The 52" comes with a chain and the 108" comes with hand holds (to be used without a calf puller.) Nylon OB straps spread tension over wider area on calf's leg to prevent fractures.
Because palpatation is not usually a practical option for smaller farm animals, an ultrasound is the best option available to determine pregnancy. Because the animal's uterus changes density soon after conception, you can identify pregnancy as early as...
Be prepared to assist in the birth of lambs and kids. Triodine 7 for umbilical cord care, and 8 oz. OB Gel, 10 count OB sleeves, 16 oz. Lamb/Kid Birthing Kit includes: 6 quart stainless steel pail, 16 oz.
Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Completely inert and non-irritating. Makes 6 - 8 gallons. Includes plastic bottle with shaker top.
No need to insert your hand to place the instrument. Pullers hinge to open over pig's head or rear, making it almost impossible to catch the uterine lining. All stainless steel.
Features same rugged construction as Dr. Franks, but with 2 pulling points that alternately advance to shift the pull from one leg to the other to “ease” the calf out. Lightweight special strength aluminum construction makes it easy to handle.
Use with your OB handle or calf puller. Fitted with a 30" OB chain. Specifically designed to catch the leg, hoof or hock to assist in breech deliveries.
Saves strain on your back and a lot of chasing. The hook has a handle on one end to give you a sure grip and a hook on the other for catching legs. This sturdy steel hook makes easy work of catching elusive animals.
Preferred by cattlemen who do not care to use chains. Easy to use two-ply nylon OB straps with heavy duty plated D-rings are designed for strength and durability.
The Daisy Cow Lifter Kit is designed for medium-term support of a downed cow using a front end loader or tractor bucket. Maximum lift load is 2200 lbs. Adjusts to fit dairy and beef cattle.
Protect your livestock from injury and provide stability for cows after difficult calving with these completely adjustable, 6,000 lb. Tensile strength nylon hobbles. Made from machine washable nylon in the U.S.A. 1" strap with 1 1/2" leg cuffs.
Easy on and easy off. Constructed with premium Thinsulate insulation and a water-resistant nylon outer shell. Belly strap keeps blanket snug when calf is lying down. Use in cold, wet, or inclement weather to help protect newborn and young calves from...
Preferred by cattlemen who do not care to use chains. Easy to use two-ply nylon OB straps with heavy duty plated D-rings are designed for strength and durability.
60" Obstetrical Chain weighs 1 lb. Much more effective and easier to use than ordinary rope, Coburn OB chain provides a good grip on the calf without injury when used in difficult calving situations.
2” wide belly straps with quick-release buckles keep blanket in place and adjust to accommodate calf growth. Constructed from 600 denier rip-stop nylon outer shell with 250 gram poly fill insulation.
For semen evaluation and AI use. Lightweight electronic ejaculator for rams and billy goats. If the light does not appear, or appears only dimly, replace the batteries. After inserting the probe approximately 4 inches into rectum, push the switch on for...
Stainless Steel OB Hook Handle attaches anywhere along the length of the chain, not only to the end link, improving leverage. It facilitates a good grip on the chain for gentle, even pulling.
Spiral tip swine insemination catheters allow insertion without damage to the reproductive tract. Molded spiral tip is made of high quality thermoplastic rubber. Spiral tip insemination catheters are appropriate for swine artificial insemination.
A real management tool for heifer selection. Constructed of precision cast aluminum with easy-to-read centimeter scale. Designed to predict calving ease in heifers.