdom
Growtent with 600watt ballast and lighting
Price : CALL

Grow tent 4ft wide 4ft long and 6,7 height includeds 2 reflectors 2 600watt hps bulbs Hydrophonics Grow tent 4ft wide 4ft long and 6,7 height includeds 2 reflectors 2 600watt hps bulbs 150
United Kingdom