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Organic Seeds Seeds Plants For Sale In Pittsburgh

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Green Zebra Tomato
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

A delicious addition to the summer salad bowl, green striped fruits with golden blush are full of tart, luscious flavour. Not an heirloom, but deserving a place with them, it produces 3-4 oz fruits over a long season.
  • Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum 'Green Zebra'
Eleonora Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Eleonora'
  • Uses: Culinary/Beverage/Aromatic
  • Duration: Annual
Garden Peach Tomato
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

Perfect for slicing, salsa or in salads. Indeterminate vines. Small round fruited heirloom tomato, yellow with a blush of pink, and a slight peach-like fuzz. Tomatoes are sweet and meaty when picked ripe off the vine.
  • Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum 'Garden Peach'
Mung Bean Sprouts
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Seed/3 Ounces

Today, bean sprouts are synonymous with mung bean sprouts, and the popularity of this nutritious sprout continues to grow. Of seed per ounce. They are a good source of protein, fiber and vitamins.
Clemson Spineless Okra
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / pkt

First introduced in 1939 this variety is now the most popular on the market. Vigorous 1m/4ft high plants produce straight spineless pods that are excellent in soups, stews and relishes.
  • Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculentus 'Clemson Spineless 80'
Red Salad Bowl Lettuce
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / pkt

A loose type with a striking bronze burgundy oak-shaped leaves. For baby leaf use in 28 days or full-size use in 51-58 days. Very popular for all season use. Stays bitter-free and is heat tolerant.
  • Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa 'Red Salad Bowl'
Small Sugar Pumpkin
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

This is the standard pie pumpkin, also used for soups, grilling and mini- jack o lanterns. Heirloom variety from the 1800s. Fruit is small-22cm/9” diameter and weighing 2-3kg/5-6 lbs with deep orange, thick hard skin.
  • Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo 'Small Sugar'
Opopeo Amaranth
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

A tall Mexican heirloom vegetable with impressive large deep red flower spikes and bronze-green foliage. Ht. 2m/70-80in. The ornamental effect is so stunning it belies the fact that this is first and foremost a food plant.
  • Botanical Name: Amaranthus hybridus 'Opopeo'
Golden Greek Pepperoncini
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

But if you make your own pickles using this light golden variety you will not need any chemicals. Pick continuously to encourage more fruits. Not to be confused with hot Italian peperoncini, this traditional Greek variety is much milder.
  • Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum 'Golden Greek Pepperoncini'
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Flowering stems and leaves have pleasant bitter flavour when cooked, steamed or sauteed. Popular Italian appetizer served with garlic and olive oil. Sown in early spring for harvest before hot weather or in mid-to-late summer for fall harvest.
  • Botanical Name: Brassica rapa (Ruvo)
Japanese Catnip
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

(Jing jie) Chinese herb used to treat the common cold and its symptoms, chills, sore throat, and headaches. Chinese herbalists say this herb expels ‘wind' and promotes ‘eruption.'
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Botanical Name: Schizonepeta tenuifolia
Garden Sage
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

(Dalmatian sage) The main culinary varieties popular with onions for poultry stuffing and for flavouring rich meats like pork or duck. Grey-green pebbly leaves, pale blue flowers The most commonly grown culinary variety.
  • Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall/Anytime
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic
Glass Gem Corn
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Zea mays 'Glass Gem'
Red-Streaked Mizuna Mustard
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / Pkt

(Japanese mustard) The deeply frilled foliage has beautiful red streaks set against a green background. The visual effect is like an abstract expressionist painting, mesmerizing if you let yourself get drawn into the detail.
  • Botanical Name: Brassica rapa (Japonica)
Oakleaf Lettuce
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Compact rosettes of delicately thin, tender, light green oakleaf-shaped leaves that stand heat well and does not become bitter. Old variety now popular once again.
  • Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa
Sweetie Tomato
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

Bright red fruit of over 2.5cm/1” in diameter are unusually sweet and flavourful with a high vitamin C content. One of our favourite cherry tomatoes! 65 days. Plants grow tall, so staking is recommended as the vine bears fruit in long clusters of 12...
  • Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum 'Sweetie'
Oregon Sugar Pod Pea
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / pkt

Height 60cm/24-30”. Light green, smooth edible pods 10cm/4” long by 2cm/3/4”diameter with a mild flavour good for eating raw, in stir fries or steamed. Freezes well, retaining the full, sweet flavour and colour.
  • Botanical Name: Pisum sativum 'Oregon Sugar Pod'
Amish Deer-Tongue Lettuce
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / Pkt

Sow direct in the garden in spring. Like the red deer tongue variety, this is a very nice leaf lettuce with tongue-shaped leaves. The flavour is pleasantly sharp and nutty and the texture is quite good for fresh salad use.
  • Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa 'Amish Deer-Tongue'
Rattail Radish
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

The pods were absolutely incredible! They had a sharp but pleasant radishy taste, with a very nice crunchy texture. Easy to grow: sow direct in the garden in spring and harvest seed pods in 50-55 days.
  • Botanical Name: Raphanus caudatus
Tree Spinach
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

High in vitamins A and C and rich in calcium and iron. (Magenta spreen; Purple goosefoot; Giant lambsquarters) With a splash of magenta at the stem tips this is a one hot new green for the garden, suited for salads, omelettes, frittatas, quiches, curries...
  • Botanical Name: Chenopodium giganteum
Great White Tomato
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

Excellent for eating fresh sliced on a sandwich, and not too wet to add to a salad. Large juicy fruit with tender skin. 75 days to maturity. Low acid, fairly sweet. Grows a greenish-white but may blush if it stays on the plant long enough.
  • Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum 'Great White'
Patio Pride Pea
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Pisum sativum 'Patio Pride'
Organic Sunflower Seeds
Prices start at : 5.49 USD / 8 oz

Order our premium quality GMO-free sunflower seeds today! Due to its high content of oleic and linoleic acids, organic sunflower seeds can help reduce blood sugar and boost metabolism.
  •  Raw Whole Kernels
  •  Cholesterol Free
  •  Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher


    • Calories: 164
    • Total Carbohydrate: 6g
    • Protein: 6g
    Geisha Garlic Chives
    Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

    All-America Selection for 2015. Award-winning variety with bigger, broader leaves than regular garlic chives. Ht. 25-60cm/10-24". Plants are taller, more vigorous and higher yielding.
    • Duration: Perennial
    • Botanical Name: Allium tuberosum 'Geisha'
    • Ease of Germination: Easy
    Genovese Basil Organic Seeds
    Prices start at : 2.95 USD

    Begin harvesting in 68 days. When you buy organic seed, you have the assurance that the seed was grown without synthetic chemicals and you are supporting farms and companies that are committed to organic agriculture.
    •  Tender, sweet basil for a range of culinary uses
    •  Seeds have a 1-year shelf life
    •  Open-pollinated variety
    Red Clover
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

    Many herbalists assert that the flowers taken as an infusion help prevent and even cure cancer. In his legendary book, Back to Eden (see book section of this catalogue), Jethro Kloss wrote, Red clover is an exceedingly good remedy for cancer on any part...
    • Ease of Germination: Easy
    • Botanical Name: Trifolium pratense
    • Duration: Perennial
    Red Sage
    Prices start at : 5.25 USD / / pkt

    Clinical experience shows that the roots are effective against angina pectoris, cerebral atherosclerosis, intravascular clotting and phlebitis. Also effective against hepatitis, infections, and many skin diseases such as shingles, dermatitis and psoriasis.
    • Duration: Perennial
    • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
    • Botanical Name: Salvia miltiorrhiza