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Other Lawn Garden Pest Control Lawn Garden Pest Weed Control For Sale In Texas

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Liquid Fence Ready To Use
Prices start at : 11.49 USD / each

Product is backed by a written 100% guarantee. Ingredients: Active Ingredients: Garlic 0.2% Potassium Sorbate 0.03% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 0.01% Other Ingredients: 99.76% (Water Whole Egg Xanthan Gum).
United States
MESSINA Deer Stopper Ready To Use Refill
Prices start at : 19.49 USD / each

MESSINA Deer Stopper Ready To Use Refill MESSINA Deer Stopper Ready To Use Refill, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Prevents foraging and entry caused by deer, elk and moose, Covers approximately 4,000...
United States
Monterey Liqui-Cop Concentrate
Prices start at : 13.50 USD / each

Very economical replacement for bordeaux mixture with an expanded label. Made in the USA. Extremely weather proof and does not require oil or a sticker. Monterey Liqui-Cop Concentrate Liquid copper fungicide spray for disease prevention on fruit trees,...
United States
Deflea Upholstery Spray Trigger
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Deflea Upholstery Spray Trigger Deflea Upholstery Spray Trigger comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Natural product kills fleas & ticks!, For indoor/outdoor use!, Also effective on flies, ants, cockroaches, silverfish, & scorpions Size: 24 Oz
United States
Revenge Granular Ant Bait
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Restricted Use in the following states/territories: AK, CA, DC, HI. Contains 5 percent Orthoboric acid. Revenge Granular Ant Bait Revenge Granular Ant Bait comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Ant killer granules indoor or outdoor, Weather resistant...
United States
Infuse Lawn Landscape Granules
Prices start at : 16.49 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK & HI Size: 7.5 Pound Prevents and controls over 30 plant diseases. Ingredients: 2.05% Thiophanate-Methyl. Provides systemic disease control for up to 3 weeks.
United States
BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder
Prices start at : 3.49 USD / each

Sorry no choice of which color will be sent. Color: Assorted Size: 14.18 x 1.57 x .52' Cushion grip hand tool with comfortable foam handle, Durable hammer tone finish Assorted. BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder, if...
United States
Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 16 OZ Concentrate

Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate is the ultimate systemic broadleaf weed killer for lawn and turf. Broadleaf weeds Controlled by Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate- Annual yellow sweetclover, Aster, Austrian fieldcress, Bedstraw, Beggarticks, Betony,...
United States
Natural Garden Weed Barrier
Prices start at : 13.60 USD / each

Allows air and water through. Size: 3 X 40 Foot Gradually decomposes. Natural Garden Weed Barrier Biodegradable paper mulch designed for annual gardens and plantings. Lasts a full growing season.
United States
Weedbeatr Lawn Weed Killer Con
Prices start at : 34.30 USD / each

Makes enough weed killer to cover 8,000 square feet of land. Weedbeatr Lawn Weed Killer Con Weedbeatr Lawn Weed Killer Con in stock and ready to ship. Allow additional time for delivery.
United States
5% Dust Bug Killer - Ready-To-Use
Prices start at : 5.99 USD / Each

Provides excellent control of leafing eating and sucking insects. Kills over 65 insects on vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and lawns. Sevin Bug Killer can be used on more sites to kill more insects than any other brand available.
  • Model Number: 100531073
  • Weight: 1.0000
United States
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Dog Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / each

Safe around pets, children and plants., Specially formulated to naturally train dogs to avoid treated areas., Unique organic formula provides strong, natural repelling power without harming people, pets or the environment., For outdoor use only., Dried...
United States
Bonide Burnout Ready To Use
Prices start at : 32.10 USD / each

Bonide Burnout Ready To Use Bonide Burnout Ready To Use comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kills All Types Of Actively Growing Weeds and Grasses, Safe For Organic Gardening and For Use Around People and Pets Rainproof When Dry, Works At Temperature...
United States
Ant Killer II - 1 Oz
Prices start at : 3.49 USD / Each

Terro Ant Killer II kills all common household ants. Ants crave it, eat It and share with the colony.
  • Weight: 0.5000
  • Model Number: T100-CS
United States
Specrtacide Vegetation Killer Concentrate
Prices start at : 7.90 USD / each

Use on driveways, patios, and sidewalks. Covers up to 800 square feet. Specrtacide Vegetation Killer Concentrate No regrowth for up to 1 year. See results in 24 hours.
United States
MESSINA Plotsaver Deer Barrier Ribbon
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

MESSINA Plotsaver Deer Barrier Ribbon MESSINA Plotsaver Deer Barrier Ribbon is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Protects food plots, crops, orchards, reforestation areas, nursery stock and all other growing areas from deer damage,...
United States
Welliver Mason Bee Ladybug House
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Fully functional bee houses featuring replaceable corrugated nesting tubes. Color: Red & Black Durable cedar construction and assembled with rust resistant screws. Welliver Mason Bee Ladybug House Welliver Mason Bee Ladybug House is an excellent product...
United States
Bait Blocks for Rats and Mice 4 Lb.
Prices start at : 44.99 USD / Each

It has no secondary poisoning, which reduces no target animal exposure if they consume a poisoned rodent. CyKill breaks the cycle of anticoagulant resistance with its acute neurotoxin.
  • Model Number: 112825
  • Size: 4 lb.
  • Weight: 4.0000
United States
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Vole Scram Granular Repellent
Prices start at : 28.60 USD / each

ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Vole Scram Granular Repellent ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Vole Scram Granular Repellent. Provides 600 square feet of protection per pound, Stops vole damage, Suitable for organic gardening - all natural ingredients, Won t harm people,...
United States
WeatherBeeta Plus Crabgrass Rts
Prices start at : 16.30 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,HI, & NY Size: 1 Quart Allow additional time for delivery. Ingredients: 2,4-D, Dicamba Broadleaved Weed Killers And Quinclorac Crabgrass Killer.
United States
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Deer Scram Granular Deer & Rabbit Repellent
Prices start at : 15.49 USD / each

ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Deer Scram Granular Deer & Rabbit Repellent ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Deer Scram Granular Deer & Rabbit Repellent. Protects up to 1600 square feet, A green solution to deer & rabbit damage, All organic no bad odor, Won t hurt animals...
United States
LV400 2,4-D 1 Gal Weed Killer
Prices start at : 29.89 USD

  •  Weight: Approximately: 9.82 pounds
  •  Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 12.25 x 7.2 x 4.5 inches.
  •  Mixes easily with liquid fertilizers
  •  Use in pastures, rangeland, corn and small grains, as well as other non-crop grass areas
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
United States
Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate
Prices start at : 16.49 USD / each

Non selective broad spectrum control of annual and pernnial weeds woody brush and trees. Ingredients: 41% Glyphosate Size: 1 Pint Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate A post emergent systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity.
United States
Quali-Pro Msm Turf Herbicide
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Controls Spruce, Wild Onion and Garlic, Dandelion, Dollar Weed and Nearly One Hundred Other Broadleaf Weeds. Used On Lawns, Parks, Cemeteries, and Golf Courses. Quali-Pro Msm Turf Herbicide Clean Pasture is an excellent product we know our customers will...
United States
Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer Ready To Use
Prices start at : 10.10 USD / each

Safe for people and pets. See results in less than an hour. Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer Ready To Use Ready to use, no mixing. All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
United States
Weedbeatr Lawn Weed Killer Con
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Ingredients: Trimec Turf Herbicide, A Combination Of Three Proven Weed Killers 2,4-D, Mecoprop And Dicamba. For use with tank-type sprayers, hose-end sprayers and for spot-spraying.
United States
Solo Multi-Purpose Sprayer
Prices start at : 14.30 USD / each

Built in funnel top for easy fill. Easy grip shut off. Solo Multi-Purpose Sprayer Solo Multi-Purpose Sprayer comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Suitable for plant protection chemicals cleaning solutions and many other uses..
United States