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Organic Seeds Organic Vegetable Herb Seeds For Sale In California

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Ruby Red Swiss Chard
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / pkt

Impressive in borders, cottage gardens, containers, and in vegetable gardens. With a prominent display of bright crimson stalks and dark green crinkly leaves veined in red, this swiss chard is highly ornamental.
  • Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris cicla 'Ruby Red'
United States
Red Sage
Prices start at : 5.25 USD / / pkt

Also effective against hepatitis, infections, and many skin diseases such as shingles, dermatitis and psoriasis. (Tan shen; Chinese sage; Red-rooted sage) A most important herb in Chinese medicine.
  • Botanical Name: Salvia miltiorrhiza
  • Ease of Germination: Difficult
  • Duration: Perennial
United States
Wheat Grass Seed
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

The seeds germinate rapidly into beautiful greens that can be juiced or used to enhance the flavor of your favorite salad. Soak seeds overnight and sprout before planting. Wheat grass contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  •  Air tight, hermetically sealed packaging
  •  Free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), chemicals and pesticides
  •  Contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Product Width (in.): 3.5
United States
Tomato San Marzano (1-Pack)
Prices start at : 4.84 USD / each

Tender annual 2 oz. This indeterminate heirloom variety yields large plants with a heavy crop of richly flavored fruit. This traditional paste variety is used in most Italian recipes and thought to make the world's finest sauce.
  •  Loads of small, elongated red tomatoes; needs to be staked
  •  Hermetically sealed package that is re-sealable gives longer life and higher germination rates
  •  Seeds of Change contributes 1-percent of net sales to advance the cause of sustainable organic agriculture worldwide
  •  Essential for making traditional sauces, canned tomatoes
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 8
  • Type: Vegetables
United States
Yellow Pattypan Squash
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

The flavour is pleasantly nutty. They can be steamed whole, or hollowed out, stuffed and baked, or they can be sliced and sauteed in butter until golden brown. (Sunburst squash) Distinctive small disk-like squash with scalloped edges, like a toy top or...
  • Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo 'Yellow Pattypan'
United States
Garden Carrot Seed
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

This widely adapted mix of crispy, sweet, cylindrical Nantes and long elegant Imperator varieties yields the most delicious fresh eating orange carrots. Hardy biennial 6-12 in.
  •  Deep, loose soil is needed to grow these long beauties
  •  Independently tested for high germination rates and purity, meets or exceeds federal standards
  •  Hermetically sealed package that is re-sealable gives longer life and higher germination rates
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.01
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 18.0
  • Plant / Seed Spacing (in.): 2.0 in
United States
Dolly Basil
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Dolly'
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
  • Uses: Culinary/Beverage/Aromatic
United States
Golden Greek Pepperoncini
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

The wrinkled peppers are prized for pickling when still immature at about 6-8cm/2.5-3" long. Pick continuously to encourage more fruits. But if you make your own pickles using this light golden variety you will not need any chemicals.
  • Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum 'Golden Greek Pepperoncini'
United States
Black Salsify
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Scorzonera hispanica 'Enorma'
United States
Pea Sugar Pod 2 (1-Pack)
Prices start at : 3.98 USD / each

Hardy annual 24-30 in. A reliable bush pea, it does not need trellising and thrives in cool weather. This prolific plant produces thick, succulent and juicy edible-pod snow peas.
  •  Independently tested for high germination rates and purity, meets or exceeds federal standards
  •  Free of GMO's (genetically modified organisms), chemicals and pesticides
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Landscape Supply Type: Seeds
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
  • Sold as: Packet
United States
Carrot Scarlet Nantes Organic Seed
Prices start at : 2.49 USD / each

Carrots are cylindrical, smooth, bright-orange roots with short, weak tops. This variety stores well, plus it grows well in heavier soils. Plant produces good yields of flavorful 6 in.
  •  Seeds contain no GMO's
  •  They should be kept weeded, a clean mulch can reduce this job
  • Product Width (in.): 3.25
  • Plant / Seed Spacing (in.): 2
  • Product Height (in.): 4.5
  • Type: Vegetables
United States
True Gold Corn
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

Large 20cm/8" ears with golden-yellow kernels and long-lasting sweetness. An heirloom favourite with a truly delicious, buttery, rich flavour. Productive plants resist lodging. Excellent for chicos.
  • Botanical Name: Zea mays 'True Gold'
United States
Burgundy Okra
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

The attractive red stems and branches, red-veined green leaves are ornamental as well as tasty! 60 days. Deep-red “baby” pods make very attractive menu additions and older pods remain tender even at 20cm/8” length, and retain their red colour when...
  • Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculentus 'Burgundy'
United States
Salad Bowl Lettuce
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / pkt

Large rosettes of tender, deep-lobed oak-like leaves. Good resistance to bolting and good heat tolerance. Does not get bitter in hot weather. Baby leaves ready in 28 days and full size in 60 days.
  • Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa 'Salad Bowl'
United States
Zhi Mu
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

Chinese medicinal herb that looks and grows like a tall grass but isn't. It spreads by underground rhizome like grasses, but unlike grasses it has fragrant yellow-white or light purple flowers that open in the evening late summer and autumn.
  • Botanical Name: Anemarrhena asphodeloides
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
United States
Sweet Italian Large Leaf Basil Seed
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

The big, bushy plants are medium green, with good flavor and aroma and yield well even under disease pressure from Fusarium Wilt. This is an excellent choice for greenhouse or outdoor production.
  •  Free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), chemicals and pesticides
  •  For outdoor or greenhouse production
  •  Big, bushy plants, medium green, with good flavor and aroma
  • Mature Height: 24 inches
  • Product Width (in.): 3.5
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
United States
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / / pkt

Thistlelike flowerheads colour silk, wool, rouge and are used as a saffron substitute in rice dishes. (False saffron) Important source of good quality cooking oil, and yellow or red dyes.
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Industrial
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
United States
Tres Fine Endive
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

Cool weather crop, so harvest leaves young during hot weather to avoid bitterness. Extra finely cut, lacy leaves with mild, nutty-flavour, delicate crispy ribs and cream coloured hearts are fast growing and are a great addition to salads, adding flavour,...
  • Botanical Name: Cichorium endivia 'Tres Fine'
United States
Hot Paper Lantern Chile Pepper
Prices start at : 5.25 USD / / pkt

If you have had little luck with habaneros in the past, try this one. It also a heavier yielder than the traditional habaneros. This is a fiery chile of the habanero type with elongated bright scarlet red fruits reminiscent of Chinese lanterns.
  • Duration: Annual
  • Botanical Name: Capsicum chinense 'Hot Paper Lantern'
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
United States
Clemson Spineless Okra
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / / pkt

First introduced in 1939 this variety is now the most popular on the market. Vigorous 1m/4ft high plants produce straight spineless pods that are excellent in soups, stews and relishes.
  • Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculentus 'Clemson Spineless 80'
United States
Sweet Annie Wormwood
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

(Sweet annie; Qing-guo)
  • Botanical Name: Artemisia annua
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
United States
Oakleaf Lettuce
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / / pkt

Old variety now popular once again. Compact rosettes of delicately thin, tender, light green oakleaf-shaped leaves that stand heat well and does not become bitter.
  • Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa
United States
Red Cipollini Onion
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

A beautiful heritage onion variety from Italy where it is often seen braided like garlic and hung in kitchens. Excellent for both pickling and slicing. The distinctive flat bulbs, about 8-10cm/3-4in across, have a bright red colour and semi-sweet flavour.
  • Botanical Name: Allium cepa var. cepa 'Red Cipollini'
United States
Chinese Motherwort
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / / pkt

As its name suggests it is an invaluable aid to mothers, helping to regulate menstruation, ease post-partum pain and bleeding, and to help to eject the placenta. (Yi mu cao) One of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese medicine.
  • Duration: Annual or Biennial
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
United States
Mars Celeriac
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / / pkt

Unlike other varieties, the flesh stays firm and white even when the bulbs get large. A first-class German variety with light-coloured bulbs and creamy-white flesh.
  • Botanical Name: Apium graveolens rapaceum 'Mars'
United States
All Organic Red Acre Cabbage
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

It won't split when planted in the spring and is 1 of the best cabbages for winter storage when planted in late summer for fall harvest. Early to harvest, resistant to splitting and disease.
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 6
  • Early to harvest, resistant to splitting and disease: Yes
  • Mature Height: 14 inch high
  • Type: Vegetables
  • Maximum Time to Germinate (days): 75
United States
Organic All Lettuce Seed Mix
Prices start at : 2.59 USD / each

Includes several different varieties of frilly green and red leaf varieties, romaine's and oak-leaf types. The lettuces will re-grow for 2-3 harvests from the same planting. A diverse mix of lettuces with contrasting colors and textures for tender, tasty...
  •  Innovative packaging, air tight hermetically sealed and water resistant pack
  •  Seeds of Change has been a trusted brand for over 25-years
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Maximum Time to Bloom / Harvest (weeks): 4
  • Product Depth (in.): 0.1
  • Seed Type: Vegetable
United States