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Organic Seeds Organic Vegetable Herb Seeds For Sale In Oklahoma

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Pepper Poinsettia Organic Seed
Prices start at : 2.49 USD / each

This variety of pepper will product upright clusters of 2 in. Or larger pots and very decorative. Great for planting in 18 in. Deep green peppers mature to a bright red on compact plants.
  •  Botanical name capsicum annuum
  •  Use Ferry-Morse seed, providing seed to the world that's guaranteed to grow since 1856
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Product Depth (in.): .01
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
  • Mature Height: 18 inches
United States
Cilantro Slow Bolt Seeds Pack
Prices start at : 5.77 USD / each

Likes cool weather. In mild climates it can be sown in the fall for spring production. Also known as Santo Cilantro, this variety tolerates heat better than others having been bred for maximum leaf production without bolting.
  •  Flowers attract beneficial insects and produce seed (Coriander)
  •  Moderate Water
  •  Essential for preparing Mexican, Caribbean and Asian cuisines
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 10.0
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Plant / Seed Spacing (in.): 8.0 in
United States
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Popular Italian appetizer served with garlic and olive oil. Sown in early spring for harvest before hot weather or in mid-to-late summer for fall harvest. Flowering stems and leaves have pleasant bitter flavour when cooked, steamed or sauteed.
  • Botanical Name: Brassica rapa (Ruvo)
United States
Yellow Pattypan Squash
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

(Sunburst squash) Distinctive small disk-like squash with scalloped edges, like a toy top or a flying saucer. They are most tender when just 5-8cm (2-3") across. They can be steamed whole, or hollowed out, stuffed and baked, or they can be sliced and...
  • Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo 'Yellow Pattypan'
United States
Calabrese Broccoli
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Very tender and mild tasting, good raw in salads and with dips, or lightly steamed, drizzled with herb butter. Seeds are used as sprouts, similar to alfalfa, for a nutritious addition to sandwiches or salads.
  • Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea 'Calabrese'
United States
Bhut Jolokia Pepper
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum 'Bhut Jolokia'
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
United States
Burgundy Okra
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

The attractive red stems and branches, red-veined green leaves are ornamental as well as tasty! 60 days. Deep-red “baby” pods make very attractive menu additions and older pods remain tender even at 20cm/8” length, and retain their red colour when...
  • Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculentus 'Burgundy'
United States
Prices start at : 7.08 USD / each

Heat tolerant and frost hardy, leaves grow sweeter with fall frosts. This variety yields tender, mild-flavored, blue-green collard leaves which are full of vitamins and antioxidants.
  •  Full of vitamins and cancer-preventing compounds
  •  Seeds of change contribute 1-percent of net sales to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide
  •  Heat tolerant and frost hardy
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.01
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
United States
Italian Large Leaf Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Ht. 60-75cm (24-32”). It is similar to Genovese basil but the scent and taste are sweeter and milder. Matures slightly later than standard Genovese basils and is slower to bolt. Popular variety with large medium dark green leaves from 2.5” to 4”...
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Italian Large Leaf'
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
United States
Verde Tomatillo
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

For salsas, tomatillos are often used to tone down the hotness of chillies. This traditional variety is a mixture of two distinct forms: an upright branching form and a lower, more compact form.
  • Botanical Name: Physalis philadelphica 'Verde'
United States
Southern Giant Curled Mustard
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Harvest when young and tender. Repeat sowings for a continuous crop. Sharp-flavoured curly leaves are excellent in salads and sandwiches or cooked.
  • Botanical Name: Brassica juncea 'Southern Giant Curled'
United States
Wu Jia Pi
Prices start at : 5.25 USD / / pkt

A study on mice showed that it can protect the liver by suppressing inflammatory responses. It is often used to treat rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as weakness in the joints and muscles, difficult urination, edema, and cold dampness pain.
  • Botanical Name: Eleutherococcus gracilistylus
  • Duration: Perennial
United States
Spectrum Red Husk Corn
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

But what's really striking about this corn are the unique red and white stalks and husks that make great displays in autumn. Can be used for popcorn. An attractive Indian heirloom corn with kernels that come in a medley of red, brown, gold and cream colours.
  • Botanical Name: Zea mays 'Spectrum Red Husk'
United States
Crimson Sweet Watermelon
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Great for slicing, in fruit salads and juicing...the rind is quite thick and lends itself to being its own tureen or punch bowl for soups and summer libation. Produces 10kg/25lb fruits with juicy flesh that is bright red with old fashioned sweet flavour...
  • Botanical Name: Citrullus lanatus 'Crimson Sweet'
United States
Corvair Spinach
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

Reliable heavy yielder and highly resistant to downy mildew. Adapts well to different growing situations and does well in spring or autumn. A beautiful spinach with succulent oval dark green leaves that stand upright, ready for easy harvest.
  • Botanical Name: Spinacea oleracea 'Corvair'
United States
Opopeo Amaranth
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Ht. 2m/70-80in. The ornamental effect is so stunning it belies the fact that this is first and foremost a food plant. The young leaves are tender and can be steamed or cooked in soups and the seeds can be ground into flour.
  • Botanical Name: Amaranthus hybridus 'Opopeo'
United States
Green Zebra Tomato
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

72 days to maturity. Not an heirloom, but deserving a place with them, it produces 3-4 oz fruits over a long season. A delicious addition to the summer salad bowl, green striped fruits with golden blush are full of tart, luscious flavour.
  • Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum 'Green Zebra'
United States
Bloomsdale Spinach
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

Rich flavour without the strong metallic overtone as some heat tolerant varieties have. Long standing variety with thick, textured, dark green leaves very rich in iron and perfect for salads, soup or lightly steamed.
  • Botanical Name: Spinacea oleracea 'Bloomsdale'
United States
Jewel Mix Dwarf Nasturtium
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Peppery leaves and fragrant flowers are delicious added fresh to salads. Double flowers of light yellow, orange and deep red. High in vitamin C. Flowers all summer in full sun or partial shade.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Duration: Annual
United States
Double Curled Parsley
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Excellent for flavouring and garnishes. Suitable for home gardens and commercial production. Dense dark green doubly curled leaves.
  • Duration: Biennial
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispum crispum
United States
Chinese Scullcap
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

(Ban zhi lian; Barbat scullcap) An important restorative remedy for the nervous system used in Chinese medicine to treat anxiety, depression, migraines and insomnia. Ht. 15-30cm/6-12"
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Botanical Name: Scutellaria barbata
United States
Red Clover
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Red clover is also efficacious for bronchial troubles, whooping cough, gastric troubles and ulcers. In his legendary book, Back to Eden (see book section of this catalogue), Jethro Kloss wrote, Red clover is an exceedingly good remedy for cancer on any...
  • Botanical Name: Trifolium pratense
  • Uses: Medicinal/Beverage
  • Duration: Perennial
United States
Spice Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / g

Recently it has been sold incorrectly in America under the name . True is camphor basil, a completely different plant. Possibly a natural hybrid between and . Although recognized as sacred by Hindus, this variety is often confused with sacred or holy...
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum sp.
  • Duration: Annual
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic/Industrial
United States
Dolly Basil
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

  • Duration: Annual
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
United States
Organic Concept Green Leaf Lettuce Seeds
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

It has good heat resistance for summer growing and holds up well in cool fall conditions. Can handle creamy salad dressings, making this variety popular for growing as full size heads or for baby salad mixes.
  •  Popular for growing as full size heads or for baby salad mixes
  •  Heat resistance for summer growing and cool fall conditions
  •  100% certified organic seeds grown for over 20-year
  •  Thick, crispy green leaves can handle creamy salad dressings
  • Product Depth (in.): .125 in
  • Plant / Seed Spacing (in.): 15 in
United States
Romanesco Basil
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / Pkt

Good uniformity. Ht. 75-80cm/30-32". Excellent for pesto and other typical basil uses. Suited for greenhouse and field production. A large leaf basil has high oil content and hence a stronger aroma and flavour than other varieties.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Romanesco'
  • Duration: Annual
United States
Garlic Chives
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

Showy white flowers. Irresistable combination of garlic and chives. Has become popular wherever regular chives are used. Flat leaved variety from Japan.
  • Botanical Name: Allium tuberosum
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall/Anytime
United States