PRICED WAY UNDER COST -- MUST CALL!!! New - New Holland 258 Rake, model year 2016, steel tines, 5.00x15 4 pr tires, dolly wheels & hitch, no tires on the dolly wheels, rims only
2016 New Holland 3417 ProTed A ProTed rotary cutter helps you make high-quality hay even in difficult weather conditions. The ProTed 3417 model is ideal for traditional haymakers using 9 or 10 foot mowers and mower-conditioners.
We have three units in stock. New 2017 New Holland 819 Procart 8-wheel V rake, one arm per each rake wheel, center kicker wheel. Please call for best cash/finance program.
Tedding "fluffs" your crop and distributes it to evenly dispose damn hay to sunlight and air, allowing the crop to dry quicker, so you can bale before the bad weather hits. The ProTed 3417 model is ideal for traditional haymakers using 9 or 10 foot mowers...