For dairy and beef cattle mix 1 lb. In addition, when an animal has the proper balance of organic trace minerals, it is better able to cope with the challenging effects of stress. The trace mineral zinc is required by animals for numerous functions including...
For each 250 lb. It should be fed daily for 21 days during period of exposure or when experience indicates that coccidiosis is likely to be a hazard. Of body weight. Contains amprolium for use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in...
Add to milk replacer liquid at the rate of 1/8 oz. Coli, Salmonella and Cryptosporidia. Also contains highly concentrated probiotics and yeast culture to enhance intestinal integrity, plus high levels of vitamins to provide nutritional support in the...
Administer entire contents of twelve ounce special dosing container orally to relieve bloated conditions in average size mature cattle. Young cattle and sheep receive 6 to 12 fluid ounces according to severity of condition.
Give beef brood cows 1 capsule per head. Each capsule contains 2 trillion CFU Propionibacterium acidipropionici strain P5. May be used as a tool for managing high feed nitrate situations that result from drought stressed plants.
Administer entire contents of twelve ounce special dosing container orally to relieve bloated conditions in average size mature cattle. Young cattle and sheep receive 6 to 12 fluid ounces according to severity of condition.
For calves under 500 lbs. Dosage is 1 oz. Give by drench or stomach tube at earliest signs of bloat. For mature animals. Contains poloxalene to control bloat caused by eating alfalfa and other legumes.
Body weight for 21 days. For prevention, feed at the rate of 0.4 lb. Mix with feed or top-dress. Contains amprolium for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in calves. Body weight for 5 days.
To 100 gallon water for 5 days. Treatment: 16 oz. Can be used as either a drench or in the drinking water. To 100 gallon water for 21 days. Corid 9.6% Oral Solution Coccidiostat (Amprolium) for use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis...
No other source of drinking water should be available to the birds during this time. AmproMed-P Solution per 50 gallons drinking water as soon as coccidiosis is diagnosed, and continued for three to five days.
Before feeding, mix with grain at the rate of 1 part supplement with 9 parts grain. Deccox 0.5% is medicated for the further manufacture of feed. Deccox 0.5% is used as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis in ruminating and non-ruminating calves and...
Empty porcine hard gelatin capsules. Dose a variety of products: powders, liquids, tablets and pellets to a variety of species: horses, cows, sheep, goats, dogs and more.
Prevention: mix 10 oz. Treatment: mix 10 oz. Walter soluble powder can be administered in the drinking water or as a drench. Amprolium for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves.
Good copper reserves in the mother at calving will ensure that calves will be born with sufficient copper reserves. Even on high performance feedlot rations, deficient range calves are slow to pick up.
Per ton of complete ration, to be mixed in a small amount of feed before adding to the grinder. Contains 6% decoquinate for the prevention of coccidiosis in beef cattle, poultry and game birds.
Water soluble powder can be administered in the drinking water or as a drench. AmproMed Amprolium 20% Soluble Powder is used for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves.
Recommended prevention dosage is 8 oz. Recommended treatment dosage is 16 oz. Can be used in the drinking water or as a drench. AmproMed Amprolium Solution 9.6% is used as an aid in the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in calves.
Give 2-6 boluses depending on size and condition of animal. For oral administration to ruminants as an aid in the treatment of digestive disturbances requiring an antacid or mild laxative.
Aspirin Boluses can be used orally to reduce fever and relieve minor muscle aches and joint pain in cattle and horses. Lubricate Aspirin Bolus and administer with balling gun.
Give mature horses and cattle 1/4 - 2 oz. Aspirin Powder can be used to reduce fever and relieve minor muscle aches and joint pain in horses and livestock. Give sheep and swine 1/8 oz.
At 24 days of age, of the control group, 3 calves died and the remaining 19 calves gained a total of 17 lbs., while the 22 treated calves had no death loss and gained a total of 67 lbs.
Stimulates immunity to provide a boost during times of stress. Give 2 capsules orally during times of stress. Fight Strong Capsules utilize essential oils and prebiotics to promote gut health and rumen function in calves.
Give 1 pound per 500-1000 lbs. It is designed for oral use in cattle and calves. Vedco Energy Drench is a source of electrolytes, vitamins, amino acids, and sugars for energy. Contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms.
Calf Restart One-4 may be given every 6 to 8 hours for up to 4 feedings. Product with volume of fluid to be consumed in one feeding and administer as normal. To provide in milk or water, mix 5 oz.
For best results, begin feeding Achieve Pro Calf Paste 24 hours after birth. Provides a blend of nutrients, beneficial microorganisms, targeted egg proteins and Cryptex, a unique blend of yeast extract and dextran.
Sx Oral Electrolyte contains dried corn syrup solids, sodium, potassium, magnesium, L-lysine, and phosphate. Replenishes electrolytes, sugars, and proteins due to loss from dehydration associated with scours.