New 2800 Haybuster Bale Processor, will process square and round bales, holds two bales at a time, great for bunk feeding, windrow feeding and reclamation work for pipeline and erosion control.
New Haybuster H-1000 tub grinder, comes with your choice of screens, mill grate kit and geyser plate kit, small 21 spline pto, requires a minimal of 115 HP pto tractor.
We sell the 1060s standard with our own walking beam axles or our self-steering axles (pictured here) Available options include: Planetary cooling package 2 Speed gearbox 2 Speed cooling package APM HD 8ft conveyor Extended and folding conveyors 8" Rubber...
- Platform standard. - Auger drive includes integral planetary bearing tower design with flange drive resulting in the strongest support for the auger when mixing large round bales.