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Nitrogen Fixing Plant Drought Tolerant Plant For Sale In Lincoln

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Caspian Locust, Persian Honey Locust Gleditsia caspia     - Gleditsia caspica
Price : CALL

Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby. * Gleditsia caspica ( Caspian Locust or Persian Honeylocust ) is a species of Gleditsia native to western Asia , in the Caucasus region of...
  • Botanical Name: Gleditsia caspia
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Species: caspia
  • Height: 30-35 feet
  • Quantity: 2.08 lb
Georgia False Indigo, False Indigo, Savannah Indigobush Amorpha georgiana  confusa   - Amorpha cyanostachya
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Species: !Amorpha georgiana Wilbur It's habitat is being destroyed and it is currently listed as a threatened species. Superorder: Rosanae Takht. Order: Fabales Bromhead family: Fabaceae Lindl.
  • Collection Locale: Boston MA
  • Quantity: 0.45 lb
  • Genus: Amorpha
  • Height: 2-3 feet
  • Species: georgiana
  • Lot#: 8801
Buck Brush, Snowbrush Ceanothus, Red Root, Tobacco Brush Ceanothus velutinus
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

The flowers are a very good source, when used as a body soap they leave behind a pleasant perfume on the skin. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado , where it grows in several habitat types including coniferous...
  • Family: Rhamnaceae
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Lot#: 110130
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Seeds Per Pound: 150,274
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 78
Japanese Pagoda Tree Styphnolobium japonicum     - Sophora japonica
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* A very ornamental and fast growing tree, it grows best in hot summers. * Grown for its white flowers, borne in late summer after most other flowering trees have long finished flowering.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Family: Leguminosae
  • Species: japonicum
  • Purity: 99%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 11
  • Common Name: Japanese Pagoda Tree
Orange Wattle, Coojong, Golden Wreath Wattle, Blue-leaved Wattle, Western Australian Golden Wattle, Port Jackson Willow Acacia cyanophylla     - Acacia saligna    , Acacia bracteata    , Acacia lindleyi    , Mimosa saligna    , Racosperma salignum
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

This is one of the best woody species for binding moving sand. * It is used for reclaiming eroded hillsides and wastelands and for stabilizing drift sands as well as for fuel. * The yellow flowers appear in early spring and late winter.


    • Germination: 98%
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 56
    • Seeds Per Pound: 26,432
    • Purity: 98%
    • Common Name: Orange Wattle, Coojong, Golden Wreath Wattle, Blue-leaved Wattle, Western Australian Golden Wattle, Port Jackson Willow
    • Family: LEGUMINOSAE
    Orange Wattle, Coojong, Golden Wreath Wattle, Blue-leaved Wattle, Western Australian Golden Wattle, Port Jackson Willow Acacia cyanophylla     - Acacia saligna    , Acacia bracteata    , Acacia lindleyi    , Mimosa saligna    , Racosperma salignum
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    This is one of the best woody species for binding moving sand. * It is used for reclaiming eroded hillsides and wastelands and for stabilizing drift sands as well as for fuel. * The yellow flowers appear in early spring and late winter.
    • Common Name: Orange Wattle, Coojong, Golden Wreath Wattle, Blue-leaved Wattle, Western Australian Golden Wattle, Port Jackson Willow
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
    • Genus: Acacia
    • Germination: 98%
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 56
    • Crop Year: 2013
    Maryland Senna, Wild Senna Senna marilandica     - Cassia marilandica
    Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

    The seedpods can also be used and are milder but slower in their action. The root is cardiac and febrifuge. The leaves area safe and effective cathartic. A poultice of the root has been used in treating sores.


      • Lot#: 9901
      • Germination: 99%
      • Purity: 99%
      • Collection Locale: Minnesota
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 52
      • Species: marilandica
      False Indigo, Desert False Indigo, Bastard Indigobush Amorpha fruticosa
      Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

      * Dark purple or purplish blue flowers in spikes; fast, coarse growth, good for dry, poor soil. Fruticosa grows as a glandular, thornless shrub which can reach 5 or 6 meters in height and spread to twice that in width.
      • Height: 6-10 feet
      • Purity: 99%
      • Genus: Amorpha
      • Family: Fabaceae
      • Quantity: 13.2 lb
      • Common Name: False Indigo, Desert False Indigo, Bastard Indigobush
      Silver Wattle, Mimosa Acacia dealbata
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      * Has various edible uses, such as cooking the flowers and obtaining a gum from the trunk * Native to southeastern Australia in New South Wales , Victoria , Tasmania , and the Australian Capital Territory .
      • Species: dealbata
      • Common Name: Silver Wattle, Mimosa
      • Lot#: 060657
      • Family: Fabaceae
      • Seeds Per Pound: 32,688
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 70
      Beefwood, River Sheoak, River Oak, Creek Oak, River Oak Casuarina, Kasa, Australian Pine Casuarina cunninghamiana
      Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

      * Casuarina cunninghamiana - River Oak , River She-oak , Creek Oak or Fire Oak is a species of Casuarina , native to New South Wales and Queensland , Australia . * Gold, green and grey dyes are obtained from the leaves.
      • Botanical Name: Casuarina cunninghamiana
      • Species: cunninghamiana
      • Quantity: 2.67 lb
      • Genus: Casuarina
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 321
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
      Bristly Locust, Rose Acacia, Rose Locust Robinia hispida  fertilis   - Robinia fertilis
      Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

      Bristly locust is primarily used for surface mine spoil reclamation, industrial waste piles, roadbanks, cuts and fills, etc. It has the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, and with light shade it does not inhibit growth of annual and perennial herbs.
      • Botanical Name: Robinia hispida fertilis
      • Family: Fabaceae
      • Lot#: 9301
      • Quantity: 1.03 lb
      • Genus: Robinia
      • Common Name: Bristly Locust, Rose Acacia, Rose Locust
      Utah Agave Agave utahensis
      Price : CALL

      Plant out in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts, and give some protection from the cold for at least their first few winters. * The heart of the plant is very rich in saccharine matter and can be eaten when baked.
      • Botanical Name: Agave utahensis
      • Common Name: Utah Agave
      • Genus: Agave
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
      New Zealand Sophora Sophora tetraptera
      Price : CALL

      * Beautiful 2" golden yellow pealike flowers in pendulous clusters to 8", in May; pod, to 7", has four wings; evergreen or semideciduous compound leaves; native to both Chile and New Zealand.
      • Family: LEGUMINOSAE
      • Species: tetraptera
      • Genus: Sophora
      • Height: 30 feet
      Bishop Pine, Bishop Pine, Obispo Pine, Santa Cruz Pine, Dwarf Marine Pine, Pricklecone Pine Pinus muricata
      Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

      * The plant can tolerate maritime exposure. * The mature trees grow to a height of 15-25 m, rarely up to 34 m, with a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 m. Muricata has been used in plantations with resultant growth rates higher than in the wild .
      • Species: muricata
      • Botanical Name: Pinus muricata
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Height: 50-80 feet
      • Seeds Per Pound: 36,811
      White Leadtree, White Popinac, Jumbay, Leadtree, Haole Koa Leucaena leucocephala     - Leucaena glauca    , Acacia leucocephala    , Acacia frondosa    , Acacia glauca    , Mimosa leucocephala    , Mimosa glauca
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      * The legume provides an excellent source of high protein cattle fodder. It is also efficient in nitrogen fixation, at more than 500 kg/ha/year. * During the 1970s and 1980s it was promoted as a "miracle tree" for its multiple uses.
      • Species: leucocephala
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Germination: 98%
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 17
      • Quantity: 22 lb
      • Botanical Name: Leucaena leucocephala
      Mealy Wattle, Sweet Acacia, Needle Bush Acacia farnesiana     - Vachellia farnesiana    , Mimosa farnesiana    , Poponax farnesiana
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      * An essential oil called Cassie is distilled from the flowers. * While the point of origin is Mexico and Central America the species has a pantropical distribution incorporating Northern Australia and Southern Asia.
      • Height: 25-30 feet
      • Common Name: Mealy Wattle, Sweet Acacia, Needle Bush
      • Germination: 98%
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Botanical Name: Acacia farnesiana
      • Seeds Per Pound: 4,959
      Nevada Mormon Tea, Nevada Jointfir Ephedra nevadensis
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      * Ephedra nevadensis ( Nevada ephedra ) is a species of Ephedra native to dry areas of western North America. * The stems of most members of this genus contain the alkaloid ephedrine and are valuable in the treatment of asthma and many other complaints...
      • Purity: 99%
      • Germination: 83%
      • Common Name: Nevada Mormon Tea, Nevada Jointfir
      • Collection Locale: Utah
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
      • Genus: Ephedra
      Carob Tree, St. John\'s Bread, Saint John\'s Bread Ceratonia siliqua
      Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

      * The seedpods are filled with a saccharine pulp and can be eaten both green or dried. * As a xerophytic (drought-resistant) species, carob is well adapted to the ecological conditions of the Mediterranean region.
      • Botanical Name: Ceratonia siliqua
      • Collection Locale: Italy
      • Germination: 98%
      • Height: 45 feet
      • Species: siliqua
      • Common Name: Carob Tree, St. John's Bread, Saint John's Bread
      Field Clover Trifolium campestre     - Trifolium procumbens
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

      The species name campestre means "of the fields". * Trifolium campestre , commonly known as Hop Trefoil and Low Hop Clover , is a species of clover native to Europe and western Asia , growing in most areas, but specifically thriving on dry, sandy grassland...
      • Seeds Per Pound: 649,220
      • Height: 6-12in.
      • Germination Test Type: Actual
      • Quantity: 0.06 lb
      • Common Name: Field Clover
      • Collection Locale: Holland
      Yellowbells, Yellow Trumpetbush Tecoma stans
      Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

      Yellow Trumpetbush is a ruderal species , readily colonizing disturbed, rocky, sandy , and cleared land and occasionally becoming an invasive weed The leaves and roots of the plant contain bioactive compounds, especially monoterpenes , which may have...
      • Genus: Tecoma
      • Crop Year: 2012
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Quantity: 1.69 lb
      • Common Name: Yellowbells, Yellow Trumpetbush
      • Botanical Name: Tecoma stans
      Caspian Locust, Persian Honey Locust Gleditsia caspia     - Gleditsia caspica
      Price : CALL

      Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby. * Gleditsia caspica ( Caspian Locust or Persian Honeylocust ) is a species of Gleditsia native to western Asia , in the Caucasus region of...
      • Common Name: Caspian Locust, Persian Honey Locust
      • Genus: Gleditsia
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Seeds Per Pound: 2,270
      • Botanical Name: Gleditsia caspia
      • Crop Year: 2017
      Judas Tree Cercis siliquastrum
      Price : CALL

      The flower buds are pickled and used as a condiment. * The deep pink flowers are produced on year-old or older growth, including the trunk in late spring ( cauliflory ). * The tree produces long flat pods that hang vertically.
      • Height: 25-36 feet
      • Family: Fabaceae
      • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
      • Botanical Name: Cercis siliquastrum
      • Species: siliquastrum
      • Germination: 98%
      Purple D\'Oro Daylily
      Prices start at : 4.99 USD / each

      Growing only 20'' tall, you will be able to find several places for it in your garden. You'll be thrilled with the first flush of 3'' purple blooms from June to October. The Purple D'Oro daylily is a wonderfully colored reblooming daylily.
      • Colors: Purple
      • Genus: Hemerocallis 'Purple D'Oro'
      • Zones: 3-9
      • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
      Asparagus Pea, Princess Pea, Goa Bean, Manila Bean, Four-angled Bean, Winged Bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
      Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

      * It grows abundantly in hot, humid equatorial countries, from the Philippines and Indonesia to India , Burma , Thailand and Sri Lanka . They tastes like French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris).
      • Common Name: Asparagus Pea, Princess Pea, Goa Bean, Manila Bean, Four-angled Bean, Winged Bean
      • Collection Locale: Holland
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Species: tetragonolobus
      • Seeds Per Pound: 1,135
      • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 7
      Sonoran Scrub Oak Quercus turbinella
      Price : CALL

      * Quercus turbinella is a species of oak known by the common names Sonoran scrub oak and shrub live oak . It is most common in chaparral habitat in central Arizona , through the transition zone of the Mogollon Rim – White Mountains , but also southeast...
      • Family: Fagaceae
      • Species: turbinella
      • Height: 6- 15 feet
      • Common Name: Sonoran Scrub Oak
      American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana
      Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

      * American beautyberries produce large clusters of purple berries, which birds and deer eat, thus distributing the seeds. It is juicy, sweet, fleshy, slightly aromatic. * Native to southeastern U.S.; lavender-pink or bluish flowers from mid- to late summer,...
      • Species: americana
      • Height: 6-8 feet
      • Family: Verbenaceae
      • Collection Locale: LA
      • Germination: 77%
      • Genus: Callicarpa
      Littleleaf  Caragana, Littleleaf Peashrub Caragana microphylla
      Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

      It sends roots down really fast to lock itself onto shifting sands and in search of moisture. It may be hard to kill! * Caragana microphylla is a polymorphic species and in some cases with transitional forms.
      • Germination Test Type: cut
      • Height: 3-12 feet
      • Family: Fabaceae
      • Purity: 99%
      • Germination: 98%
      • Botanical Name: Caragana microphylla