Sow direct in the garden in spring. The flavour is pleasantly sharp and nutty and the texture is quite good for fresh salad use. Like the red deer tongue variety, this is a very nice leaf lettuce with tongue-shaped leaves.
Impressive in borders, cottage gardens, containers, and in vegetable gardens. With a prominent display of bright crimson stalks and dark green crinkly leaves veined in red, this swiss chard is highly ornamental.
Each region has its own version of zaatar: in some areas it is a blend of herbs and spices while in others it is just one herb from among several varieties depending on the region.
Certified Organic Seed. Use leaves in various dishes for flavoring. Use seeds for pickling. Abundant dark blue-green foliage is produced on late bolting plants.
Baby leaves ready in 28 days and full size in 60 days. Good resistance to bolting and good heat tolerance. Does not get bitter in hot weather. Large rosettes of tender, deep-lobed oak-like leaves.
The Shipping/Imperator types have the extra length and durability required in conventional packaged carrots, and perform the best in deeply worked soil. Provide fertile growing conditions and avoid ground recently in sod if possible.
Seeds are white. Vines reach a vigorous 5-6ft. Pole bean with terrific flavour and high yields. Mosaic resistant. Excellent canned, frozen, or eaten fresh.
(Japanese mustard) The deeply frilled foliage has beautiful red streaks set against a green background. Imagine tossing these tasty peppery leaves into your next salad. The visual effect is like an abstract expressionist painting, mesmerizing if you let...
Important herb of the Orient: cough remedy is prepared from the roots; wholesome young foliage added to salads. Interesting profuse blue flowers resemble balloons just before opening.
Ht. 60-75cm (24-32”). It is similar to Genovese basil but the scent and taste are sweeter and milder. Matures slightly later than standard Genovese basils and is slower to bolt. Popular variety with large medium dark green leaves from 2.5” to 4”...
Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Italian Large Leaf'
Favourite of cat lovers, for cats relish the intoxicating leaves. Remedy for colds and fevers. Tea is a popular nightcap, as it induces a good night's sleep.
Great for sprouts or juiced! Wheat sprouts are amazingly sweet and easy to sprout. If allowed to grow for seven days, wheat reaches the "grass" stage when it can be juiced for a nutritious drink.
The seeds also yields a good quality oil used for salads, soap, ointments and paints. The plant is far more important for its culinary uses. (Breadseed poppy) Source of opium and the narcotic alkaloids, morphine and codeine, used to control pain, coughs...
His beefsteak-like variety was in such demand because it produced so well. Called the "Mortgage Lifter" because, in the 1920s, William Estler in Virginia was able to avert bankruptcy by selling enough plants to pay off his mortgage.
Rich tasting old Italian cultivar with small heads projected well above the foliage. Ideal for dips, stir fries, or steamed. For spring or fall crops. Long harvesting period.
Great in soups, Crispy Salad Mix includes Green Pea, Green Lentils, and Red Lentils. Crunchy Sprouts contain amino acids and are high in Vitamins A, C, E, iron, calcium, phosphorous and potassium.
The skin is blue-green and shiny, and the flesh is deep orange, succulent and sweet. The fruits get up to 4kg/10lb in size and store well, keeping their flavour through the winter.
Lovely for salads, garnish and appetizers. Holds its crisp, mild flavour long after maturing, never becoming hollow at the heart. Globe shaped root of deep scarlet and pure-white tips.
Ht. 12-15cm/5-6”. Easy to grow from seeds. Award-winning variety selected for uniformity, flavour, aroma, and high yields. The zesty flavour is spicy but not quite as hot as our standard variety.
Grow like garden peas. An English heirloom grown since at least the 1800s. Each pod contains 5-7 flat oblong beans for fresh or dry use. When the glossy green pods are 10-18cm/4-7in long they are ready to shell.
A compact variety suited for both fresh cut production and for pot production. Excellent for fresh cut sales in bags or bunches. Leaves are medium to large in size and have excellent shelf-life for fresh use.
Excellent for the fresh, processing, and potplant markets. It is uniform, upright, and very vigorous. Highly resistant to diseases and is tolerant of thrips and leaf tip burn. Leaves are fine to medium in thickness and dark blue-green in colour.
Rich in vitamin A, this early maturing, brilliant orange colour, coreless crispy variety is of exceptional sweet flavour! Great for juicing, freezing or fresh use.
Ht. 60-90cm/2-3ft. It is not grown for the dry soybeans but rather for the tender green pods that are eaten like snap beans. (Edamame; Vegetable soybean) This is an heirloom soybean used to make the Japanese side dish, edamame.