You know the one. (I would argue with that since we seem to find them regularly.)The number of leaflets on clovers is genetically determined. Ah, the four leaf clover…so much to be said about this misfit of nature.
Their fan-like form and easy growth from rhizomes are excellent accents in containers, perennial gardens, and even coastal regions. Use a couple of inches of organic mulch around the root zone to conserve moisture, prevent weeds and insulate the rhizomes.Occasionally,...
New zealand rabbits white pinked eyed and also colored rabbits of any size very reasonable. I need new zealand pinked eyed rabbits weighting between 51/2 to 6lb no older than 12weeks old all I can get for a very reasonable price.
I am looking to buy new zealand white and californian rabbits in alberta, bc and montana Will look at some that is older than one year Will take rabbits from 8 weeks to one year in age.
Want 1 buck and 2 does to start small meat breeding farm. Willing to pick up within 100 miles of Pittsburgh, PA or will consider paying for shipping from elsewhere.
Not registered OK. I live 35 miles south of Fort Worth TX. Prefer within 100 miles of Fort Worth Texas. The closer the seller is , the easier it will be for me to pick up rabbits. Would like to purchase young does.
Processor Looking To Buy Rabbits breed type NZW,CAL any meat type rabbit no sick rabbits Looking to buy rabbits 4 to 6 pounds and needing roaster size rabbits also we buy in large numbers and if you can supply us on a regular basis that would be great...
Looking to purchase New Zealand White Rabbits to buy year round. The amount I am looking to purchase is 500-600 Rabbits a week. I am looking to purchase New Zealand White Rabbits 5.5-6.5lbs year round.
I am looking for 1 buck and 3-5 does to begin a commercial rabbit business in Oklahoma. Any information regarding the rabbit business in the Oklahoma City area would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for 10 to 15 new zeland white bucks and does to get going in the rabbit industry I am needing 10 to 15 new zeland white bucks and does if at anyone is looking to sell please write me
Green Valley Farm is looking for fryers to buy we only buy newzeland and californian fryers We are looking for fryers 4 to 4 1/2 lbs for more information please contact us we will be glad to speak with you
Looking For Rabbit Growers We Are A Processor In Georgia Looking To Buy Fryer Size Rabbit We Also Buy Stewers At 70 Cents A Pound We Would Like TO Buy Your Fyers At 12 Weeks Old And We Pay 90 Cents A Pound We Are Looking To Take On A Couple Of New Grower...
I'm wanting to raise rabbits for meat. Please let me know how much they will cost Three females and one male, under 1 year old to breed and supply meat for a family. New zealand reds and whites are supposed to be the best.
Looking fornew zealand meat rabbits, to sell and braed, must be 6 mounth or older. Looking for meat rabbits in louisiana, to bread and sell, so if enty one can help plz, email me.
Looking for a breeder within 100 miles of Omaha. Do not have to be pedigreed but must be pure. We are looking to purchase NZW rabbits. Looking for NZW breeders in nebraska or within 100 miles of Omaha.
If you have another type breed of meat rabbit that you thought was comparable, I would consider it also. The age is not important if priced accordingly. Thanks Marie Kay Looking for approximately 2 bucks and 4 doe.
Pedegree required, starting a commercial rabbit meat farm. One Doe and a Buck needed in condition which will meet animal importation standards. Seller must be able to export animals to jamaica.
We have a small family farm and we would like to add a rabbits to our farm. If you can help send us an email, Thanks in advance. Our small family farm needs Rabbits for family food, maybe even getting the kids to show some Rabbits.
Trying to increase stock (meat rabbits), in need of breeding stock of new zealand whites, please forward any info on breeders/sellers We pay if you ship/ usps has guarranteed live arrive shipping, would like to buy at least 2- 3 bucks -6-8 doe, housing...
I am in the market for some new blood in my barn and am looking for young rabbits I would like to find someone in the Arkansas or Missouri area with commercial New Zealand white rabbits for sale i would like fryer size but am also interested in young...
Also looking for quality Rex rabbits to be bread for fur. Looking for pure-breed. Buying breeding stock of New Zealand Whites, Reds, and Blacks. Also looking for breeding stock of Rex rabbits.
Also need equipment, cages, new or good used considered. Metal hanging type. Starting small need apx 20 doe's 2 - 3 bucks. Intending to start breeding New Zealands again for meat. Looking for good healthy stock at realistic prices.
Hi I would like to get these rabbits for about $10 or less. Adults please,no babys.Also in the area of custer. HI I would like these rabbits for about $10 or less. Adults please,no babys.
Please contact me if you can help or know someone who can. Even if you don't have all that i need i will buy what you can give me. Needs to be from oregon or washinton. I am starting a rabbit farm.
Also looking for 8 week old friers. If you have any e-mail or call. I am looking for 30 to 100 new zealand rabbits. I am located in gainesville, missouri Looking for 25-50 new zealand does and 3 to 5 new zealand bucks.
Want to purchase male and 3 females to start up breeding. Have breed rabbits before, but I am interested in bigger rabbits to sell for their meat. I would like to purchase male and 3 females for start up breeding to sell for meat