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Old Wisteria

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Wisteria Leaf Problems: What To Do For A Wisteria With Yellow Leaves
Wisteria leaf problems can stem from a number of conditions, but the plant is vigorous and relatively tolerant of minor conditions. If iron is deficient, roots have trouble taking up nutrients.
Rooting Wisteria Plants: How To Propagate Wisteria From Cuttings
The cutting should be about 3 to 6 inches long and have at least two sets of leaves on the cutting.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Wisteria cuttings root best if taken in late spring or early summer.Once...
Transplanting Wisteria Suckers: Can You Plant Wisteria Offshoots
Are graceful vines grown for their dramatic and fragrant purple flowers. Then give the wisteria vine a generous drink of water. Then mix well-rottedPick a healthy sucker that is between one and two feet tall.
Amethyst Falls Wisteria
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 pcs

Zones 5-9 can enjoy a graceful show of shimmering beauty that is otherwise typically reserved for the sunny south. Stake it in order for it to grow upright in tree-form. This is a sterile plant, so it won't choke out your other trees and take over your...
  • Mature Height: 20-30 ft.
  • Spacing: 10-15 ft.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Drought Tolerance: Good
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Care For Wisteria In Winter
Unless your wisteria is newly planted or has been unhealthy, overwintering wisteria does not require extra work. If you do not live in a very cold area, there are more likely reasons your wisteria is not blooming.
Silky Wisteria Information: How To Grow A Silky Wisteria Vines
Fertilize silky wisteria plants in spring, with a low nitrogen fertilizer. While Japanese wisteria has long flower racemes, silky wisteria's racemes are only 4-6 inches (10-15 cm.) long.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Wisteria Borers Control: How To Fix Wisteria Borer Damage
Knowing how to control borers on wisteria at an early stage will help protect the plant's health and appearance.Damage to the appearance of a wisteria is one of the obvious problems, but the issue goes deeper.
Potted Wisteria Care: How To Grow Wisteria In A Container
The wisteria in a pot will now branch out in a rounded shape. These species of wisteria are all vigorous. You'll want to repot the container grown wisteria as it develops. In time you may need a large planter.Planting wisteria in a pot is easiest if you...
Wisteria - Tree Form
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 1 pcs

Fragrant violet-blue flowers blanket the Wisteria Tree with delicate blooms that dangle in weeping clusters. The Wisteria's lightly perfumed blossoms drift through the air, reminiscent of warm summers in the south.
  • Mature Width: 8-10 ft.
  • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Spacing: 10-15 ft.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
South Carolina
Fort Mill
Purple Wisteria
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 1 pcs

The fragrance of Wisteria blooms will have you looking forward to spring in a way you never have before. To get the most out of this colorful show, be sure to place your Purple Wisteria where everyone can see it.

20-30 ft.

    • Mature Height: 20-30 ft.
    • Mature Width: 20-30 ft.
    • Drought Tolerance: Good
    • Spacing: 10-15 ft.
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill
    Kentucky Wisteria Plants: Caring For Kentucky Wisteria In Gardens
    As a child, I remember my grandmother's wisteria creating a beautiful canopy of dangling pendulous racemes on her trellis. It was a sight to behold, and to smell, as they were wonderfully fragrant – just as enchanting to me now as an adult as it was...
    Pruning Wisteria: How To Trim A Wisteria
    In the summer, pruning your wisteria should be done about two months after it flowers.When it comes to how to trim a wisteria, you first should recognize that regular wisteria trimming should be done to control growth and encourage more flowers.
    Growing Wisteria – Proper Wisteria Vine Care
    There's no mistaking the sweet fragrance of wisteria as it perfumes the garden – its beautiful violet-blue or lavender blooms cover this vine in mid-late spring. By spring it should have enough roots for planting.Growing wisteria doesn't have to be...
    No Leaves On My Wisteria Vine – What Causes A Wisteria With No Leaves
    Green indicates health. Perhaps you've noticed blooming of your wisteria but no leaves on wisteria vine. When wisteria does not have leaves, it is often thought to be a cause for alarm.
    Born Under a Wisteria
    Well, not really under the plant, but in a house covered by a wisteria vine. I've tried planting them in a pot, but still the same result: the stem died in a couple of days. Which period should I choose?
    El Segundo
    Controlling Or Getting Rid Of Wisteria
    Keep in mind that while most herbicides are designated for particular plants without harming surrounding areas, you should always use caution when using them. Look for and remove any suckers that may also be present near the base.freestar.queue.push(function()...
    Wisteria Problems: Learn More About Common Wisteria Diseases
    Read ahead for a breakdown of the common causes of wisteria sickness.are frequently observed in wisteria, but they're not a major concern. Borers can kill wisteria if they manage to tunnel across the transport tissues, effectively severing the roots from...
    Wisteria Leaf Curl: Reasons Why Wisteria Leaves Are Curling
    Those purple flowers can transform any space into something magical, but what do you do if there are curling leaves on wisteria in your garden? This common problem may seem overwhelming, but it's a pretty simple situation.
    Wisteria Root System Information – How Big Do Wisteria Roots Grow
    How big do wisteria roots grow? However, you will probably have to invest quite a lot of time before you are certain the wisteria root system is completely eliminated.When the wisteria you want to remove climbs up walls or trees, you'll do best to cut...
    Wisteria Seed Pods: How To Grow Wisteria Seeds
    Remember, though, that the plants that come up fresh from seed are going to take 15 years before they flower or produce seed pods. The seeds can be dried, and then planted wherever you want them.
    Information On How To Transplant Wisteria Vines
    Wisteria do best in fertile soil with lots of sun. Choose your site carefully. Continue digging and prying in a circle around your transplant.Wisteria doesn't like to be moved, so take up as large a root ball as possible.
    Buds On Wisteria Not Opening: Why Wisteria Blooms Don\'t Open
    Damage can be caused by a variety of environmental problems or very tiny pests calledIf your wisteria has bloomed successfully in years past, thrips or uncontrollable weather patterns are most likely causingand your plant may perform just fine in future...
    American Wisteria Care: How To Grow American Wisteria Plants
    In areas where it is grown over a structure, prune it hard annually after flowering to keep the vine in check. Be cautious when planting it where curious animals or children play. The plant requires consistent moisture, especially in still a...
    How To Get Wisteria To Bloom – Fix Wisteria Blooming Problems
    Is a vine that is well known for its vigorous growth and are just as notorious for being reluctant to bloom. Are you fertilizing at the right time, which is in the fall?Wondering why is my wisteria not blooming is frustrating when you don't know the answer.
    Blue Moon Wisteria
    Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 pcs

    Everyone will have to keep coming back to look at their elegant beauty again. They'll quickly grow on a fence, trellis, or even the side of your deck to fill your summer with tons of fragrant blooms.


      • Drought Tolerance: Moderate
      • Mature Height: 25 ft.
      • Growth Rate: Moderate
      • Mature Width: 6-8 ft.
      South Carolina
      Fort Mill
      Blue/purple wisteria tree wanted
      Price : CALL

      I am looking for a wisteria tree that will grow in Mn. Preferably one that is a few years old and had bloomed already! It will be for the front yard so I was looking for a fragrant blue or purple one 4-6 ft or that will grow that high and bloom without...
      United States
      13 Year Old Chestnut Mare Pony
      Price : CALL

      I did ride her 2 years ago, but she still needs some work. She is 7 hands high, her temperament is about a 4 out of a 10. Princess, is a 13 year old chestnut mare pony. She has had 3 babies in the past, 2 colts and 1 filly.