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Non Native Invasive Species

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The Asparagus Fern
The University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants recommends that Florida residents not purchase, propagate or plant the asparagus fern. Although the plant's attractive red berries are not highly poisonous, ingestion can cause gastric upset...
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How My Wild Turkey Hunt Turned Into A Hunt For Invasive Plants
I spent mid- and late mornings walking ridge tops trying to locate a lonely gobble without success. As the storm continued to build, the thunder came more regularly and the wild turkeys sounded off with more enthusiasm.
Announcing the Winners of the 2014 Invasive Species Photo Contest
Sometimes invasive species piggyback in on imported plants or produce like the. This year is no different and the photos show that invasives can be some of the most beautiful and interesting creatures.The images that our members voted as the best in each...
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Goats Enlisted to Fight Invasive Plants
They're stationed at the center's canoe-in campsite area off Dairy Lane, according to the River Bend Nature Center website . The goats are currently at the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, Minn., where they're eating away at buckthorn, wild parsnip...
Invasive Beetle Threatens U.S. Avocados
Compounds released by the two types of wood were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. USDA scientists are concerned that the redbay ambrosia beetle and the disease will soon reach Mexico and California, which are major avocado production...
Battle Invasive Plants During Planting Day
“A lot of insects use oak as habitat so it helps to build up the food chain.” To find out what plants are native to your area, you can visit a number of online resources, including, which allows you to search plants and nurseries by...
How To Control Spider Mites
Each mite lives only a few days, so females lay many eggs and populations can quickly spiral out of control if there are no predators to keep them in check. These little critters are barely visible to the human eye.
Understanding Invasive Plants: Lessons from Floracliff
Is your garden suffering from an invasion? Unpredictable Invasives Some invasive plants are worse than others. James suggests, “If you enjoy butterflies or hummingbirds – grow a native plants garden just for your native pollinators.
Invasive Plants Inhibit Native Growth
Under the same conditions, invasive species offered neutral or negative consequences to other plants. This knowledge offers land managers some species that can be used positively as cover crops, or “nurse” plants.
Invasive Plants: What To Do About Wild Apple Trees In Your Fields
This also means that these tiny trees can be surprisingly old. Instead of growing taller, they've grown wider, adding more branches until they form a tangle so thick that it's difficult to see the main trunk.
Enter Our Third Annual Invasive Species Photo Contest
We hope that they inspire you to enter your own images. The National Wildlife Federation defines an invasive species as, "any kind of living organism-an amphibian, plant, insect, fish, fungus, bacteria, or even an organism's seeds or eggs-that is not...
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Invasive Grass Threatens Western Grazing Lands
Scientists are also studying new ways of restoring medusahead-infested areas. The new study makes it clear that cheatgrass and native grasses may all eventually be replaced by medusahead, which eliminates more than 80 percent of the grazing value of land.
Announcing the Winners of our 2013 Invasive Species Photo Contest!
We'll also have our second annual Dave's Garden Write-off in a couple of weeks for those of you with a literary leaning, so sharpen up those pencils and get ready to submit those stories!Below are our winners, and please take a minute to click on each...
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The Battle Against The Autumn Olive
I'm not sure I'm willing to give up all the benefits of a diverse ecosystem for a berry that frankly tastes quite sour. The seeds are spread by birds and small mammals, and the plants will grow easily in poor soils due to their roots' nitrogen-fixing...
Bats and White Nose Syndrome: Why We Should ALL Be Concerned
Both harmful and beneficial insects, and especially pollinating insects which are already under stress and suffering from Colony Collapse Disorder, will be impacted.The bottom line is this: our nation is experiencing a dramatic, devastating bat die-off...
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Multiflora Rose: Invasive Weed (and Yummy Treat)
And multiflora rose petals are yummy in salad! Tags Martok , Sue Weaver , wild birds Most of the others have pink, five-petaled flowers and few are as thorny as multiflora rose. And it propagates by seeds, too.
Announcing the Winners of our Invasive Species Photo Contest!
The invasives disrupt the normal ecosystem and take resources from native flora and fauna. Help us congratulate the winners and runners-up! Non-natives and exotics may not endanger local species yet, but might become problematic in the future.Our spring...
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5 Invasive Farm Nuisances You Can Make Useful
Japanese Honeysuckle ( Lonicera japonica ) Carol Foil/Flickr Introduced to the U.S. as an ornamental and to help control erosion, Japanese honeysuckle spreads quickly, choking out native species that cross its path.
Is the Tree of Heaven Really the Tree of Hell?
But this smell was a little different, a little more rancid, but not exactly unpleasant. Tree of Heaven Follows Pioneers Tree of heaven is culturally significant in its homelands of central China, Taiwan and Korea, where it is pruned to perfection, showcased...
Don\'t Get Burned by \
So now I am concerned over the success I will have adding this to my zone 4 garden. The native plants, which had been there for eons, never even had a chance.rganic to clay, acidic to alkaline, rocky to sandy) that it is overused in urban landscapes,"...
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Beauty Run Amok
Once planted on your property, it will always be there no matter how judiciously you try to remove it. At first, I thought it was a wisteria tree until I got up close. It's extremely annoying.Multiply that annoyance times a million and you have Golden...
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Wild Roses: The Native Roses and Naturalized Roses of North America
Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. As a low shrub at 1 1/2 ft, with 1 1/2 inch pink blooms in may and June. (HMF) California wild rose occurs west of the Sierra Nevada forming thickets along streams and in moist valley bottoms.
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8 Invasive Species You Should Be Eating
Foragers turn to eating invasive species as a means of control. Japanese Knotweed: This rhubarb-tasting invasive is most tender early in the season. Garlic Mustard : A bitter weed, these leaves add a nice kick to your spring greens, like kale and collards.
Wild Yam
I could not believe I had been lovingly providing stakes for it to grow up on.alists, so in spite of my battle with it, I am going to give it due respect for its historical place in the world of herbal medicine.Growing mainly in the central and southern...
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March 28: Weed Appreciation Day. Have you hugged a weed today?
Has the time come to hug a weed today?Invasive Plants discussion forum (available to subscribers only)by Mitch Fitzgerald (A funny article about letting your garden go to weeds. I should say not! I am simply asking for common cautions in the use of chemicals...
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Wild Senna
One day I wandered around the corner and noticed growing tall against the brick of the house another plant, that atrocious weed that had been growing among the daylilies. I promise you, there was not another root to be seen in the hole that I dug.
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My Wild Pavonia
This means they do not open but instead, self-pollinate & set seed whilst remaining tightly curled beneath the sepals.Over the course of the remaining summer & early autumn, I played with my wild pavonia.
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