2017 - 25 foot pull-type tedder- 6 basket- 7 arms per rotor- Best tedder on the market- This fluffer has turbo-tine arms, Larger transport tires- The only German fluffer that will not windrow.
Fold and tilt- 7 arms per rotor- Excellent 4-basket tedder- This fluffer will not windrow like other German fluffers. 0% financing for 48 months. Best tedder on the market. 2017 Claas Volto 52T- 17.5 foot- Hyd.
Hitch full float- Tandem axle. Can get the 0% financing for 48 months. Only two left at this price. Heaviest 3Pt. hitch rotary rake on the market- 10 ft working width- 3pt.