Suture is passed under the skin around the vulva and tightened just enough to prevent re-prolapsing but still allow urine to pass. Stainless steel, 6" long overall for ewes and does.
They adjust from 12-21” for custom application for different breeds or needs, and the stainless steel hardware holds up under all conditions. Made from machine washable nylon in the U.S.A. 1" strap with 1 1/2" leg cuffs.
Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds. Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch.
The 52" comes with a chain and the 108" comes with hand holds (to be used without a calf puller.) Nylon OB straps spread tension over wider area on calf's leg to prevent fractures.
Cows can eat and drink and the udder can be treated or milked as needed. Lightweight, durable sling aids in getting a cow on her feet and regaining proper circulation. Constructed of zinc-plated tubing and durable polypropylene strap webbing, padded between...
Capacity plus 50% overload factor. Order OB chains separately. Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull.
Fitted with a 30" OB chain. Specifically designed to catch the leg, hoof or hock to assist in breech deliveries. Use with your OB handle or calf puller.
It is ideal for miniature mares, donkeys, llamas, goats, sows, ewes and alpacas. Because the animal's uterus changes density soon after conception, you can identify pregnancy as early as 14 days after breeding.
Measure around the top of the front foot and the tape will reveal the weight of the calf. A great way to measure the birthweight of a newborn calf. A must for every cow-calf producer.
Two-piece cam jack has special easy release feature. Two-piece smooth shaft and wide cast aluminum breechen. Features same rugged construction as Dr. Franks, but with 2 pulling points that alternately advance to shift the pull from one leg to the other...
It is a two-tube guide that is 38" long for insertion into a cow. OB wire saw (#17141) is threaded around the fetal structure to be severed, inside the cow, and the Fetatome is used as a wire guide to shield the cow's tissues from damage during the sawing...
Straps are easily cleaned and disinfected. Nylon Calving Strap has an advantage over both chains or rope for assisted delivery of calves in that stress is spread over a larger area.
Bi-directional valve allows animal to exhale without the need to remove the unit, then pumps fresh air back into lungs. Calf Resuscitator includes C20 pump, aspirator mask, resuscitator mask and case.
The retainer does not interfere with lambing and can be left in as long as needed. Control vaginal prolapse in ewes. Prolapse retainer is tied into place using the wool for an anchor.
1-1/4" diameter probe. Includes two replaceable 9V batteries for power. A handheld unit that is preset for use with rams and billy goats. Use for semen evaluation and artificial insemination.
Much more effective and easier to use than ordinary rope, Coburn OB chain provides a good grip on the calf without injury when used in difficult calving situations. High quality, heavily chrome-plated obstetrical chains are convenient to use and easy...
Includes plastic bottle with shaker top. Makes 6 - 8 gallons. Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Completely inert and non-irritating.
If the light does not appear, or appears only dimly, replace the batteries. Lightweight electronic ejaculator for rams and billy goats. Repeat the cycle. APPLICATION: The unit is simple to use.