1-year warranty on all used parts from the date of purchase. This unit was dismantled at Salem Tractor Parts In Salem, SD. All States Ag Parts has salvaged a John Deere 4430 Tractor for used parts.
Complete out of frame overhaul including new cam, we have paper work ,rebuilt Trans, 158 JD Loader, Good Rubber, Cab & A/C, New Interior. Very Nice Condition.
1-year warranty on all used parts from the date of purchase. This unit was dismantled at Salem Tractor Parts In Salem, SD. All States Ag Parts has salvaged a John Deere 4430 Tractor for used parts.
Boom Width: 120-Foot Boom Leveling: Yes Hydraulic Tread Adjust: No Traction Control: Yes Nozzle Spacing: 20 in Tank: Stainless Navigation: Yes Tire Size: Mid Sprayer is guidance ready, customer is keeping their John Deere guidance, so a system would need...
Luxury Cab, 120' Boom, 20" Spacing, AIM Command, AccuBoom, Autoboom, 380/90R46 Tires Lease for $32,600/yr 3-5yr lease, Turn back, buy out or trade at end of lease.