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Watchdog 30 Stars - Garden Crossings
For 2008, for example, he added about 135 new varieties but dropped others to keep the overall number at around 750. Tall sticks are placed around the container to protect it from damage from above.
El Segundo
Mail Order Plants: Is What You See What You Get?
In the midst of all this gray and white, there is one bright spot: the colorful catalogs that fill my mailbox every day! I can almost feel the warmth emanating from their sun-filled pages, and I can't wait to curl up on the sofa with my latest catalog...
El Segundo
Mail Order Gardening: Then and Now
These publications showcase new and time-tested varieties of plants, gardening tools, greenhouses, bulbs, and a selection of annual or perennial seeds that runs the gamut from A-Z.
El Segundo
Wait! Don\'t throw those plant catalogs away! Turn them into Garden Art.
Immediately I started watching her thread. Not only that, but Becky is an avid gardener. I hope you will take a few minutes and give some thought to recycling those plant catalogs that are arriving daily on your doorstep.
El Segundo
The Garden Watchdog Top 5 Awards
Be sure to leave feedback for the companies you've ordered from. Your feedback has elevated these vendors to the top of their field and we feel that their efforts should be recognized.It was a great idea, and we're pleased to announce this year's winners.
El Segundo
Gardener / Masochist
You see the UPS and FedEx guys more than your family. Sensing I might be in the presence of a true healer, I obliged.‘Okay, stand back', he said. Little do we realize that we did the store a favor and that the employees erupted in laughter as we pulled...
El Segundo
Buying annual plants (and other stuff) on eBay -- is it a good idea?
We know people who are nearly addicted to the bidding process, for whom the chase is more important than the actual item. We all know people who made a killing on eBay. It did in fact arrive two days later, and this time the lobelia had already started...
El Segundo
When Seed Selling Was A Seedling - a brief history of mail order seeds in the United States
Without potatoes from the New World crossing back to the Old World, there would be no Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s and hence fewer Irish immigrants to North America. Not just for BLTs but also for spaghetti sauce, pizza, ketchup, chili, salsa—you...
El Segundo
Spotlight on the Garden Watchdog and How It Works
With the arrival of the New Year, gardeners' thoughts are turning to new plants and seeds. This badge is placed on theirpage and the vendors are also encouraged to use it on their websites and in their catalogs.
El Segundo
The Top Ten Daylilies - a List From Gemini Gardens
With bold striping of colors all over the purple sphere and that wonderful chartreuse throat, this is a keeper. In a recent interview with our very own ?Badseed?, owner of Gemini Gardens, the talk came around to the best daylilies you must have in the...
El Segundo
Quest for the Black Rose
ROSES !!Here are the links to the other articles in my 'Roses of Color' seriesOrange You Lovely? They were often used at funerals.", and it continues, "...a true black rose is impossible to produce."We have here another vote against the reality of the...
El Segundo
Mail ordering succulents and cacti: my experiences
I have ordered hundreds of succulents and cacti over the years from dozens of vendors. Just months later when you are pulling your hair wondering if you just threw your money away.So far, everything I have ordered made it to me eventually (with one exception...
El Segundo
Plant Catalog Organization Not for the Faint of Heart
I can help you! Nowhere to file them? Too much leisure time? Have you run out of room for your plant catalogs? I have so many decisions to make: whether to keep my old catalogs and add in the new, or throw the old ones out.They are all chock full of information;...
El Segundo
Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 1: A Mini-Review of the Available Software
Some of the links on their web site are broken and the 'How FLOWERscape Works' tab doesn't show much. If you want to build and/or use a pre-built house, you will have to move up to Riverdeep's TurboFloorPlan Home & Landscape Pro, at $129.95.
El Segundo
Take the Plunge, It\'s Iris Sale Time!
She does have a pond, so she fills her bag with the Siberian irises. Local growers and public gardens may also be good sources for local iris sales.You may find some great mail order sales, also, as growers sell their remaining inventory.
El Segundo
Gardening with Free-Ranging Poultry
This might not work for those of you with limited space. But we plant addicts tend to have a weakness for birds too, both wild and domestic. But, if your chickens have plenty of other acreage to explore, they will generally circle around obstacles.Laying...
El Segundo
Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 4: your first garden design with your new software
A spiral like a snail's trail? Here's a perfect example of why you need garden planning software! I could rearrange those flue liners to my heart's content... Please join me. The last thing I did here was raise the soil to about the height of the stone...
El Segundo
Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 2: choosing the best software for you
There are some things you need to consider before you make your decision. You must choose a package that is compatible with your hardware/software platform. One package requires you to be online to access their objects database even though the application...
El Segundo
Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 3: learning to use your new software
It's really quite amazing! Then try the walk- or!! Whatever you decided to buy should be a great tool to design a new garden bed for spring...or redesign an old one.?
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part III: Variety Greens
A salad bowl filled with nothing but lettuce even a variety of lettuces - is like a monochrome picture or a chorus without harmony. It's missing something. In describing these greens, days to maturity are not given, as most of them will be picked for...
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part II: Lettuce
Many of these lettuces are new introductions, or newly available in an organic version.Others may have been around for a couple of years but offer superior qualities, such as heat resistance, that should interest gardeners who are looking for improved...
El Segundo
Banking on Diversity: Have you saved a seed lately?
Afterward, they place the seeds in sealed, airtight containers.The final storage step is to freeze the seeds at minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius).Difficult-to-store seeds may respond better to cryopreservation, or to in-vitro storage.
El Segundo
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Many municipalities make leaf compost from leaves collected off of streets each autumn. Several of my friends were rightfully concerned about the potential pesticide and/or herbicide content of city compost, as the ingredients are largely unknown.
Fun feature: Spotlight on Holiday Resources
Bulbs are a popular winter decoration because of their ease of care and the long lasting blossoms. I was generally over-enthusiastic when it came to the size of the tree. Since I grew up on a farm, where a portion of it was wooded, it simply meant bundling...
El Segundo
Perfectly picotee - choice picotee edged flowers for the summer garden
When possible I have given links (see highlighted text) to plant vendors who are listed in the Dave's Garden Watchdog Top 30, a list of highly rated plant sources. This is cosmos 'Picotee' grown and photographed by greenthumb99.There you have five options...
El Segundo
Ordering Spring Bulbs - my fall resolutions
They bought them all at once, so they got a price break, and they knew how much they were spending so they weren't (too) shocked at the total. The bulbs are here from Holland for our purchasing pleasure.
El Segundo
Landscaping Software – Is Landscape Design Software Really Helpful?
Landscaping software programs can give some assistance with a landscaping project.There are quite a few garden design programs available on the market. You're looking for landscape design help.