Liquid Fence Snake Repellent Granular Liquid Fence Snake Repellent Granular comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Unique time-release formula is highly-effective and long-lasting.
Bonide Neem Oil Ready To Use Insecticide, Fungicide and Miticide In One Approved For Organic Gardening Bio-Pesticide Derived From Neem Tree Seed Use On Virtually All Plants- Roses, Flowers, Shrubs, Vegetables, Fruit, Trees, Houseplants and Turf Kills...
Zodiac Fleatrol Carpet & Upholstery Spray Zodiac Fleatrol Carpet & Upholstery Spray, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CA
Reapply product after heavy rain or every two weeks for best results. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK & DC Size: 4 Pound Do not water in after application.
Welliver Stacks Chicken Bird House Welliver Stacks Chicken Bird House, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Color: White & Natural Single screw cleanout panel.
The SQUIRRELINATOR The SQUIRRELINATOR. The Squirrelinator was created utilizing the best benefits of all types of traps in the market, keeping in mind our environment. It is a poison-free trap that saves the environment of chemicals and possible harm...
Area may be replanted in 7 days. Rainfast in 15 minutes. Works only when it contacts foliage and deactivated when it hits the soil, making it ideal for use around flowers, shrubs, and trees.
No odor water-based formula. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,AZ,CA,CO,DC,HI,ID,MT,NM,NV,OR,SD,UT,WA, & WY Size: Pint Makes up to 8 gallons of spray. Leaves no oily residue.
Welliver Mason Bee Bee House Welliver Mason Bee Bee House in stock and ready to ship. Durable cedar construction and assembled with rust resistant screws. Fully functional bee houses featuring replaceable corrugated nesting tubes.
One Qt concentrate treats 1500 sq.ft. Bonide Burnout Weed and Grass Killer is very fast acting, is rainproof when dry, works at temps as low as 40 F, and does not translocate. For non-selective control of herbaceous broadleaf and grass weeds.
Bonide Burnout Ready To Use Bonide Burnout Ready To Use comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kills All Types Of Actively Growing Weeds and Grasses, Safe For Organic Gardening and For Use Around People and Pets Rainproof When Dry, Works At Temperature...
Cidekick-II weed killer A wetting agent, sticker, and penetrant all in one. Use with weedtrine-d and shore-klear for control of duckweed, cattails, lilies, etc. Ingredients: 100% D, L-Limonene And Related Isomers Plus Selected Emulsifiers.
Call us at 1-800-8-SADDLE. Can't find exactly what you are looking for? Bio Spot Active Care Yard & Garden Spray Kills and repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ants, crickets and other listed insects, For use on lawns, trees, shrubs, roses, and flowers, Provides...
As if your plants didnt have enough pests knocking down their cell walls fungus, algae, mold, and rust are just as dangerous as bugs. Concentrate is built for easy mixing, with the squeeze and measure top made for no messes.
EverSafe All Natural Mosquito Control. Don't be a target, be EverSafe. Just add water, hang outdoors and enjoy outdoors. Create a Bite Free Zone around your home for a week.
Dr. T's Nature Products Mosquito Repelling Granules are made of a natural, biodegradable formula that is independently, professionally tested and proven to repel mosquitoes. Plus it's an environmentally friendly alternative to poisons.
Control a broad range of insects around homes, lawns and landscapes with Compare-N-Save Lawn Insect Control Granules. Bag will treat up to 9,500 sq. Use as a broadcast treatment to treat your whole lawn or a mound treatment for 6 month residual activity...
✓ Controls a broad range of insects around homes, lawns and landscapes
✓ Contains .2% Bifenthrin, more active ingredient than other brands
Pest Type: Ants,Armyworms,Chinch Bugs,Cutworms,Fire Ants,Fleas,Leafhoppers,Mealybugs,Millipedes,Mole Crickets,Scorpions,Sod Webworms,Sowbugs and Pillbugs,Ticks,Weevils
Can be used on day of harvest on vegetables, fruit trees and ornamentals. Kills more than 100 listed insects. Made in the USA. Monterey Bug Buster-O Concentrate Monterey Bug Buster-O Concentrate in stock and ready to ship.
It is insecticide free and easy to use. This attractant catches filth breeding flies such as house flies, blow flies, flesh flies, blue and green bottle flies, dump flies and dung flies.
The Safer Brand Yard and Garden Insect Killer is a specially formulated combination of insecticidal soap and pyrethrins to kill insects on contact. This product works on both hard and soft bodied insects, providing a broad range insect control option.
✓ Safe for Edibles
✓ Organic
Product Width (in.): 4.83 in
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Pest Type: Aphids,Bagworms,Caterpillars,Diamondback Moths,Japanese Beetles,Leafhoppers,Mealybugs,Scale Insects,Thrips,Whiteflies
Garden Weed Preventer with Treflan 1.75% Controls weeds before they germinate. Will not harm established plants. Granular, easy to use formula. Recommended for use around ornamentals.
Contains spinosad. Fast-acting and odorless. Made in the USA. Can be used to control fire ants in lawns and other outdoor areas. Bacterial product produced by fermentation, can be used on outdoot ornamentals, lawns, vegetables, fruit trees and more.
The AMDRO Fire Ant Bait kills the queen fast and destroys the fire ant mound. The granules are designed for individual mound treatment but can also be used for broadcast application in outdoor areas, for total ant control.
EcoLogic Lawn and Yard Insect Killer Granular kills ants, fleas, ticks and other insects as listed. 1 bag covers up to 20,000 sq. It is made with a naturally derived botanical oil, and is safe around children and pets.
✓ DIY pest control is safe around children and pets
Controls dandelions chickweeds clover oxalis spurge wild violet and many other broadleaf weeds. Spurge Power Broadleaf herbicide for residential lawns.
Allow additional time for delivery. Controls ants, aphids, armyworms, centipedes chinch bugs, cockroaches, fire ants, fleas, flies, grasshoppers, mites,. Compare N Save Indoor/Outdoor Insect Control Concentrate Compare N Save Indoor/Outdoor Insect Control...