This top of the line gin pole bed will help make your everyday tasks a breeze for years to come. Features may include: Steel Structural Frame 4 Runner Channels Formed 3/16 Channel Cross Members Steel Tube Head Rack w/ Cross Bars, Tail & Rev.
Multiple lighting choices and cast housings are also available. Our receiver allows you to add a hitch for bumper pull cargo and a gooseneck ball is standard in case you are hauling a heavyweight.
Add optional bale spikes for moving hay bales around the ranch or a gooseneck trough and 3/16 tread plate deck to tackle your toughest towing jobs. Also standard is a full skirted rear bumper with a grip tape step.
Standard angled corners help you maneuver into tight spaces and standard exposed rub rail and stake pockets give you plenty of contact points for securing any load. Standard lifetime LED lights ensure you will never be left in the dark and the tubular...
The Norstar Western Hauler Bed is sure to win first in class when you combine with your first class hauling rig. We have put just about every option on this bed except the kitchen sink - standard.
Exposed stake pockets and rub rail ensure you have tie down points for any load and LED lights are standard on all SRs. Full skirted rear bumpers finish off every model as an additional standard feature.