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Organic Seeds Seeds Accessories For Sale In Pueblo

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Radish Cherry Seeds Pack
Prices start at : 2.23 USD / each

A tasty, round, brilliant red radish with crisp white flesh. 1949 All America Selection winner is tolerant of poor soils, retains tenderness, and resits pithiness. Can be planted and harvested all summer long.
  •  A tasty, round, brilliant red radish with crisp white core
  •  These seeds are certified organically grown
  •  Sow every two weeks for a continuous supply
  •  Can be succession planted and harvested all summer long
  • Mature Height: 1-2 in
  • Product Height (in.): 6
Thyme Organic Seed
Prices start at : 2.49 USD / each

Thyme is also know for attracting bees which are good pollinators to your flower and vegetable gardens. The leaves have a marked, but agreeable, aroma and pungent flavor. Thyme leaves are used fresh or dried for seasoning clam chowder, other fish soups,...
  •  For drying leaves, cut entire plant to 2 in. above the ground just before it flowers in the early summer
  •  Botanical name thymus vulgaris
  •  Thyme will thrive as a potted plant
  • Product Width (in.): 3.25
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 12
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
Cilantro Coriander Organic Seed
Prices start at : 2.49 USD / each

Tall and have rosy, lavender blossoms. The leaves have a distinctive flavor and are used in salsa's or as a garnish in salads and soups. The plant flowers quickly, leaving a harvest of large firm seeds.
  •  Use Ferry-Morse seed, providing seed to the world that's guaranteed to grow since 1856
  •  Germination rates exceed USDA standards
  • Product Height (in.): 4.5
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 10
  • Product Width (in.): 3.25
  • Product Depth (in.): .01
Muskmelon, Hale\'s Best
Prices start at : 3.78 USD / each

The orange fruit is firm and sweet. These delicious early, heirloom muskmelons yield fruits that are heavily netted with a light rib and slip from the vine when ripe. Tender annual 3-4 lb.
  • Sold as: Packet
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Product Height (in.): 5.5
  • Seeds of Change contributes 1-percent of net sales to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide: Yes
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 12.0
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
Tomato Roma Organic Seed
Prices start at : 2.49 USD / each

Roma tomatoes are disease tolerant. The fruits produce very little juice and of mild flavor. A determinate variety that matures into large plants and have good leaf cover. Roma tomatoes are a heavy-yielding variety that's used for preserves, solid-pack...
  •  Germination rates exceed USDA standards
  •  Tomatoes require at least an inch of water per week
  •  Use Ferry-Morse seed, providing seed to the world that's guaranteed to grow since 1856
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 14
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 10
Dark Green Lettuce Walmann\'s Seeds Pack
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

Lactuca sativaHardy Annual. The gold standard of green loose leafs for its vigor, reliability, bolt resistance and excellent flavor. A big, fast lettuce with great loft and rich color.
  •  Seeds of Change contributes 1-percent of net sales to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide
  •  Start in early spring and fall for the best full size heads
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 10.0
  • Type: Annual
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 13.0
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Organic All Lettuce Seed Mix
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

A diverse mix of lettuces with contrasting colors and textures for tender, tasty salads fresh from your garden. Includes several different varieties of frilly green and red leaf varieties, romaine's and oak-leaf types.
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 10
  • Mature Height: 3 to 4 inches
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Sold as: Packet
Pea Green Arrow (1-Pack)
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

This variety yields plump, long pods filled with 8-11 sweet, bright green shelling peas. Productive bushes are widely adapted and disease resistant. Hardy annual 24 in.
  •  Independently tested for high germination rates and purity, meets or exceeds federal standards
  •  English shelling variety with small, sweet, bright green peas
  •  Free of GMO's (genetically modified organisms), chemicals and pesticides
  • Product Width (in.): 3.5
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.01
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
Tomatillo, Purple De Milpa
Prices start at : 3.71 USD / each

Vigorous, spreading plant yields 2-3 ounce, 2 inch purple fruits which are delicious raw. The main ingredient in salsa verde, these tomatillos are a prized traditional strain. Best time to pick for salsa is when husks turn brown and begin to open.
  • Mature Height: 3-4 ft
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 22.0
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Moderate Water: Yes
  • Type: Annual
Seed Tape Organic Radish Cherry Belle Seed
Prices start at : 3.97 USD / each

Cover with 1/2 in. Seedlings emerge in 4-6 days. In frost-free areas, SOW in the fall. Harvest these crisp roots extra early. Sow in well-worked soil after danger of frost in early spring, again in late summer for fall crop.
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.25
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Product Height (in.): 4.375
  • Mature Height: 4-6" tall.
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 6
Organic Spinach Renegade F-1 Seed
Prices start at : 3.78 USD / each

Adapted to spring, early summer, or fall production, it is also highly resistant to disease. This hybrid variety yields delicious, dark green, semi-smooth leaves on upright stems. Hardy annual 6-10 in.
  •  Independently tested for high germination rates and purity, meets or exceeds federal standards
  •  8-10 in. leaves, harvest spring, summer and fall
  •  Widely adapted and slow to bolt to seed
  •  Hermetically sealed package that is re-sealable gives longer life and higher germination rates
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Plant / Seed Spacing (in.): 3.0 in
Organic Nautic F1 Brussels Sprouts
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

This dependable, cold-hardy hybrid produces stocky towers of tender round Brussels sprouts sweetened by frosts in the fall. Plant in early August to harvest for your Thanksgiving feast.
  •  Independently tested for high germination rates and purity, meets or exceeds federal standards
  •  Free of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), chemicals and pesticides
  •  Plant in early August to harvest for your Thanksgiving feast
  • Product Width (in.): 30 in
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Mature Height: 30-40in
Tomato Super Sioux (1-Pack)
Prices start at : 4.81 USD / each

This semi-determinate variety yields an impressive red slicing tomato with an exquisite blend of sweet, acid and earthy flavors. Vines start well in the heat and are good for hot, dry areas.
  •  Staking is recommended Indeterminate
  •  Free of GMO's (genetically modified organisms), chemicals and pesticides
  •  Good for hot, dry areas and will set fruit in the heat
  •  Seeds of Change contributes 1-percent of net sales to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 14.0
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Simple Solutions Organic Vegetable Starter Garden Seed
Prices start at : 3.97 USD / each

For full sun locations. Each variety is packaged separately with easy instructions. Varieties include Burpee's Stringless Green Pod Garden Bean, Garden Sweet Burpless cucumber, Burpee Bibb Lettuce and Burpee's Fordhook Zucchini Summer Squash.
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.25
  • Mature Height: Heights vary by variety.
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
  • Sow outdoors: Yes
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
Honeyrock Organic Melon Seed
Prices start at : 2.09 USD / each

With a deep-salmon flesh. This ideal backyard garden variety is ready to harvest in about 80 -days. Burpee's Organic Honeyrock Melon is a high yielding plant that produces incredibly sweet melons.
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 14.0
  • Sold as: Packet
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Ready for harvest in only 80 days: Yes
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.25
250 mg Organic Crackerjack Marigold Seed
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

Big, brightly colored orange, yellow and tangerine blooms are spectacular on this large plant. The flowers are ruffled and lofty with traditional marigold fragrance. Often planted as a natural pest deterrent.
  •  100% certified organic seeds grown for over 20-year
  •  Contains approximately 75 seeds
  • Mature Height: 1-3'
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 11
  • Type: Annual
  • Product Height (in.): 5.5
Spice Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / g

Although recognized as sacred by Hindus, this variety is often confused with sacred or holy basil ( ). Recently it has been sold incorrectly in America under the name . True is camphor basil, a completely different plant.
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum sp.
  • Duration: Annual
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
Tomato San Marzano (1-Pack)
Prices start at : 4.84 USD / each

This traditional paste variety is used in most Italian recipes and thought to make the world's finest sauce. This indeterminate heirloom variety yields large plants with a heavy crop of richly flavored fruit.
  •  Seeds of Change contributes 1-percent of net sales to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide
  •  Loads of small, elongated red tomatoes; needs to be staked
  •  Hermetically sealed package that is re-sealable gives longer life and higher germination rates
  •  Free of GMO's (genetically modified organisms), chemicals and pesticides
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 11.0
Orange Sun Pepper
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

Makes a nice splash in salads and fresh veggie trays. Compact plants, under 60cm/24", work well in large containers or in the garden. Dazzling orange bell pepper with thick flesh, crunchy texture, and exquisite sweet flavour.
  • Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum 'Orange Sun'
Red Stalk Celery
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / Pkt

Start seeds early. The stalks are beautifully tinged with red, and the colour persists even after cooking. The stalks are thinner than modern celery and the flavour is more robust.
  • Botanical Name: Apium graveolens 'Red Stalk'
Green Pattypan Squash
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

They also make a most decorative container at the dinner table for other foods when scooped out. The flavour is pleasantly nutty. Like the yellow variety, this is a distinctive small disk-like squash with scalloped edges, like a toy top or a flying saucer.
  • Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo 'Green Pattypan'
Spectrum Red Husk Corn
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

But what's really striking about this corn are the unique red and white stalks and husks that make great displays in autumn. Can be used for popcorn. An attractive Indian heirloom corn with kernels that come in a medley of red, brown, gold and cream colours.
  • Botanical Name: Zea mays 'Spectrum Red Husk'
Sweet Annie Wormwood
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

(Sweet annie; Qing-guo)
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Duration: Annual
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Sweet Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Long time popular variety.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic/Industrial
  • Duration: Annual
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
Balloon Flower
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

Interesting profuse blue flowers resemble balloons just before opening. Important herb of the Orient: cough remedy is prepared from the roots; wholesome young foliage added to salads.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Platycodon grandiflorus
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Mars Celeriac
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

A first-class German variety with light-coloured bulbs and creamy-white flesh. Unlike other varieties, the flesh stays firm and white even when the bulbs get large.
  • Botanical Name: Apium graveolens rapaceum 'Mars'
Italian Dandelion
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

It looks like a dandelion but it is actually a type of chicory popular in Italy for salads. Good tolerance to both warm and cool weather. The taste is agreeably bitter with an underlying base of sweetness.
  • Botanical Name: Cichorium intybus 'Garnet Stem'