Designed to predict calving ease in heifers. Constructed of precision cast aluminum with easy-to-read centimeter scale. A real management tool for heifer selection.
Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time. Tension is released with the press of a lever. 45" OB chain included. The cam jack moves easily on smooth shaft. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled...
Lightweight model with hardened metal head and modified grip features a notched plate for OB chains. OB wire saw (#17141) is threaded around the fetal structure to be severed, inside the cow, and the Fetatome is used as a wire guide to shield the cow's...
They adjust from 12-21” for custom application for different breeds or needs, and the stainless steel hardware holds up under all conditions. Protect your livestock from injury and provide stability for cows after difficult calving with these completely...
Corrects knuckling of the pastern in newborn calves. Molded shape to conform to calf's leg and padded to reduce skin irritation. Eliminates taping or casting. Fastens securely with three straps.
Offers protection for newborn and young calves against cold, windy, and wet weather conditions. Constructed with 600 denier nylon outer shell, fiberfill insulation, and nylon inner lining.
This sturdy steel hook makes easy work of catching elusive animals. The hook has a handle on one end to give you a sure grip and a hook on the other for catching legs. Saves strain on your back and a lot of chasing.
The cow is rolled onto sling, lifting straps are adjusted outside the sling, and C-hooks are secured to loader or bucket. Sling and straps provide support over a large body area to reduce pressure points.
Detects pregnancy in mammals ranging in size from large rabbits and foxes to cattle and horses. Once a reading is obtained, the reading can be held on the screen until reset. Preg-Alert Pro can also be used to determine backfat and loin thickness.
Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch. Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Weighs 3 pounds. Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds.
High quality, heavily chrome-plated obstetrical chains are convenient to use and easy to keep clean and sanitary. Much more effective and easier to use than ordinary rope, Coburn OB chain provides a good grip on the calf without injury when used in difficult...
Includes plastic bottle with shaker top. Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Completely inert and non-irritating. Makes 6 - 8 gallons.
Newly developed vaginal probe to detect freemartin heifers and/or determine if heifers born co-twin to a bull have a normal reproductive tract. Research has shown that no freemartin calf has a vaginal length longer than 7 cm.
77 inch solid steel rod allows long continuous pull without re-attaching chains. Deep grooves on the pole provide positive lock to prevent slippage. The entire mechanism including aluminum alloy breech spanner and washable web strap fit neatly in carry...
Nylon OB straps spread tension over wider area on calf's leg to prevent fractures. The 52" comes with a chain and the 108" comes with hand holds (to be used without a calf puller.)
The Preg-Tone uses ultrasound waves to detect amniotic fluid during pregnancy. Testing may also be done with ewe in standing position at 60-65 days. The Preg-Tone Series 6 Model is a safe and accurate ultrasonic pregnancy detector for swine, sheep, alpacas,...
A fully external ultrasound unit used for the detection of pregnancy in mares and cows. They agreed on 499 out of 500 cows. We don't palpate much anymore, just use the Pregscan” FM, Colorado
Suture is passed under the skin around the vulva and tightened just enough to prevent re-prolapsing but still allow urine to pass. Used for the repair of vaginal or uterine prolapses.