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Outdoor Annual Flowers

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How peculiar: Green cultivars
It is a hardy in zones 9 and 10, but can function as a potted outdoor plant if it is not overwatered and is brought inside for winter. If you wanted a novelty shade garden, 'Green Lace' might look interesting next to Heuchera 'Green Spice' and a chartreuse...
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Bells-of-Ireland: A Lucky Charm for Your Garden
For such a tall plant, bells-of-Ireland matures relatively quickly and will reliably produce stalks from the middle of summer to frost.You can encourage the height of the stalks by watering and fertilizing the plants regularly.
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How peculiar: A green flower
The beautiful down-facing bloom is mahogany colored in the center which changes to limey-green toward the outside as the petals turn upward(4).This beauty, also known as Corsican Rose, blooms large heads of pale green, dainty flowers in late winter and...
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Green Grows the Garden
In celebration of all things "green", here's a short list of flowers in nature's most refreshing, restful hue. You can find many more green-flowered perennials, particularly among the daylilies (Daffodils are practically synonymous with yellow.
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Industrial Hemp: Uses Ancient and Modern
Focus on the "high" part of the name and think "marijuana."By fall of that year, visits to the Amana Colonies began to decline and eventually ceased.The hippies, you see, soon discovered that they couldn't get high on the stuff they were so anxious to...
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Ox-Eye Daisies: Picking Flowers for My Mom
I've made my husband pull over at an intersection while I dashed out of the car to snatch as many daisies as I could before the light changed. We were on our way to see my family, and I just knew my mom needed daisies.Ox-Eye Daisies are considered a weed...
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Cornflower Blue
This effect is of course a result of the tannin content of the plant. Today's pharmacologists find little evidence to support its treatment of fevers, even though it was thought to be beneficial at one time when our ancestors steeped the leaves or seeds...
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Birth Flowers
Other historic references to Iris: she was the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and the Fleur de Lis is a stylized version of the iris. Roses are a beloved garden plant and can be found around the world in cottage, native, and formal gardens alike.Larkspur...
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Incredible Edible Flowers
During Queen Victoria's reign, edible flowers found their way to the new world where they are experiencing a resurgence today.Besides making the food look nice. Just looking for something a little different to dine on?
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Black-Eyed Susan and Other Rudbeckias
Both roots and flowers were used to treat maladies such as earaches, worms, indigestion, burns and snake bites. Although both rudbeckia and echinacea are referred to as a coneflower, rudbeckia can be distinguished from echinacea, or purple coneflower,...
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A jaundiced view of yellow
But when my yard and every other yard on the block are full of forsythia, some healthy, vigorous andand some languishing or pruned within a branch of their lives, forsythia seems awfully common.
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Antiques of the Flower Garden
Each garden has its own soil type. These antique flowers can be found in many gardens and in countless settings. Chances are they will name several heirloom flowers. Arrange the flowers in waves of texture and color to appeal to the eye of the admirer.
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More Plants for Less Money 1- Shopping for Clearance Plants
Later, browse bulbs and check out the shrubs and trees before they get tossed to make way for Christmas merchandise. Shop for gift plants marketed especially for a holiday.Once that holiday has passed, so has the chance that a customer will pay the premium...
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The Monochromatic Garden-Reds
As long as it has the same tone it will look absolutely divine!There truly is no other color as decadent and delicious as red. Large swatches arranged in this manner seem to work better than single plants, allow for one or two (more if it's a large garden...
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Salvia - How to Grow the Easiest Plant in the World
No matter where you live or how you garden, there is a salvia for you! Salvia--when I first heard that word for the garden, the only salvia I knew were the simple and rather small annuals that I had planted year in and year out for the last few garden...
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First Flowers
So small and delicate, they seemed to disintegrate when I tried to pick them. I was told they were “bluettes.”The following year, in my fifth grade class, we were to grow flowers for Mother's Day gifts.
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Bidens, Gold Nuggets
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 1 Pkt. ( 50 seeds)

Flowering and flowering from July right into October, easy-growing 12 inch variety's mass of glowing, golden blooms pretty much submerges the alluring fernlike foliage. It asks for lots of sun and little water.
Annuals You Can Grow
Thank you Sheila_FW for the image.This wonderful plant is the single best grower in my early summer garden and comes in many varieties. The leaves are fern-like and very airy and the flowers are wonderful to cut for arrangements.
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Get out the vote, but don\'t wait for November! Vote on the American Garden Award by August 31, 2012
I really like this color and the delicate appearance of the flowers.I just want to mention--as this article goes to press, the two front runners (I'm not telling) are only a hundred votes apart.
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Torenia, the Clown Flower
Weak trailing stems make them ideal for hanging baskets and other containers as the stems will cascade over the sides. Wishbone flower prefers fertile soil, so add a bit of high potassium fertilizer every month or so to encourage abundant flowers.
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Pansy, Panola Pink Shades Mix
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 4 Plants

They will burst in color early in the spring and keep color into early summer. Perfect companion of spring flowering bulbs. The best plant to have in the landscape bed around the house in fall and during the winter months.
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Container
  • Bloom Duration: 12 weeks
  • Height: 6-8 inches
  • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
What are annuals?
The helpful sales person stumps you with his first question-"Are you looking for annuals or perennials?" Well, what are annuals anyway? Under average beginner growing conditions allow aof eight weeks, and better yet twelve, to produce little plants of...
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Calibrachoa -- have you tried them yet?
These crosses are marketed as having flowers as big as petunias but being as easy-care as calibrachoas. Bearing in mind the plant's susceptibility to root-rot, don't let it dry out TOO much! Calibrachoa do not require dead-heading, although any time you...
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Madagascar Periwinkle Care: Growing Madagascar Rosy Periwinkle Plant
Growing rosy periwinkle in temperate zones usually results in a short season annual with three months of lovely flowers before a glut of moisture ends its life.The biggest issue with Madagascar periwinkle care is overwatering.
Growing Annual Vinca From Seed: Gathering And Germinating Seeds Of Vinca
Place the seeds in a paper envelope and store them in a cool, dry, well-ventilated location until planting time. Although this plant isn't frost-hardy, you can grow it as a perennial if you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 and above.
South African Foxglove, an easy exotic annual (Ceratotheca triloba)
I discovered that the leaves are not "trilobed" on the very young plants. Once moved to my garden, the foxgloves grew quickly and developed their distinctive lobed leaves. Though they didn't seem overly stressed, I kept them watered through our unprecedented...
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Marigold: Flower of the Aztecs
Plant files.Kell. Festivals featuring marigold date at least to the time of Aztecs in Mexico. Sept, 18, 2004. Deadhead spent blooms to keep them coming.Several years ago the Burpee company tested and marketed a series of odor-less marigolds.
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