General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Mat is a unique plant starter derived from naturally composted tree bark. As soon as you see the start of a seedling, move into a well lit area and grow until large enough to transplant.
Great for seed starting, bedding plants, vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, and patio containers. An initial burst of nutrients is followed by up to 3 months of slow-released nutrients.
Create a homegrown salad filled with fresh, flavorful, nutritious vegetables. All varieties of greens will continue to grow after harvesting, so you can harvest more every few days.
✓ Perfectly spaced for healthy growth
✓ Seeds: beet greens, Golden Frills mustard greens, French Breakfast radish, spinach, pea shoots, Red Russian kale, arugula, tatsoi
✓ 12" in diameter x 8" H
✓ Geotextile fabric, dissolvable film, PET fabric container, plastic, soil
You'll harvest loads of juicy, 1" cherry tomatoes all summer long. This variety has incredible flavor and good resistance to cracking. Gardener's Supply is offering these seeds through our partnership with High Mowing Organic Seeds, a small Vermont company...
✓ Open-pollinated variety
✓ Seeds have a 1-year shelf life
✓ Bright red cherry tomatoes have excellent flavor
Deep — in early spring or late fall. Plants have white flowers on 1-2-ft. Do not allow the soil to dry out — keep moist! Once seedlings emerge, thin to 8-12 in. Cut the flower heads and hang upside down in small bunches to dry.
Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plants grow well in full sun, ample water and rich sandy soil. Harvest as soon as the leaves are a few inches long. This compact plant is an excellent way to add a hint of onion to your favorite dishes! Chives ( Allium schoenoprasum...
Pure magic in Asian and Thai cooking! Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) stalks are abundant, growing to 4 feet tall, so there's no shortage for your summer curries and stir fries.
Ideal for starting seeds, growing houseplants, herbs and more! Includes: • ONE Full Spectrum CFL Bulb Cool 6500K or Warm 2700K — select from drop down menu • ONE Hydrofarm CFL Reflector (19.4″ x 12.2″ x 6.8″) with 8 ft.
Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds. When dry, remove the leaves from all stems and store whole. Harvest herbs before they flower to provide the best flavor. Love the flavor of Italian oregano, but want something sweeter?
Pick in the early morning when aromatic oils are at their flavorful best. This mild onion is as simple to grow as grass! Chives ( Allium schoenoprasum ) are a perennial in zones 3-9, making it easy to have their flavor close at hand for potatoes, salads...
Combines German specular aluminum with high-output bulbs (included) to put out twice as much light as normal fluorescents. The Hydrofarm 2 ft. These daisy-chainable fluorescent systems allow you to choose multiple hanging configurations to meet your indoor...
Once a seed has sprouted, it is no longer considered a seed but a tender seedling, a miniature plant. Makes transplanting a snap! Benefits: • 72 round holes (6 rows of 12) • Easy to handle — easy to plant! • Plastic plug tray for starting seeds...
Planting and Harvesting Tips: Grows equally well in garden beds or containers and prefers full sun, regular water and fast draining soil. At 12-18 inches tall, these decorative plants are perfect in containers on decks or patios.
Harvest while fruit is young and shiny for best flavor. Space plants 18-24 inches apart in raised beds or double rows 2-3 feet apart. To harvest large fruits, remove most of the side shoots and select two or three fruits to develop on one plant.
Always cut — do NOT pull — fruits from plants. Peppers grow best when temperatures are warm and need substantial heat to set fruit. Allow 1-1/2 feet between plants in all directions; provide support for varieties that grow over one foot tall.
Extend storage life by cutting off all but 1 inch of the leaves and stem. Harvest at finger size for best texture and flavor. Perfect for home and market gardens! Chantenay Red Cored Carrot ( Daucus carota ) yields thick, 4- to 7-inch long roots that...
( Packera cana ) These bright yellow flowers are xeric superstars! Its foliage forms a cushion of wooly, low growing leaves. It is happiest growing directly in gravel. Thoroughly mix your seeds with 1 cup of sand.
Sow in spring, no deeper than one inch and 2-3 inches apart in all directions. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun.
Extend storage life by cutting off all but 1 inch of the leaves and stem. Harvest at finger size for best texture and flavor. A best seller at farmer's markets! Dragon Carrot ( Daucus carota ) yields 7- t0 8-inch long roots with reddish-purple skin and...
To dry, tie cuttings in small bunches and hang upside down in a well-ventilated, dark area. Biennial in zones 6-9; harvest in 85-90 days. This flat-leafed variety is repeatedly chosen by chefs.
A common sight in many western states, Wild Geranium ( Geranium viscosissimum ) is found in open grasslands and the dappled shade of forests. (Annual/ Perennial) Description: Clusters of pinkish-purple flowers on branching stems above foliage covered...
Remove spent flowers on a regular basis to extend the blooming period. Through his incredible knowledge of historic varieties, Kees has selected a mixture closely resembling those grown by gardeners more than 150 years ago.
May also be planted in hills, two per hill, with the hills spaced 2-3 feet apart. Sow in place two weeks after the last frost and space 2-4 feet apart in rows 5-10 feet apart. Fruits are ready to pick when stems turn from green to brown and begin to dry.
Combine with our 72-Cell Plug Insert for quick and easy germination. This professional-grade 1020 Seed Tray — without holes — provides sturdy support and will NOT leak, perfect for bottom-watering.
Hardy perennial in zones 5-9, but may need protection in colder climates. Flowers will keep their pleasant aroma for several months after cutting. Extremely drought resistant — do NOT over-water.
Saucy on the outside and the inside! Cream Sausage Tomatoes are definitely a top choice for sauces, with a sweet, rich flavor. Each packet contains approximately 50 seeds. Grow them in your garden or in a hanging basket for show-stopping produce! Determinate...
Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plants require partial shade in warm climates, rich, well-drained soil and regular water. Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Try broadcasting over a wide row and gently rake or tamp to a depth of 1/8 inch deep...