This sturdy steel hook makes easy work of catching elusive animals. Saves strain on your back and a lot of chasing. The hook has a handle on one end to give you a sure grip and a hook on the other for catching legs.
Elast-A-Boots are a sturdy 4 mil thick with lightly embossed texture. Elast-A-Boots fit men's shoe size up to 12. Convenient elastic-topped boots slip on and off easily over shoes or work boots.
Control vaginal prolapse in ewes. Prolapse retainer is tied into place using the wool for an anchor. The retainer does not interfere with lambing and can be left in as long as needed.
Order OB chains separately. Two-piece smooth shaft and wide cast aluminum breechen. Lightweight special strength aluminum construction makes it easy to handle. Features same rugged construction as Dr. Franks, but with 2 pulling points that alternately...
Designed with the safety of both the lamb and ewe in mind. Shaped end allows operator to direct head after cable is placed behind ears. Plastic coated 1/8" airplane cable is stiff enough to hold its shape.
Has 9' of aircraft cable with 1500 lb. Order OB chains separately. Capacity plus 50% overload factor. Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull.
All stainless steel. No need to insert your hand to place the instrument. Pullers hinge to open over pig's head or rear, making it almost impossible to catch the uterine lining.
Comes complete with insertion coil and cleaning brush. OB wire saw (#17141) is threaded around the fetal structure to be severed, inside the cow, and the Fetatome is used as a wire guide to shield the cow's tissues from damage during the sawing process.
Lightweight, durable sling aids in getting a cow on her feet and regaining proper circulation. Cows can eat and drink and the udder can be treated or milked as needed. Come-a-longs not included
Durable, breathable canvas bag with separate pocket for chains and OB lube. Fits Ratch-A-Pull, Cable Calf Puller and most others. Hook-and-loop closures.
45" OB chain included. Tension is released with the press of a lever. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled for easy storage. Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time.
Marking crayons are sold separately. Quick fit with snap-lock buckles and easy strap adjustment. Click-in crayon has shallow walls to prevent waste and is easily changed when empty.
If vaginal length is 7-14 cm, a chromosome testing should be done to confirm if it's a freemartin. Newly developed vaginal probe to detect freemartin heifers and/or determine if heifers born co-twin to a bull have a normal reproductive tract.
Molded shape to conform to calf's leg and padded to reduce skin irritation. Fastens securely with three straps. Corrects knuckling of the pastern in newborn calves. Eliminates taping or casting.
The plate's unique angle allows marking crayon blocks to be held firmly in place. Marking crayons sold separately. Handy black plastic quick-release buckles with slides fasten easily and provide quick strap adjustments for a secure fit.
Because palpatation is not usually a practical option for smaller farm animals, an ultrasound is the best option available to determine pregnancy. It is ideal for miniature mares, donkeys, llamas, goats, sows, ewes and alpacas.
For semen evaluation and AI use. While the switch is depressed, the red light will illuminate, indicating operation of the unit as well as battery condition. The outside of the instrument may be cleaned with normal detergents.
6' 4" with forearm cradle. Safe-T-Katch is strong and durable. Easy to use, one size fits all. Fully cushioned, plastic covered steel tool avoids bruises. Hook shape lessens kickout escapes.
We don't palpate much anymore, just use the Pregscan” FM, Colorado They agreed on 499 out of 500 cows. Requires as little as a minute per animal, without the risks associated with rectal palpation.
Completely inert and non-irritating. Makes 6 - 8 gallons. Includes plastic bottle with shaker top. Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant.