If repotting, do so in the spring before new growth commences. Although fairly drought tolerant, they begin shedding if allowed to dry out completely. Repeated dermal exposure to the plant's sap can cause allergic dermatitis in animals.Don't let the asparagus...
The toms, now pushing 20 pounds and armed with inch-long spurs seemed to say, “Try to swoop in and grab us now!” Unfortunately, the gobbles weren't ahead of me as they should have been.
These introductions weren't intentional, but the end result was the same for each country where these invaders decided to set up housekeeping. Our invasive Species Photo contest is a fun way to raise awareness about non-native or introduced plants and...
The goats are currently at the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, Minn., where they're eating away at buckthorn, wild parsnip and Canada thistle. Invasive plant species The couple's company, Goat Dispatch , does just what it says in its name: They...
Results published in the Journal of Chemical Ecology showed that the redbay ambrosia beetles had no strong preference among the three avocado races and that lychee was the most attractive wood.
Throughout the months of September, October and November, groups and individuals are encouraged to beautify public spaces and personal gardens by incorporating native species into the landscape .
Millions of mites are already present before gardeners even notice damage to their plants. Spider mites are often found on garden phlox, dwarf Alberta spruce, azaleas, melons, grapes, strawberries and other plants.
“They might appear beautiful to look at,” says James, “but they're all you're going to see!” The trouble lies in the soil. Could your property innocently be harboring one of Mother Nature's “most wanted?” It may be—in the form of exotic...
These weeds, along with three native grassland perennials, were grown separately through three cycles of growth and soil conditioning. Long after the weeds are controlled or removed, their impact on the soil lingers.
Wait, main trunk? My seemingly improbable belief that these bushes might be miniature apple trees was proven in a visually impressive manner when one of the invasive plants (located near the edge of the field) quietly put on a growth spurt and blossomed...
The week of March 3-8 has been designated National Invasive Species Week in the US. This is our third annual Invasive Species Photo Contest and we invite you to join us! Big box stores around the country are currently stocking their garden centers with...
“That just treats the symptoms but doesn't get to the underlying problem. It found that medusahead has a faster growth rate, a longer period of growth and produced more total biomass than even cheatgrass, another invasive grass species causing major...
We have some very talented photographers in our community and our photo contests are a great way to spotlight these individuals. Dave's Garden is home to gardeners from around the world and we want to keep a global perspective on what is considered invasive.
It's hard to break the grip of an autumn olive once it takes root. Glyphosate and triclopyr are most commonly recommended for autumn-olive eradication, but the former is mildly poisonous to bees and the latter to birds and fish.
Read on to see why you, as a gardener, farmer, or simply a consumer, should be concerned. "If it continues, scientists warn, WNS could result in the biggest decimation of a natural population since the extinction of the passenger pigeon.
Multiflora rose grows in 39 of the continental U.S. states. And multiflora rose petals are yummy in salad! Tags Martok , Sue Weaver , wild birds Most of the others have pink, five-petaled flowers and few are as thorny as multiflora rose.
Bamboo is one of the more infamous of the invading species people sometimes ‘innocently' introduce to their gardens and then later regret it.I have certainly had my share of negative experiences with invasive species here in Southern California in a...
Here's a look at last year's We have some talented photographers among us and we appreciate that they decided to participate in this contest. The winning images are stunning and it just goes to show that beauty is sometimes deceptive.
Here is a list of five nuisance plants and how you can put them to use on your farm until you can eliminate them from your property. Natural Control: Repeated tillage is the best form of natural control for wild blackberries, according to the University...
The duality of relationships different cultures have with this plant characterizes everything I've learned about it. Entrepreneurs attempted to make a small industry out of the caterpillar silk, but failed to replicate the Chinese method of reeling the...
However, here are six reasons you should reconsider before purchasing or planting this invasive plant. Mehrhoff, PhD, University of Connecticut,My list of alternative plants is culled from many different sources, but if you see a familiar suggestion it...
The problem is, the weevils will also eat up a soybean field. This weed with pretty flowers is nothing to play with. It is also an invasive plant in Delaware, but it is rather easy to eradicate in comparison.that ordinary folks take home from the roadside...
“Dandelion is here to stay.” Invasive fish, on the other hand, can be controlled pretty well with hefty harvesting. For years, the Slow Food biodiversity and heritage-breeds preservation movements have been telling us to “eat it to save it,” with...
Leaves will continue to grow and sprout from the top of the spiral. Add an extra touch of style to your current lucky bamboo arrangement or collect a bundle of spiral lucky bamboo to make a full bouquet.
✓ Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderia) thrive in indirect sunlight. Full sun will cause the leaves to turn yellow.
✓ Water level should cover the top of the rocks. However, lucky bamboo will thrive in vases without rocks as well.
✓ We recommend watering your lucky bamboo arrangement with filtered or bottled water.
Measures approximately 2" W x 1.75" L x 4" H. Includes set of two mushrooms. These bright, sunny mushrooms are an easy way to add a pop of color to your terrariums, planters, and gardenscapes.
Measures 2.5" W x 2.5" L x 2" H. Crafted in resin. This bunny reading a book on a tree stump is an easy way to add whimsy and personality to your terrariums, planters, and gardenscapes.
Cup measures 4"L x 2"W x 2.5"H. Measuring cup includes multiple measurements including tbsp, tsp, and oz. Ferti-lome measuring cup makes it extremely easy to mix various kinds of fertilizer or portion out exactly the amount you need for you tree.