The health benefits you will find in these 6 varieties are second to none. We have assembled 6 of the most popular seed varieties for sprouts and will deliver them to you as Certified Organic Seeds.
The “deer tongue” idea refers to the pointed shape of the leaves and not, we hope, to some special fondness deer may have for this unusual variety of leaf lettuce. Sow direct in the garden in spring.
Popular Italian appetizer served with garlic and olive oil. Flowering stems and leaves have pleasant bitter flavour when cooked, steamed or sauteed. Sown in early spring for harvest before hot weather or in mid-to-late summer for fall harvest.
Like red clover, the dried flowers can be used for tea. Few know that the leaves are edible. The young leaves picked before the flowers appear can be used raw in salads. A nitrogen-fixing legume, it is an excellent green manure plant that will improve...
Also in homemade sausage, omelettes, cheese and bean dishes. (Dalmatian sage) The main culinary varieties popular with onions for poultry stuffing and for flavouring rich meats like pork or duck.
Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis
When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall/Anytime
Appalachian favourite from at least 1845 with beautiful maroon and dark red ears. Plants are tall, up to 4m/12ft, and each stalk produces two large ears with about half a pound of kernels each.
(Fang feng) Laserwort is a foundational traditional Chinese cold and flu remedy used to treat infections and sinus problems. Laserworts roots are thick (1in/2cm). Laserwort is a close relative to parsley with aromatic leaves that are commonly eaten as...
Grows in deep, well-drained fertile soil in full sun. A potent 'adaptogen' that helps athletes increases endurance, reflexes an concentration, and helps them to recover faster from exertion.
A beautiful spinach with succulent oval dark green leaves that stand upright, ready for easy harvest. Adapts well to different growing situations and does well in spring or autumn.
Loaded with protein! Great for a snack, on sandwiches, or in salad, clover sprouts are loaded with calcium, potassium, protein, iron, and zinc. Of seed per ounce. Approximately 2.25 TBS.
Will climb 2m/6ft up a trellis. They are tender, crisp and juicy, not bitter at all. The crunchy texture works well in stir fries and Asian noodle dishes. They can been eaten raw at any stage, though they are best when they are just starting to turn brown.
A sleek oblong medium-sized tomato with wavy orange-yellow streaks. Indeterminate habit; needs support. Heavy producer. It was an accidental cross between two heirlooms, Antique Roman and Banana Legs, discovered by American home gardener John Swenson...
For flavour and for colour. It tolerates heavy cutting well so multiple cuttings are possible. With its colour, strong fragrance, and long deep purple stems, this also makes an excellent cutflower.
The skin is blue-green and shiny, and the flesh is deep orange, succulent and sweet. (Shamrock squash; Triangle squash) An old Australian variety with a deeply lobed shape like a shamrock.
Rich in vitamin A, this early maturing, brilliant orange colour, coreless crispy variety is of exceptional sweet flavour! Great for juicing, freezing or fresh use.
For salsas, tomatillos are often used to tone down the hotness of chillies. Tomatillo is the main ingredient of salsa verde. This traditional variety is a mixture of two distinct forms: an upright branching form and a lower, more compact form.
Good eaten fresh out of hand, or boiled, steamed or stir-fried. Sugar snap peas are also known as “mangetout” peas, meaning that both the pod and the peas can be eaten. Fusarium resistant.
But what's really striking about this corn are the unique red and white stalks and husks that make great displays in autumn. An attractive Indian heirloom corn with kernels that come in a medley of red, brown, gold and cream colours.
(Pot marigold) Flower petals give delicate flavour and strong colour to salads, omelettes and cheese, and is used as a saffron substitute for rice. Invaluable in first-aid skin lotions and ointments.
Good resistance to bolting and good heat tolerance. Large rosettes of tender, deep-lobed oak-like leaves. Does not get bitter in hot weather. Baby leaves ready in 28 days and full size in 60 days.
It is highly productive, producing upwards of 20 tons of fresh cilantro per hectare (8 tons/acre). (Chinese parsley) An outstanding Israeli variety developed to resist bolting (early flowering) in hot summer weather.
In Persia the leaves of and other herbs mixed together are served fresh with main meals. This basil is unique and will inspire creativity in the kitchen! Try it in salads, sandwiches, with fish, cheese or just bread.