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Oregon State Facts

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Introducing the Winners of our Second Annual County Fair!
The winning recipe is posted and the link to the Cooking Forum will take readers to the runners up. All of the entries were fantastic and we thank each and every participant. Or, if the mixture becomes too runny for your tastes, add extra powdered sugar.Beat...
El Segundo
County Fairs and Harvest Festivals
Canned corn was popular, but typically, the kernels were cut from the cobs before preserving, so she decided to can corn that was still on the cob.One thing all fairs have in common is that participants strive to exhibit the best they have in a manner...
El Segundo
Culturally and Historically Significant Flowers: Columbines
The columbine referred to as the Rocky Mountain columbine or Colorado columbine is the one with lavender blue petals and a white center.There's nothing quite like coming across native wildflowers on a sunny day while hiking or trekking through Colorado.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Blue Ribbon Preserves by Linda J. Amendt
She goes into detail about every step and a glossary of canning terms is included for the newbie. Linda gives the reader clear instructions and even anecdotal stories on many of the recipes.There are chapters on canning basics, suggested equipment, safety...
El Segundo
Springtime, Summertime, Autumn, Wintertime - Dreamtime: State Flowers
McKinley liked to wear red carnations in the buttonhole on the lapel of his jacket. Call it my dreamtime, sort of a fifth season that exists in my mind's eye and usually spans the months of January and February.During this time, nursery catalogs (both...
El Segundo
United States Flowers: List Of American State Flowers
So why do states adopt state flowers in the first place? In 1919, Tennessee school children were allowed to choose a state flower and picked the, which enjoyed a brief period as the state flower.
Trees in Washington State
The mountain hemlock is more of a shrub than a tree and grows so high in Washington's Cascade and Olympic Mountains that harvesting it is not worth the effort. Washington's nickname is "The Evergreen State," so it should be no surprise that the state...
Santa Monica
Enjoying the Sunshine State
We also went to a citrus farm (how could we not?) and got to watch them make the fresh squeezed OJ they sell at the farm store. Oh, and I'd better not forget to thank my lucky stars while I'm here.
Oregon Farm Bed-and-breakfasts
If your next farm trip leads you to Oregon, consider staying in one of these bed-and-breakfasts to get the full experience. Abbey Road B & B Carlton 503-852-6278 Barking Mad Farm Enterprise 541-26-0360 Bella Vista Hood River 541-386-1545 Clear Creek Inn...
Apple Varieties Grown in Oregon
In Oregon, Fujis are used in Riesling wines. They also benefit from refrigeration, which brings out its flavor. According to the OFTIS, there are more Fuji trees planted in Oregon than any other kind.Fragrant and firm, these medium-sized apples can be...
Santa Monica
American Holly, State Tree of Delaware
Are there prettier hollies? Nurseries all over the country sellfor landscape accents. Theis renowned for its beauty in British gardens and across Europe. It is mostly known as a food source for a variety of birds, especially after the sweeter fruits have...
El Segundo
Can Avocado Trees Grow in Oregon?
Fertilize every three weeks during the summer, and every six weeks in winter months.Spring is the best time to move your avocado to an outdoor location. This hardy tree can survive in zones 10 and 11, which occur in small strips along Oregon's coast.
Santa Monica
What States Produce the Most Popcorn?
High irrigation rates are at least partly responsible for Nebraska's popcorn success.Indiana is only slightly behind Nebraska in popcorn production as of 2010. The United States grows – and consumes -- most of the world's popcorn.
Santa Monica
Do You Know Your State Insect?
Michigan has unofficially adopted the Green Darner Dragonfly.Intentionally introduced into North America in 1895 as beneficial predators, these hungry insects are welcome in any garden.
El Segundo
What States Do Blackberries Grow In?
Trailing blackberries, semi erect blackberries and erect blackberries are all grown in certain parts of the United States. Genus, commonly referred to as blackberry, contains more than 200 different species.
Santa Monica
The Top Five Sweet Potato Producing States
Since the sweet potato is a warm weather vegetable, Louisiana is able to grow sweet potatoes year-round. According to statistics compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture, North Carolina produced, on average, 5,260,277 cwt a year from 1990...
Santa Monica
In What States Do Cherry Trees Grow?
Pin cherry grows to 30 feet high, notes the "National Audubon Society Field Guide to Trees." Pin cherry grows throughout all of New England and into New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, western Maryland, parts of Virginia and West Virginia and south...
Santa Monica
Growing Hosta in the Southern United States
Whenever you are preparing a new bed for hosta, it is of major importance for you to mix the soil with a good amount of compost and peat moss.This will give the hostas the food they need for the long years ahead.
El Segundo
California Bay or Oregon Myrtle: Umbellularia californica
These are followed by fruits that are shaped like large olives.The leaves are aromatic and can be used like bay leaf () in cooking. Cold stratification is usually recommended. However, the plant is also native to the canyons of southern California and...
El Segundo
2 New Apples Blossom in Empire State
A decade in the making, a Cornell apple breeder finally releases two new apple varieties to the fruit market, and they're expected to be a hit. The first SnapDragon and RubyFrost trees were planted in farmers' orchards in 2011, and now 400 acres are growing...
United States Rules on Growing Tobacco Plants
According to federal law, all marketers must pay tax on their sales. As of 2005, neither of these bodies restricts homeowners from growing their own tobacco, provided that the grower does not sell or trade the crop.
Santa Monica
5 Top States To Start Your Farm In
California With a temperate climate and growing conditions that accommodate a variety of crops and livestock, it's no surprise that the cost of land in California averages $7,300 per acre .
Autumn Hiking in Two States: Similarities and differences
Along the way we will try to spot the critters running through the brush.Sights captured on recent Tennessee hikes. Moss on boulder in Morgan County.If you would like to hike in a Tennessee State Park, there are many wonderful parks with great hiking...
El Segundo
CSA for Low-Income People in Washington State
The owners of Uprising Farm realized that the lump sum CSA members must pay at the beginning of the growing season is an obstacle to those who may not be able to afford the cost. By working with the The USDA, which administers the federal food stamp program,they...
Top Australian Trees: #1 The Temperate Southern States
This oil gives the lumber a unique odour & makes it ideal for ship-building, as it resists both rot & attack by marine organisms.Thankfully, the species is now strongly protected by laws that allow only the collection of naturally fallen timber.
El Segundo
Nut Trees That Can Grow in the Northwest States
Nigra, and the butternut, J. Most people wouldn't think of the Pacific Northwest as a nut production center. In Europe hazelnuts are grown as bushes or small multitrunked trees, but in Oregon most growers train hazelnuts into single-trunked trees that...
Santa Monica
While AeroFarms claims it's had much success selling their produce from other aeroponics projects to high-end restaurants, some would argue that the amount of vitamins and minerals in food grown in a soilless medium pales in comparison to food grown in...