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Golden Korean Fir Care – Learn About Golden Korean Fir Trees In Gardens
They remain chartreuse throughout the winter. The needles grow in golden, then mature into chartreuse. They are artistic in appearance and somewhat unusual both in color and in growth habit.
White Fir Facts: What Is A Concolor Fir Tree
It isn't a city tree and doesn't tolerate pollution and other urban conditions.Concolor fir is beautiful in open areas where the graceful, drooping lower branches have space to touch the ground.
Korean Fir Tree Information – Tips On Growing Silver Korean Fir Trees
However, the species tolerates some wind.Caring for Korean fir includes setting up protections to keep deer away, as the trees are easily damaged by deer. If you are growing silver Korean fir, you'll note that the needles twist upwards to reveal the silver...
Balsam Fir Planting – Learn About Balsam Fir Tree Care
You can tell the difference by the way the cones grow. Historically, the trees were important for their resin, which was used to treat lung ailments. An area with light morning shade will help prevent frost damage.
Douglas Fir Tree Care: Tips On Planting A Douglas Fir Tree
The tree's native range spreads from New Mexico's Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of Alaska. The trees are long lived as well. Those growing Douglas firs will soon find that the cones are egg shaped and up to four inches long.Before you start growing Douglas...
You Can Make Your Own Christmas Garland
They always had a decorated stair railing in those homes. But at first, I didn't need a garland when we lived in our old apartment. I also needed a pair of sccissors, some thin wire I already had (florist wire would have been better) and a spool of thread.First...
El Segundo
What Is A Fir Clubmoss Plant?
When worn, these adornments were thought to give the wearer the ability to understand the language ofand beasts. In medieval times, the plants were woven into wreaths and armbands.
Deck the House with Boughs of Holly...and Other Stuff
Simple!This year, instead of draping your house with manmade decorations, use some of Mother Nature's bounty to beautify you home for the holidays. Roll the pinecone in birdseed, then place on a paper plate.
El Segundo
Fraser Fir vs. Balsam Fir
The Fraser fir and balsam fir are closely related and share many characteristics. Both trees make excellent Christmas trees for their needle retention, deep green color, ideal shape and pleasing scent.Balsam firs are found in Canada and the northern United...
Santa Monica
Douglas Fir vs. Balsam Fir
Balsam fir is used in wreath-making. However, Christmas tree growers cannot usually farm Douglas firs outside their native habitats. Balsam firs reach maximum heights of around 60 feet, while the tallest Douglas firs can grow up to 250 feet tall.
Santa Monica
Firs and Spruces
Once established, blue spruces are highly drought tolerant and will survive in many different soil types including alkaline and clay. Read more on what specifically makes spruces and firs different from pines.
El Segundo
Balsam Fir Tree Facts
Resin blisters can be seen on the otherwise smooth bark of the tree. Beavers use the bark of this tree to build dams. As the tree ages, more blisters develop and ooze balsam, an oily resin.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Douglas Fir & Frasier Fir Trees?
They look like oval cylinders with wide, rounded and smooth-edged scales. The branches join the trunk at right angles but angle slightly upward at their branch tips.The needles on both trees appear to be the same color from a distance.From a distance,...
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Fir & Pine Trees?
They are regarded as trees.Pine species are much more numerous, about 120, and native to many forest types in the Northern Hemisphere, from cold regions to the subtropics. Some of the differences mentioned here are reasons why these two conifers are given...
Santa Monica
How Fast Does a Douglas Fir Tree Grow?
Its trunk is tall and ramrod straight, and the tree presents a slender, columnar or pyramidal shape. Both thrive in USDA zones 6 through 10 and, like the Douglas fir, do not require soil amendment or fertilizer.
Santa Monica
This Farm Lets You Cut Down Your Own Christmas Tree
The farm also offers family events (such as opportunities with Santa and horse-drawn wagon rides), wreaths, a gift shop and a bagpipe concert—plenty of things to make getting your Christmas tree a fun experience.
Nature\'s Swag
(These are all Northwest natives except for the latter, which has sprung up here and there on our property from seeds spread by birds.) Back on our front porch, I separated this natural booty into two piles.
Christmas in June
So I find a recipe for spruce tip jelly that sounds like it will work, and during a rain-break, I grab a bowl and wade through wet grass to one of the towering firs at the back of our property.
Make A Winter Evergreen Salve
Remove from heat immediately, and stir gently to blend. In four to six weeks, strain your oil through cheesecloth or muslin. Allow to cool before straining. Salves are easy to apply; the skin absorbs the medicinal properties of the herbs through the oil,...
Growing Your Own Christmas Tree
By planting a new batch of seedlings each spring, rather than all at once, growers are able to ensure that you will have well-sized trees for many years to come. Choosing Your Tree brent flanders/Flickr Not all evergreen trees are created equally.
3 Ways to Protect Evergreens This Winter
Add any necessary supplemental irrigation on warmer days when the top few inches of soil are less likely to be frozen and the water can soak in. This is especially true if we don't get any precipitation for long periods of time or if the ground remains...
Understanding Christmas Tree Varieties
The cost is reasonable and the tree is nicely shaped with full, thick needles. Douglas firs tend to hold their needles very well with and without frequent watering.The spruce tree adds to the Christmas tree variety for people who are looking for something...
Coniferous Tree Facts
Coniferous trees are evergreen plants typically found in mild to colder climates. The cones are the reproductive organ of coniferous plants.Balsam firs are a coniferous tree which can reach up to two hundred years in age.
Santa Monica
Homemade Potting Soil for Orchids
If you are more worried about overwatering than drying, use a medium like clay pellets or rock wool because they dry quickly and will keep excess water away from the plant. If you frequently forget to water your plants, or if you are worried about dryness...
Santa Monica
Blue Christmas Trees (Without the Dyes)
Want something different from the same old green Christmas tree? While the song has nothing to do with Christmas trees themselves, the popularity of the phrase might explain the public's ongoing interest in blue Christmas trees.
El Segundo
Types of Chinese Trees
Propagation is by ripened seed sown in containers in an open frame or by semi-ripe cuttings taken in summer.GYRO PHOTOGRAPHY/amanaimagesRF/amana images/Getty ImagesThe Yulan magnolia tree boasts stunning blossoms that release a heady fragrance in spring.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Orchids From Seeds
To produce orchid plants from seed, the home gardener must first provide a solution containing the necessary nutrients for the orchid seed to develop. Gently pull the orchid plant from the agar when the roots are at least 1/4-inch in length.
Santa Monica