Once seeds have sprouted, move trays to a well-lit area. Easy to use, simply water seeds/ seedlings and lift out the mesh bottom flat when finished to ensure proper drainage. Improve germination rates by placing seed trays on top of your refrigerator...
This weed-blocking fabric Seedsheet is embedded with seed-filled pods that dissolve upon contact with water, "planting" the seeds in the planting mix below. Kit includes seed pods for cilantro, arugula, scallion, White Icicle radish, Purple Plum radish,...
✓ Enjoy the freshest flavor when you harvest taco ingredients you grew yourself!
Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing. Benefits: • Spotlight light-loving plants, including orchids • Fits any light fixture • Only 26 watts — SAVES energy! • 100W equivalent — lasts 10,000 hours! • Full daylight...
Includes easy-to-use instructions and planting tips. Increases the growth success of seedlings and cuttings! Hydrofarm's 4-Flat Heating Mat for plants gently warms the root area 10-20°F over ambient temperatures to improve seed germination.
Makes starting your favorite garden seeds a snap. Made of heavy-duty plastic, these reusable Seed Tray Inserts are perfectly fitted for standard 1020 propagation trays . Great for cuttings too! Features: • 72 square planting cells (6 rows of 12) •...
This variety has incredible flavor and good resistance to cracking. You'll harvest loads of juicy, 1" cherry tomatoes all summer long. Gardener's Supply is offering these seeds through our partnership with High Mowing Organic Seeds, a small Vermont company...
✓ Bright red cherry tomatoes have excellent flavor
When you buy organic seed, you have the assurance that the seed was grown without synthetic chemicals and you are supporting farms and companies that are committed to organic agriculture.
Leaves also dry and freeze well. Here are our best tips on Growing Chives , too! Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plants grow well in full sun, ample water and rich sandy soil.
Seed pack (1 oz) treats 100 square feet. If you love flowers that smell great (and who doesn't) then this is the mix for you! Containing both native and introduced wildflowers, this blend of wonderfully aromatic annuals and perennials grows easily in...
You'll also notice it's a favorite of butterflies. ( Eriogonum ovalifolium ) This cushion plant loves gravel and full sun! Its velvety leaves produce cream colored flowers that fade to a beautiful pale pink after flowering.
Carefully uncover and slice away from the roots using a sharp knife. This tender perennial is grown as an annual in North America and does best with frequent watering. Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds.
Store dried leaves in air tight jars and crush or grind just before use. Thin seedlings 6- to 8-inches apart and water as needed to ensure healthy growth. To dry, tie cuttings in small bunches and hang upside down in a well-ventilated, dark area.
To dry, tie cuttings in small bundles and hang upside down in a well-ventilated, dark room. Grows well in containers too! Begin harvesting leaves 6 to 8 weeks after transplanting outside.
Gently rake over the area covering to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch or 2-3 times the seed diameter. Seed pack (1 oz) treats 100 square feet. For even distribution, combine with clean, dry sand at a ratio of 4:1 (sand to seed) and scatter by hand or mechanical...
Dry by hanging bundles upside down in a dark, well ventilated room and store in airtight jars. For best flavor, pick leaves in the early morning when aromatic oils are at their flavorful best.
(Perennial) Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. These beautiful late-blooming flowers grow in the poorest of soils and can take over a garden patch if you let them. Plants grow 3- to 6-feet tall and are an important late-season food source for...
For best flavor, pick leaves in the early morning when aromatic oils are at their flavorful best. Apart in all directions. Very popular in Arabic, Indonesian and Thai cuisine, so toss it into salads, curries, soups or grilled dishes.
When you buy organic seed, you have the assurance that the seed was grown without synthetic chemicals and you are supporting farms and companies that are committed to organic agriculture.
✓ Produces large, thick-walled peppers
✓ Seeds have a 1-year shelf life
✓ Organic, non-GMO California Wonder sweet pepper seeds
It provides early spring sustenance to honey bees and native pollinators including mason bees and butterflies. ( Erigeron compositus ) This little daisy has it all! From its distinctive foliage to its dainty dime-sized individual flowers, this early bloomer...
Gently rake over the area covering to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch or 2-3 times the seed diameter. Use to create a vibrant cascade of color… just about anywhere! Seed pack (1 oz) treats 100 square feet.
Easy to grow, it does best in early spring when temperatures are still cool. Watering prior to harvest makes pulling easier. Extend storage life by cutting off all but 1 inch of the leaves and stem.
Most varieties can be eaten when green or under-ripe, however, the flavor improves as plants mature. Harvest fruits early and often — the more you pick the more they will produce.
Discard any fruit that is bruised or rotten. A light mulch will help retain soil moisture. Use a sharp pruning knife to cut the fruit, and at least 2-3 inches of the stem, from the vine.
Here are our best tips for Growing Lettuce , too! Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Continue harvesting over several months, or until plants begin to lose flavor. Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) was first introduced in the...
Transplant outdoors when all danger of frost has passed, and soil temperatures have warmed. Use a sharp pruning knife to cut the fruit, and at least 2-3 inches of the stem, from the vine.
The Rouge Vif d'Etampes Pumpkin ( Cucurbita maxima ) is a 19th-century market squash, with a deep orange-red color and a flattened, ribbed shape. Space 5-8 feet apart in all directions – vines can wander up to 15 feet.