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Organic Lawn Care

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Why Are Mushrooms Growing Out of My Compost?
You can reduce the incidence of toadstools in your compost by turning the pile regularly.Some compost piles contain mushrooms and other fungi that can cause problems around the home and garden.
Santa Monica
Does Ginkgo Go Bad?
The United States Food and Drug Administration does not evaluate product usage or marketing claims of over-the-counter supplement manufacturers. The fan-shaped leaves produce herbs that have flavonoids (antioxidants) that, according to the University...
Santa Monica
Is it Illegal to Cut Down a Magnolia Tree?
Federally protected trees such as Ashe's Magnolia (Magnolia ashei) are considered rare in all parts of their native range. It is illegal to cut down these trees. Ten species of magnolia are native to the U.S. and all of them are found in the Eastern part...
Santa Monica
Pro & Cons of Hybridization
Botanists started experimenting with seeds in the early 20th century and found that mixing the pollen from similar varieties of plants often increased the volume and quality of the harvest.
Santa Monica
How to Get Rid of Weeds Organically
Read package directions and warnings carefully when buying an organic weed killer and be careful when applying your own concoctions in order to keep the rest of your garden and lawn plants safe.One of the simplest natural ways to get rid of weeds won't...
Santa Monica
Tips for Making a Bee-Friendly Landscape
Combat infestations with pesticide-free remedies, such as vinegar, soap or essential oils and water, whenever possible. Four species of bumblebees, for example, have suffered a 90 percent decline in population since 1998.
Santa Monica
Tennessee Fruit & Nut Trees
Black walnuts need deep, fertile, well-drained soil. For good cross-pollination of English walnuts, also called Carpathian Type, plant two or more varieties. Not only do trees give shade and shelter to wildlife, they also provide food for both humans...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Grass in Trays
There's something soothing about a perfectly trimmed patch of green grass. You may use recycled baking pans, plastic trays or shallow planters.Punch holes on the bottom of the tray using a hammer and nail.
Santa Monica
Diazinon Substitutes
DeltaGard controls ants (cornfield, leaf-cutter, pavement, pyramid, harvester, Argentine), army worms, centipedes, crickets, spiders, scorpions, leaf hoppers, fleas, ticks (wood, lone star, deer, brown dog, bear and black-legged), fire skippers and adult...
Santa Monica
Is a Japanese Maple Tree Toxic?
In fact, the tree's leaves are eaten as part of some Japanese dishes and have no adverse health effects.Japanese maples are prized for their beautiful autumn colors.) are native to Japan, Korea and China.
Santa Monica
Weed Killer for Dandelions That Is Safe & Won\'t Kill Grass
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application. Non-aged manures and compost that hasn't "cooked" long enough may still contain active weed seeds. Patrol your lawn in early spring to find the plants pre-flower, with their telltale toothed long...
Santa Monica
Can You Preserve a Tree Stump?
As an optional step, you can coat the tree stump with a wood preserver or stabilizer, available at home improvement stores, to prevent cracks occurring over time.Next, working with a completely dry stump, you could stain the wood to achieve a certain...
Santa Monica
The Numbers of Leaves
To keep the leaves removed requires two people on riding lawn mowers with shred-vac carts (1 CY capacity each), and a teen with a leaf-blower, every weekend for a solid 6 weeks in the fall and a few light weekends in the spring.As the grass is mowed in...
El Segundo
Natural Home Pesticides: Organic Garden Pest Control
Use this organic bug spray for plants on your affected plants.1/2 cup chopped hot peppers (the hotter the better)Puree peppers and water. Let's take a look at some natural insect repellents you can make for the garden.The best way how to make natural...
Five Benefits Of Growing An Organic Garden
No matter where you go today, people are talking about organic foods. Keep reading to learn more.Below, I've outlined five of the reasons why, if you have a garden, it should befreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Fertilizer That Is Pet Friendly: Pet Safe Fertilizer For Lawns And Gardens
Your pets depend on you to keep them safe both indoors and out. Place the bag out of reach or put it in a plastic bin with a lid that locks in place securely.Pets are very skillful at getting into places where they don't belong, so even if you use pet-safe...
Organic Garden Soil: The Importance Of Soil For An Organic Garden
Is dependent upon the quality of the soil. Compost is simply deteriorated, rotted organic matter. You can have your. All of these options provide much-needed nutrients, especially if compost or manure is not available.After your soil has been prepared,...
Weed It and Reap: How To Weed Your Garden Naturally
Work carefully to get the entire root, or your hard work may be in vain. Read on to learn about controlling weeds without chemicals.Before you begin your quest to weed your garden naturally, it may help to have a basic understanding of types of weeds.
How To Easily & Organically Improve Your Clay Soil
Yet, it is possible to organicallyHow can you tell if your garden has clay heavy soil? One of the biggest indicators is if you take a handful of damp soil and squish it in your hands for a second, when you open your hands and that soil ball you just formed...
Tree Guild Permaculture – How To Plant A Tree Guild
Start with a vigorous, producing fruit tree and work your way down from there. That might seem like a lot to ask for from a handful of plants, but careful reflection on the options available to you will help whittle down the most beneficial specimens.You...
Planning Guide For Organic Gardens: Ten Tips For Organic Gardening
If starting from purchased plants, be sure the plants are strong and healthy. The soap mixture has the added benefit of reducing the chance of diseased plants. Be sure when selecting your garden area that water is available for those long, hot, and dry...
Information On The Biointensive Planting Method
With a biointensive planting method, you will put compost, usually made up of dry leaves and straw, kitchen scraps and clippings from the yard, back into the soil by mixing it into the ground really deep.
Organic, What Exactly Does it Mean?
If the Chinese put antifreeze in toothpaste and use lead-based paint on children's toys, no telling what is contained in imported foods from that region. One way to ensure food safety is to buy organic foods grown in this country.
El Segundo
Homemade Pet Friendly Weed Killer
Putting salt in an area will make the soil unsuitable for plants and weeds to grow also a pet friendly weed killer. Simply pour some sugar at the base of the plant you wish to kill.
How To Grow An Organic Garden
Nothing quite compares to the wonderful plants grown in an organic garden. Organic gardens are grown usingAn organic garden is not harder to grow than one that relies on chemicals, but it does take a bit more advance planning.
Cornmeal As Weed Killer And Pest Control: How To Use Cornmeal Gluten In The Garden
They saw that corn gluten meal kept grass and other seeds, such as, not plants that are mature and is most effective with corn gluten having at least 60% proteins in it. For annual weeds that are growing,freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
What Is An Organic Garden: Information On Growing Organic Gardens
This bin is turned regularly in order to facilitate decomposition. Yet, the demand for organic, especially produce and herbs, is growing annually.While there are numerous organizations that organic farms can join to have their produce certified organic,...