We also supply Nets and Feathers. We sell Fly tying tools & carp fishing accessories,Nets and Feathers. Our On-Line Trade Catalogue at website. Also we deal in fashion and jute bag.
Jon vanbrunt in great condition plower,seeder etc in working order-ready to use with horses or tractor a must see Can still see colors of red and yellow from jon vanbrunt before jon deere- 4 big seeder boxes gravity flow -wooden wheels-tongue included...
Antique Ford Corn or Seed Planter for sale. Would like to see to go to a antiquer so inquire as soon as you can. It is better served as a antique and collectors item. All offers accepted.
Cross elastic co-hesive polyurethane foam makes an ideal clean dressing or non compression bandage to keep dressings comfortabley in place E-mail for a free sample PolstePlast and AnimalVet make equine wound care easy.
Very useful for in clinic cbcs and takes approximately 6 min for results.qbc tubes are available from most distributors or idexx.s Includes cbc machine,centrifuge test tube rackand pipette.
It consist of one inversded microscpe ( Olympus CK2) and one micromanipulater. The embryo is fixed on a petri dish. AB TECHNOLOGY . Micromanipulater for embryo's. Used onlu a few times for microdissection of embryo's
Antique Silo Blower, combine, NH Baler, single row Corn Chopper, two row Corn picker We pulled these items out of our woods in an effort to clean up the farm. Email for more pictures
Antique Silo Blower, combine, NH Baler, single row Corn Chopper, two row, Corn picker. We pulled these items out of our woods in an effort to clean up the farm. Email for more pictures