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Orchid Plugs For Sale

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Dendrobium - Purple
Prices start at : 49.00 USD

Dendrobiums are a type of orchid that produces longer thinner leaves and tighter groupings of flowers during blooming season. Arrives in a 5" wooden box. Blooms will appear on the orchid from late winter to early march and will continue to bloom each...
  •  Watering: Weekly watering is recommended.
  •  Fragrance: This orchid does not have a fragrance.
  •  Light: Orchid can be maintained at low to bright light levels.
  •  Blooming Season: Orchid can bloom year round, but most commonly during the autumn and spring.
Classic Purple Phalaenopsis in Wooden Box
Prices start at : 69.00 USD

Container measures 5"L x 5"W x 5"H. Orchid measures 18" - 24" in height. This classic purple phalaenopsis orchid is paired with a natural wooden box topped with decorative green sheet moss.
  •  Fragrance: This orchid does not have a fragrance.
  •  Blooming Season: Orchid can bloom year round, but most commonly during the autumn and spring.
  •  Temperature: Orchid prefers to be kept at an intermediate temperature. Indoor conditions are generally the ideal setting.
  •  Light: Orchid can be maintained at low to bright light levels.
Double Spike Phalaenopsis with Wood Screen
Prices start at : 89.00 USD

Black tapered square container measures 5"L x 5"W x 5"H. Orchid measures 20" - 24" in height. Orchid sits in a black modern plastic container topped with green sheet moss. This orchid arrangement features a double spike red phalaenlopsis with a decorative...
  •  Fragrance: This orchid does not have a fragrance.
  •  Blooming Season: Orchid can bloom year round, but most commonly during the autumn and spring.
  •  Light: Orchid can be maintained at low to bright light levels.
  •  Temperature: Orchid prefers to be kept at an intermediate temperature. Indoor conditions are generally the ideal setting.
Double Spike Phalaenopsis with Manzanita Branch
Prices start at : 99.00 USD

This orchid arrangement features a double spike phalaenopsis orchid with a natural manzanita dried branch . Container measures 5"L x 5"W x 5"H. The combination creates a natural arrangement perfect for an indoor setting.
  •  Temperature: Orchid prefers to be kept at an intermediate temperature. Indoor conditions are generally the ideal setting.
  •  Watering: Weekly watering is recommended.
  •  Blooming Season: Orchid can bloom year round, but most commonly during the autumn and spring.
  •  Care Level: Perfect for beginners as it requires low maintenance.
Epidendrum - Orange
Prices start at : 39.00 USD

The Epidendrum is an type of orchid that produces reed like blooms. Epidendrum arrives in 5" wooden box with a liner. Epidendrums will bloom in the late winter and into early summer.
  •  Blooming Season: Orchid can bloom year round, but most commonly during the autumn and spring.
  •  Watering: Weekly watering is recommended.
  •  Temperature: Orchid prefers to be kept at an intermediate temperature. Indoor conditions are generally the ideal setting.
  •  Care Level: Perfect for beginners as it requires low maintenance.
Yellow Phalaenopsis in Wooden Box
Prices start at : 69.00 USD

Container measures 5"L x 5"W x 5"H. Orchid sits in a wooden box container topped with green sheet moss. One of our larger single spike orchid arrangements, the orchid measures 20" - 24" in height.
  •  Fragrance: This orchid does not have a fragrance.
  •  Care Level: Perfect for beginners as it requires low maintenance.
  •  Temperature: Orchid prefers to be kept at an intermediate temperature. Indoor conditions are generally the ideal setting.
  •  Light: Orchid can be maintained at low to bright light levels.
Orchid Cactus ‘Unforgettable\' (Epiphyllum hybrid)
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 2.5" Pot Size

Orchid Cactus ‘Unforgettable' (Epiphyllum hybrid) Outrageous in its bloom size and color, 'Unforgettable' puts on an amazing floral display. For the gardener who grows this beauty, the days of late winter and early spring will be filled with an unforgettable...
  • Bloom Season: Spring
  • Plant Type: Easy Grower, Good for a Hanging Basket
  • Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 35
Prices start at : 4.28 USD / 1.00 lbs

Award winning results for everything you grow! Dyna-Gro Orchid Pro Plant Food (7-8-6) provides the right balance of nutrients for healthy growth and flowering. Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing.
  • brand: Dyna-Gro
Cha Ching
Prices start at : 30.95 USD / 3.00 lbs

Soil – Mix 1/2 to 1 tsp per gallon of water during the final weeks of flowering through harvest. Flush every two weeks. For use in hydroponic systems and organic soils during the final weeks of flowering through harvest.
  • brand: Fox Farm
Prices start at : 6.8 USD / 57.0 lbs

Hydroponics: Add 1/2 to 1 tsp per gallon of water for recirculating systems. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use as a nutritional supplement for ALL plants. Always spot test plants first for sensitivity to sprays.
  • brand: Dyna-Gro
Prices start at : 3.84 USD / 2.00 lbs

Developed at Michigan State University, this potent blend is vastly different from other commercial plant foods. Planet Natural is proud to offer the world famous MSU Orchid Fertilizer (19-4-23).
  • brand: Planet Natural
Beastie Bloomz
Prices start at : 30.95 USD / 3.00 lbs

If combining with other nutrients, use 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gallon of water. This isn't your grandmother's plant food! FoxFarm Beastie Bloomz (0-50-30) is designed for gardeners who are ready to take their plants to the next level.
  • brand: Fox Farm
Pure Blend Pro Grow
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 57.0 lbs

Per gallon of water, depending on plant size. When compared to conventional chemical fertilizers, it will provide increased nutritional values and is a healthy, earth-friendly alternative.
  • brand: Botanicare
Pure Blend Pro Bloom
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 57.0 lbs

Per gallon of water, depending on plant size. When compared to conventional chemical fertilizers, this amazing plant nutrient will provide increased nutritional values and is a healthy, earth-friendly alternative.
  • brand: Botanicare
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / 3.00 lbs

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use 1 tsp per gallon (1 ml/ liter) of water for most applications. A potent blend of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Continuous use may be helpful for fast growing annuals.
  • brand: General Hydroponics
Dyna-Gro Grow
Prices start at : 16.5 USD / 12.0 lbs

To each gallon of water every time you water. Per gallon of stock solution. Irrigation Injector: (1:100 ratio) Mix 10-18 fl. Hydroponics: Mix 2-3 tsp. Ingredients: Ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, mono-ammonium phosphate, mono-potassium...
  • brand: Dyna-Gro
Prices start at : 14.5 USD / 3.00 lbs

For foliar feeding, mix 15 ml per gallon of water. BLOWOUT SALE! There's no getting around the fact that pushing the limits on crop production also strains the balance of nature. Add each time plants are watered.
  • brand: Botanicare
Pure Blend Pro Soil
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 57.0 lbs

Contains Non-Plant Food Ingredient: 0.35% Humic acid derived from leonardite On the other hand, plants grown in soil need higher phosphorus levels due to clay colloidal particles that bind up phosphorus.
  • brand: Botanicare
Dyna-Gro Bloom
Prices start at : 16.5 USD / 12.0 lbs

Increases size, number and quality of fruits & flowers. Siphon Mixer: (1:15 ratio) Mix 1-3 fl. Per gallon of water for a concentrate feed solution. Per gallon for non-recirculating systems.
  • brand: Dyna-Gro
Diamond Black
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 12.0 lbs

(1/2 cup) per 1,000 sq. Can be added to all kinds of garden soils and potting mixes, and used with a wide variety of plants during all phases of growth. Soil/ Soilless Feeding Schedule (PDF) Ingredients: Potassium hydroxide Contains Non-Plant Food Ingredients:...
  • brand: General Organics
Silica Blast
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 12.0 lbs

Mature plants use 1 teaspoon per gallon (5 ml / 4 liters). Container Gardens: Use 1 teaspoon Silica Blast per gallon of water (2.5 – 5 ml / 4 liters) every, or every other watering.
  • brand: Botanicare
Liquid Karma
Prices start at : 21.5 USD / 57 lbs

May also be applied as a foliar spray — from seedling or clone to early flowering — to further enhance growth. Feed Chart (PDF) DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix well and adjust pH to 6.2 – 7.0 prior to application.
  • brand: Botanicare
Open Sesame
Prices start at : 30.95 USD / 2.20 lbs

Feed with Open Sesame starting about the fifth or sixth week of a plant's life. It takes just a couple of weeks to get stocky, sturdy high producing plants and buds that are ready to burst.
  • brand: Fox Farm
128 Cell Plug Trays
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 5 Count

Cell size measures 1 ½”" deep and 1 1/8" wide. Depending on cell size, the bottom of the cells may not touch bottom of tray.) Use along with our heat mats and light stands for seed starting success.
New York
50 Cell Plug Trays
Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 5 Count

Great for cut flower and vegetable transplants! With its large cells, 1-7/8" across by 2-1/2" deep, this plug tray is made for growers who are looking to grow a larger transplant. Tray measures 11-1/2" x 22-1/2".
New York
288 Cell Plug Trays
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 5 Count

Cell size measures 1" deep and 1 1/16" wide. Depending on cell size, the bottom of the cells may not touch bottom of tray.) Use along with our heat mats and light stands for seed starting success.
New York
512 Cell Plug Trays
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 5 Count

Cell size measures 7/8" deep and 9/16" wide. Depending on cell size, the bottom of the cells may not touch bottom of tray.) Use along with our heat mats and light stands for seed starting success.
New York