Udder Tech Calf Blankets are designed to stay in place, keeping calves warm and comfortable. Belly strap keeps blanket snug when calf is lying down. Udder Tech Calf Blankets are available with a single or double layer of Thinsulate insulation to best...
Tension is released with the press of a lever. The cam jack moves easily on smooth shaft. Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled for easy storage.
Designed to predict calving ease in heifers. A real management tool for heifer selection. Constructed of precision cast aluminum with easy-to-read centimeter scale.
Completely inert and non-irritating. Makes 6 - 8 gallons. Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Includes plastic bottle with shaker top.
Has 9' of aircraft cable with 1500 lb. Order OB chains separately. Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull.
Preg-Alert Pro can also be used to determine backfat and loin thickness. The Preg-Alert Pro is a multi-purpose, highly versatile A-Mode ultrasonic instrument for performing tests and measurements in a wide range of animals.
Eye is large enough to accept umbilical tape easily. Stainless steel, 6" long overall for ewes and does. Used for the repair of vaginal or uterine prolapses. Suture is passed under the skin around the vulva and tightened just enough to prevent re-prolapsing...
The ultrasound instrument displays the exact location of density changes or tissue interfaces. Because palpatation is not usually a practical option for smaller farm animals, an ultrasound is the best option available to determine pregnancy.
Molded shape to conform to calf's leg and padded to reduce skin irritation. Eliminates taping or casting. Corrects knuckling of the pastern in newborn calves. Fastens securely with three straps.
The plate's unique angle allows marking crayon blocks to be held firmly in place. Marking crayons sold separately. A breeding season must-have! Made from heavy-duty nylon for durable, dependable performance.
We would certainly recommend its use by breeding farms rather than taking the chance of aborting a foal. Our greatest savings come from the labor standpoint. Sophisticated electronics combined with digital output make interpretation easy and straightforward.
Nylon OB straps spread tension over wider area on calf's leg to prevent fractures. The 52" comes with a chain and the 108" comes with hand holds (to be used without a calf puller.)
Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds. Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch.
Chlorhexidine disinfectant solution, two 30" OB chains, 10 count OB sleeves, 8 oz. Calf Birthing Kit includes: 13 quart stainless steel pail, 16 oz. Comprehensive kit allows you to quickly assist with births.
OB chain and hip strap are included. The Westguard Calf Puller is fast, simple and safe. Release and reset is fast and easy. The ratchet-operated puller turns left or right 360 degrees at the breech for easy one-person operation.
Wide cast aluminum breech spanner and longer solid shaft for those big calves. New, improved model double action puller. Heavy-duty construction throughout. Puller disassembles for storage.
Nylon Calving Strap has an advantage over both chains or rope for assisted delivery of calves in that stress is spread over a larger area. This means there is less likelihood of injuring the soft tissue and bones of the newborn.
Specifically designed to catch the leg, hoof or hock to assist in breech deliveries. Use with your OB handle or calf puller. Fitted with a 30" OB chain.
All stainless steel. No need to insert your hand to place the instrument. Pullers hinge to open over pig's head or rear, making it almost impossible to catch the uterine lining.
OB wire saw (#17141) is threaded around the fetal structure to be severed, inside the cow, and the Fetatome is used as a wire guide to shield the cow's tissues from damage during the sawing process.