Elect.hammer mill for diffirent jobs around the farm.I am planing to grow my own grain this year. Elect.hammer mill with diffirent type of screens.I would like grind grits,corn mill,scrach feed for live stock.
Only used 650 hours. 35 PTO Horsepower with 8 forward and & 2 reverse speeds. Like brand new. For Sale 1998 2360 Long Diesel Tractor with six foot front loader and finishing mow.
Mueller 3000 gal milk tank, two 10 hp Mueller compressors, washer, excellent condition, $29,000 obo. Also Delaval Cell Counter DCC, one year old, like new, $2,100, call
It has 60\" belly mower, 410 loader with 50\" bucket, and 60\" box scraper with 5 scaficers. This tractor has approximatly 158 hours on it and has served me well. If not for a divorce I would never seel this unit, make my loss your gain.
Otherwise in great condition! Cost $3000 new and will sell for $1000. Needs new PTO shaft and knives. Otherwise in great condition! $1000 I will ship although shipping charges will be added to sale price.
System features a wireless on/off power FOB so user starts and stops the saw on command. Provides excellent stand-off capability and offers separately sold accessories for the only tree trimming tool you will ever need to invest in.
Everything you want in a dressage saddle. Hand made in Walsall, England, soft supple Water Buffalo leather that feels \"broken in\", Elegant Elk knee grips cushion and support the rider's knees, Lifetime guaranteed tree...
The Saddles originally ship out of Laredo Texas Directly to your home or business. The Leather Saddles are built in Montemorelos Mexico with great pride. A Variety of very durable leather Horse Saddles three sizes: 13\", 14\", and 16\"...
In Stock Now! New 2018 Barrett Hog/Cattle Trailer, Punchside Construction, 53' x 102", Air Ride Suspension with 10'-2" Spread Axle, Steel Subframe, (8) Accuride Aluminum Wheels on 295/75R22.5 Tires, Deluxe LED Light Package (170 LED Lights), Stainless...