CALL FOR BEST PRICE!! -- NEW - New Holland Procart 819 8 wheel rake, 2018, 55" - 40 tine per wheel raking wheels, minimum working width 16' 4", maximum working width 18', windrow width 3' - 6' 7", with center kicker wheel
I am quitting the haying business and would like to sell my Galfre rotary rake model AG 350/10. The tarp used to catch the hay to form the row is a little ripped and could be replaced but I have raked without even using it and still got good fluffy rows.
Selling for 800 or best offer. Versatile and compact 20" turf dethatcher Folding handle for easy transportation 28 heat-treated flail blades with spacing of 11/16" standard adjustable up to 1-3/8" 5-position, single action height adjustment Heavy-duty,...
Unlike metal tools, Little Diggers tools are built from a soft, yet durable plastic that is kid safe (non-metal). Little Diggers are fully functional tools made just for kids. Little Diggers are offered in bright, vibrant colors that will not rust.
The head is made of powder coating carbon steel. It comes with a soft PVC ergonomic handle. Long 5 teeth rake weights 0.5 lb. It is a durable tool for collecting leaves and loosening ground soil.
After 35 years, Hisco's mission continues to focus on providing our customers the highest quality professional grade hand tools. The rake features an extremely durable handle and blade for withstanding many years of use.
The Razor-Back contractor lute is designed with a wide head to level quickly and smoothly. It is a heavy duty lute that is great for contractor and professional use, as well as serious homeowners.
The Nisaku Stainless Steel Rake has a specially designed "T-Shaped" head that has a comfortable handle and sharp blade to help get rid of pesky weeds, plants, and much more. Tackle pesky weeds head-on with the Nisaku Stainless Steel Rake.
✓ Handle size: 60 in.
✓ Efficient design with an ergonomic handle ensures comfortable, all day use
✓ Authentic Nisaku/tomita manufacturing, exclusively distributed by Snow Joe, LLC
Windrow width: 67 Operating weight: 2,115 lbs Tractor requirement: 50 hp Hydraulic requirement: 1 DA Call for price and financing information. Working width: 218 Max. Transport height: 79 Transport width: 85 Tread width outside of tires:...
The Truper Tool 26-Tine Pro Spring Rake features solid steel tines and a 54 in. Great for raking your yard or garden. Fiberglass handle. The lightweight, rust-resistant rake is perfect for long use in your yard or garden.